Other urls found in this thread:

Yeah, because we haven't had experts predicting the end of his campaign/presidency a gorillion times before.

Someone's gonna look pretty dang foolish soon.

Of course, this is the cuck that tried to lobby against Trump during the campaign, stating he had no chance.

Tony Swartz best selling book was Art of the Deal.

Like so many used Trump to line his pockets by getting his name in the press.

>says some shit to get his name in the press
>sells 20 or so books
>gets a speaking gig

At this point, it's laughable.

Tony (((Schwartz)))


Dudes super jelly and full of shit. Nothing to see here.

Disregard this boys, Trump ain't going nowhere.

Has anyone here actually read his tweets? This nigga is O B S E S S E D.

Cenk Fat also said this recently too.

Why the fuck would he do that?

Even if he wanted to... surely it would be better to ride it out for his reputation.

The left is now officially a retard

Like so many others, they don't realize that the greatest thing they accomplished was actually on the back of someone greater than their self.

This guy has spoke before, and he's always full of crap.


>someone familiar with his thinking

>this will surely be the end of Drumpf's presidency


Sage in all fields

That's a fucking Jew.


literally who?

> is this the beginning of the end

Lmaooo Drumpft BTFO aginnn!!!

Kek, Purple Revolution is ending. You have an American flag you want the destroy the greatest human experiment that ever existed in the world.

Yeah, Trump is seething. That's why he did that autist sperg out in his lobby. It's been a week and he's still getting hammered for being a giant douche.

What happened in government? Nothing. Nothing at all because Trump is a NOTHING BURGER president.

Bannon legit did an interview where he fucking BURIED Trump. Not surprised it hasn't made the rounds here since it's /yourguy/ vs. /yourguy/ and Bannon thinks you're legit retards just like POTUS.

Trump won't run for a 2nd term. My guess is he'll fight through and when he's an even bigger laughingstock then he has been his whole life he'll declare victory and bow out.

And you guys will eat it up, because you're dumbfuck Trumpcuck snake-oil customers.

This shit is glorious.



>cry like a bunch of children for a year straight trying to impeach him
>nothing happens
>m-maybe he'll just resign.... DRUMPF BTFO

The absolute state of these people

>huff post

Yeah ok, totally credible

Don't post this tabloid garbage here OP

This comment reads like a fucking buzzfeed article with random EMPHASIS and attempted MEMEING.

Nice try fuckboi.

They guy who wrote ART OF THE DEAL.

It's the book Trump paid to have written and then put his name on.

Nice try Jew. Get ready for a fuckin

I can't tell whether you're ironically shitposting or actually retarded

>guy who worked with Trump for a few weeks almost three decades ago knows Trump's innermost thoughts
Sup Forums B T F O

>the absolute state of the alt-left when hillary gets indicted instead

who here /excited/

Good response fuckface. You have any comments on reality or are you just a triggered little bitch?



Even worse b8 m8


Fake news. President is a weapons grade shitposter, even if he had approval ratings below 1% it wouldn't be appropriate of him to resign.

> i continue to believe that Donald Trump will not be pre


Is Tony (((Schwartz))) the increasingly nervous man that gets referenced so much?

Guys look, I think Schwartz has a point, It really might be over this time.

I'll believe it when the Mexican warlocks start coming out of the woodwork again.

Did you pick out your new bacpack for the school year kiddo?

I'm off the charts /mydude/

Shills btfo

My neighbor quoted this exact article contents TWO months ago

Thanks, nobody saw that.

We have the highest IQ neonazis- don't we 'pedes?

I agree, black people are objectively less attractive as has been scientifically proven by AI-judged beauty contests.

trump will never resign.
he will either have to have a medical problem, or the congress will have to declare him unwell, with 2/3 majority, and force him out.

that is a well known fact, trump will never continue even his first term cuz hes an autist white supermacist white fart scum fagit

fuck white people

Unlikely, whatever you may thing of Trump he definitely sees the writing on the wall regarding the dispossession and oppression of whites.
He will not give up for the sake of his own children, they'll have to bury him.

This tactic isn't going to work, newfriend.

drumpf is about to drop out of the race

im with her now!!

>Germano-Jewish Last name.


Youre projecting again.

I predict OP will eat my shit


TYT is pushing this narrative to. Are (((they))) planning something?

He looks nervous.


>Remembering what Trump said of people that cross him

>make a deal for immunity and then resign
Ha, make a deal for what? The Russia shit? That's going nowhere.

this faggot wrote the exact same shit a couple of months ago, I remember. I didn't find any articles, just the new ones.

Trump does not strike me as a quitter

They are trying to give the alt left a c reason to keep pushing, if they are doing this its a sign they are losing interest.

>Huffington Post

No, they're just that desperate. The Russia shit fell apart, and they know that he'll never be impeached. It's all they have left.

felix sater in the next 45 days will be the most known man in US history

Oh no, it looks like we've finally been btfo for real this time my fellow Sup Forumsacks, whatever will we do now?

Wow trump didn't praise violent communists, it's over for him


Shill trying to shill the other shills by larping shill thread.

Like clockwork, the nasty kike stabs him in the back. Not that it will do anything other than reinforce the fact that you should never trust a Jew.

oh boy.

Didn't the same guy predict something else?

HAHAHA, you poor leftists. You really are putting yourself through more pain than is necessary.
You all need to take a mental health break before you go on a shooting spree.


This is literally a word for word copy pasted title from an old article.

If Trump resigns the left is fucked.

Mike Pence is going to electrocute the gay out of them.

A ghost writer from the 80's makes a prediction.

I promise you Trump won't resign... I also promise you this faggot won't admit he's wrong long after it's proven he is.

It's an attempt by the left to cause a stock market crash, they are trying to make investors panic.

That's all this is.