Watch Sup Forums defend this

Watch Sup Forums defend this.

Only the left is calling the statues "participation trophies". Normal people are referring to them as monuments.

How would the left feel about calling Native American statues "participation trophies"?

Native American statues are monuments to the people themselves. Confederate statues are remembrance of their actions during the war.

Well, guess we can tear down all those Holocaust memorials too, then...

>These mental gymnastics

Holy shit, teach me

Mind explaining the distinction?

Feds are all over Sup Forums

Tear down Seattle's Lenin statue! Lenin was a capitalist pigdog who corrupted the great experiment of communism with his NEPmen!

Yes yes and 2+2=5 comrade


>doesn't show geo flag

>implying they lost

This triggers the confederates

>How would the left feel about calling Native American statues "participation trophies"?
According to the right, the left embraces "participation trophies", so I guess they're fine with it.
Except that the "participation trophy" narrative is a strawman to begin with...

newfags don't sage and hide obvious and shitty bait threads

I always comment back, "Absolutely agreed, which is why we should bulldoze Auschwitz and Dachau. Are there any greater sites of pure emotional torment than these two monuments to the Third Reich? It's time we tore them down and stopped giving Nazis such an important symbol."

You should see the absolute butt-flustering that results. "But Muh muh, never forget!!!"

>le reddit humor

We have monuments to Vietnam vets and they're losers. No shame in putting up statues to people who fought for your state.

>Make strawman argument against strawmen argument

this is confusing....i dont see the button labeled GAS JEWS.

>Watch Sup Forums defend this.
Non-Whites don't get to have a say in White culture, heritage or countries.

American Indians should be deported back to Mongolia, where they came from.

But they aren't participation trophies. They are monuments to those who died in the war

Wrong. The Nazis lost.


And Malcolm X preached race segregation, Muhammad Ali explicitly denounced race mixing, and MLK was a womanizer.

It's almost like historical figures are complicated.

>implying that the redskins never fought in wars


>look mom I posted it again!



There were many undefeated Confederate generals

I like grant, unlike Yankees I can appreciate opponents

As soon as you go back to Europe, then Africa, Bubba.

What is there to explain? It's the same as monuments to collectively commemorate Italian Americans, Australian Chinese or any other ethnic minority.

shitposting? in MY pol?

Then lets get rid of cemetaries and graves. People who died clearly lost at life

Yeah until we start removing Native American statues, OP's argument is invalid

watch leftypol completely misunderstand the various purposes of monuments

>I dunno six gorrillion is a huge number


OP already gave up lol