Lincoln bust burned

>A Chicago alderman wants to know who vandalized a bust of Abraham Lincoln in West Englewood.

>Ald. Ray Lopez (15th) posted a picture of the damaged monument on Facebook, calling it a “disgraceful act of vandalism.”

>A plaque on the weathered bust, at 69th Street and Wolcott Avenue, said it was erected in 1926 by Phil Bloomquist. It was damaged and burned by the vandals, Lopez posted.

>Lopez pleaded on Facebook that “if anyone has any information regarding this act, please contact the police or my office immediately.”

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#nodifference #goodbyegeorge

PRObably some Alt Ruth



I doubt it's Antifa. Call me an idiot, but I honestly hope they aren't such destructive idiots to deface the bust of someone who by all rights they should be idolizing.


Wait.. didn't Lincoln free the slaves?

That cunt should be burned.

This slope sure is getting slippery

Trump was right. They're going after non confederate statues


Keep it up goys. White House, MT Rushmore, America, the world!!



b-b-ut slippery slope d-duddnt e-exist

You're an idiot.

White liberals seeing first hand how the nigger will bite them regardless of what they do and they still refuse to see.


Choose both.

And why do you think Antifa did it? Or did you just want to call someone an idiot on the internet?

>Ald. Ray Lopez
yeah I'm pretty sure this is a false flag by him to make us look worse

How do we know this was not a false flag?

it's a false flag by the alt-right, they're the ones who burnt that statue

Because who else would do something like this?



You fuck, they're even attacking statues of peace and of Joan of Arc. Joan of fucking Arc. Why would you think Lincoln is somehow outside the scope of their nihilistic rage?

I wonder if Lincoln would have regret his decision if he saw the rabid niggers of today.

Lincoln was a garbage traitor and a thief

Hopefully all of Chicago burns down next

lmao, that's one of the worst blocks in chicago

Makes you feel for the Africans. Wouldn't wish burger niggers on anyone.

>The man who was responsible for freeing all the slaves in the country and paid for it with his life at the hands of the democrat party of that era gets disrespected by the descendants of the very people he liberated

>West Englewood

Likely a nig who
1. doesnt know who Lincoln is/ that the bust was lincoln
2. wanted to burn some shit

Alt Left strikes again

There is exactly a 0.00% chance this was an Alt-Righter

"But he was an evil Republican!!"

Its Chicago. Fuck yourself.



he wanted them sent back to africa

what's wrong being sent back home?

Lincoln was a murder and a racist. Pay no attention the fact he saved America from balkanization.

honestly we should be doing this to statues of washington/lincoln and pinning it on the left whenever we can

a wave of attacks on our national history by our enemies can only help us in the long run

Extremists on the other side.
Someone else paid by Soros.

Just to name a few.

Because he freed black people from slavery, as the narrative goes. They should have at least an ounce of respect for him and his monuments.
Or maybe I'm just being optimistic.

It's literally a no-go zone if you're white. So glad I'm in McHenry renting a comfy house.

Why it did not happen? The 14th was a mistake

Didn't he also say even though he was freeing them from slavery he never thought they should hold office or intermarry with white people?

We don't need to fake shit we have enough of you nigger lefties to do that for us, thankyou very much. Truth is our sword and Faith is our shield.

Abraham Lincoln was racist cause he was white. All white """"people""""" are born racist pieces of shit. All y'alll

I doubt they live in this niggerhood

Implying it would have been negative

He was a racist who wanted to send all the blacks to Africa. All hail John Wilkes Booth for assassinating him before he could carry out his racist plot.

lincoln honestly didn't care about slavery, if he could have ended the civil war without freeing a single slave he would have, all he cared about was keeping the union together

>on all sides
but that's fucking wrong though. Communism > fascism tbqh

because he got fucking shot in the back of the head by a kike before he got the chance.

In 1858, he said,“…I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality.”

bottom one is literally just accelerationism

In what way?

Given the area they say it's in and the Fact Chimpcango is leftist territory ... it would be miraculous if anything close to'right' got in that area to do that.



How long until americans start unironically building Lenin and Che statues?
Fucking muppets

They hate white people, that is their only driving force.,_Seattle

Too late

That's what he gets for not genociding the racist south after the war.

Game over, man.

Also a perfect opportunity for the civil rights movement then. He should have stepped down and let a black woman become president if he was truly on our side.

definitely a nigger hating spic street crew.

This one I don't mind too much. Needs to stop though. Stupid fucking niggers.

Nah, we're just getting started. Americans always have to be pushed to the brink before we fight back, but once we throw down everybody gets wrecked.

>69th Street and Wolcott Avenue,

Well it certainly wasn't a white guy, especially if it happened at night

Someone should put a flaming tire around this ones neck.

obvious false flag is ...obvious?

honestly the fact that it's even possible is just fucking crazy.

what a fucking decade we live in.


I really do hope so, the world goes wherever you guys go, at least for now.

Please keep doing this retards, every historical monument you destroy brings us closer to the day of the rope

african niggers are worse desu

Inb4 it turns out to be some dumb black or muslim.

uh oh. the sub-apes who did this didnt livestream it? does this mean they are learning?!

>nb4 dumb nigggers
if only

Except it's not "history vs. modern culture" where pro-statue people just want to protect their historical heritage.

Those statues were largely built around 1920 - many decades after the civil war. This was when the KKK was surfacing as a reaction against civil rights. Building those statues was controversial and debated back then. They were never contemporary memorials to their fighting generals - they were always meant to be a middle-finger to civil rights.



This is the third repetition of America's historic cycle of race relations. We always start with trying to have an egalitarian, universalist, meritocratic society which treats people equally under the law. This fails because the races aren't equal. Whites violently struggle with each other as we come to terms with that reality, and in the end we adopt white supremacy as the means to deal with race problems and reestablish unity and peace among white people.

The first time we went through this cycle it culminated in Bacon's rebellion and the implementation of race based slavery.

The second time was the civil war and the failure of reconstruction, which then culminated in segregation.

The third time started with the civil rights movement, and will come to it's (white supremacist) conclusion within a decade (if not sooner).


Now, how can we manipulate lefties into burning their money because it has evil racists on it?

Thing is.

Its not "white supremacism" even. Its people who align with fucking civilisation, mostly white people.


We need to meme BLM and the left into hating Lincoln for wanting to send blacks back to Africa

yeah, fuck him for giving rights to apes
reap what you sow

>burning statues of Joan of Arc
apex kek

>Bacon's rebellion
What, you think we didn't bring blacks over to the US in order to enslave them? It's not like black slavery started right there.

almost seems like they went a step up from slavery. You mean to tell me this is a cycle?

Yeah the conclusion that, according to your "cycle" will probably leaving them a step above whatever's happening now like in all of your crappy little examples.

>Those statues were largely built around 1920 - many decades after the civil war. This was when the KKK was surfacing as a reaction against civil rights.
>civil rights

The "Civil Rights Era" doesn't start until the late '50s. The rise of the Klan in the 1920s was spurred by immigration. It was triggered by the refusal and failure of Catholic immigrants to assimilate into American society, and was a reaction to violence, crime, and general corruption which plagued Catholic ethnic communities at the time. Those statues were raised to "Give the finger to civil rights", they were raised as testimony to the power and reach of the Klan, and as a warning to North Eastern liberals that they had gotten the civil war wrong just like they were getting immigration wrong. The Klan won the argument by the way, hence the passage of the 1924 immigration act.

Honestly the (((power structure))) has been subverting the black culture in America for quite some time. In the early 90s hip hop did not glorify being a gangster piece of shit. Then the corporations got involved and voila, fuck bitches, sell drugs, shoot niggas. I'm sure that the private prisons were very happy about that shift.

YES! Fuck that whiteboy.

Lincoln was a horrible person.

turn black against the left by attacking the pyramids
kangs will get angry

death toll

Tit for tat. It has been established that you can destroy statues if they offend your personal, subjective opinions.

It should be obvious that it would get turned right back around towards the North. Surely they weren't stupid enough to think this wouldn't happen?

Statue of the man who Freed the slaves, gets burned and vandalized. The Alt Left strikes again !!!

Okay, but it was still built by the klan to make a point.

Still means the whole "MUH HISTORY not racist" side to protecting these statues is retarded

And in all honesty the cities that large amounts of Italians and irish settled in are complete leftist shitholes ( Chicago, New York, Boston)

>Lincoln bust burned
*breathes in*

How's it feel, libfaggots?

Might as well false flag as Antifa while at it. Afterall they believe in taking down the entire system. The Left for now is just a political ally of expediency but in the end the Antifa wants to overthrow everything.