Southerners who were heroes of the United States and didnt get a gorillion statues
Southerners who were heroes of the United States and didnt get a gorillion statues
But that would offend the Japs desu
Audie Murphy, Texan war hero
Sure you know about him, since
Alvin York of Tennessee
>Nine of the Americans were quickly wounded or killed, but York—a crack shot from his days as a turkey hunter—escaped unscathed and began picking off the German gunners with his rifle. When six of the enemy tried to charge York with bayonets, he drew his .45 pistol and shot them all. He had soon forced the remaining Germans to surrender, and later claimed even more prisoners on his way back to the American lines. All told, York and his men captured 132 enemy soldiers, and he may have singlehandedly killed around 20 German troops.
We Like Ike
(Not a traitor against the United States of America)
George Washington, of Virginia.
Who has more statues in the South - him, or the men who committed treason against the country he helped found?
James Madison. Founding father and Commander in Chief during the War of 1812.
Of Virginia.
Didn't he commit treason against Britain?
Doc Ballard of Missouri. Medal of Honor recipient in Vietnam.
No taxation without representation. The South had representation.
Harry S Truman, also Missouri. CiC of WWII and the Korean War.
Get fucked. Villainous neolib federal scum
>No taxation without representation.
Was that rule a part of British law?
Left all those soldiers to rot in the Philippines while he ran away. He should have stayed with his men.
>neolib federalist scum
Learn something about your own history, you have so little of it after all. Fucking retard.
>"Dugout Doug" MacArthur
Top kek.all he ever had was Inchon and our needless foray to retake the Phillipines. Overrated af.
Charles Barker of South Carolina. Gave his life for the Stars and Stripes in the Korean War. Medal of Honor recipient.
This guy in pic related. I don't have the YouTube link
>heroes of the United States
>wanted to destroy the United States
that combat medic guy from hacksaw ridge
seemed pretty badass
Semantics user.
Best answer.
Zachary Taylor, hero of the Mexican War and 12th President of the United States of America. From Lousiana.
This is the most based man to ever come out of the U.S. Army. Went from a shit-tier poorfag Private to Medal of Honour-recipient First Lieutenant and a Major in the Texas Army. There should be a statue of him in every state.
Shame he died in the most pleb way possible.
>Not a traitor
Shoulda listened to Patton
The obvious point is that if you're already living under a democratic government you can vote, you dont have to rebel. The Confederacy had every opportunity to get a majority in congress for secession. Impatient and unwilling to abide by the will of the people, instead they committed treason.
Woodrow Wilson of Virginia. Commander in Chief in World War I. He was even a racist, just like you Sup Forums. Just not a Confederate one.
This has been a little history lesson. The next time you hear Sup Forums claim that Southern "history" started in 1861 and ended in 1865, you know that it is, as usual, full of shit.
>ended in 1865
most posts have been about people post-1865 though (in the OP even). is reading a thread too hard for you?
Oh, I see. So rebellion is only okay if you don't have any influence on the policies of your country, is that correct?
>a leaf
This thread is not for you
Not an argument I'm afraid :)
Yes, and he would've supported the South, too.
The American way is that you have one vote, the other guys get one vote too, and you abide by the result. It's the greatest system on earth. If you have no votes and ruled by some Monarch in Europe, then yes independence is imperative.
She acts in this way, because she's certain he isn't going to knock her out! I want to hurt her!!!
You're moms not your argument by I destroyed her too (with my dick)
Wilson is a piece of shit who signed the Federal Reserve Act which single-handedly empowered the globalist banking elite. He even has a world-class hotel named after him in Switzerland as a token of gratitude by the bankers. That guy can fuck right off.
Is the USA still under British control?
You're shit posting is weak, son.
I wonder why we don't see many statues or ever hear about Smedley Bulter, who apparently saved America from a internal coup involving some very famous people, the most decorated Marine in US history at the time of his death, and probably up until very recently. Spellcheck won't even recognize his name with initial caps.
You started it
>started desegregation
>got virtually none of his agenda through
>Korean War
>got ass handed to him in court over steel industry seizure
pic related
Skip to 18:11
The problem isn't the fed itself, it's fractional reserve banking.
Because he was a total communist. Good speech but nonetheless a commie.
James Knox Polk of Tennessee (born in what is now part of NC), 11th president and the one who got took the southwest from Mexico
>had the telegram been around when he was president, he would've taken Mexico City
Dont erase it, needs moar statues
iPhone spellcheck won't allow you to spell Trump on my friends phone. It auto-corrects to atrump. Not even a word. He says its been doing that since he first typed the then presidential candidate's name months before the election, with a short gap right after election where it would allow the word.
I could go at this all day friend.
>niggers having a vote amongst other anti-White cretins is the (((best system on earth)))
I can hear the nasally kike voice from here, Hershel.
Gorillions of statues, or we'll forget about it
Didn't know much about him. What do you think about the alleged coup attempt he leaked?
>mfw my country love MacArthur
plus he pulls of that look well, pretty /fa/
Lieutenant meowingtons of arlington.
Theodore G. Bilbo
You do realize that the Democrat party was the party of the KKK and slavery, right? These statues go, so does your fucking party
>of course you don't you fucking moron
>One of the most badass Americans to have ever existed.
Of course the South knows about him.
>To Hell and Back