last thread Let's meme the alt left into reality, dump your pictures & counter arguments against Alt-Left revisionism.
>Who are the Alt-Left?
last thread Let's meme the alt left into reality, dump your pictures & counter arguments against Alt-Left revisionism.
>Who are the Alt-Left?
Other urls found in this thread:
Was is self defesne?
Also find flag man
I was not ready for this timeline
That's because you're on the fake-history timeline. This is the alt-history timeline.
Good video
All those alt-leftists are always trying to deceive the public.
>Why Alt-Left?
Trump has given the term widescale publicity and it's a great catchall term to describe the leftist mobs we frequently see attacking anyone on the right and rioting in our towns & cities. It allows us to link the leftist coalition of BLM/Antifa/feminists/SJWs/Commies and the like under one umbrella term that they're determined to tell us doesn't exist:
>What's the 'alt-left'? Experts say it's a 'made-up term'
>Donald Trump, there’s no such thing as the ‘alt-left’ – and even white supremacists know it
>Stop Saying 'Alt-Left'
>The troubling origins of Trump's 'alt-left' smear
There's loads more articles as well. They're scared of having a label thrust upon them - we constantly get called neo-nazis and white supremists - time they get a taste of their own methods.
>media parades out the "Fake News" term to beat alternate media sites with
>Trump turns it on them, and now they desperately want the term to go away
>now it's happening again with alt-left
I saw those shitty memes comparing ANTIFA to soldiers landing on Normandy. Not sure if I'm on the right track.
This might make forcing the meme be worth it. That made me feel good
Also, checked
>Self defense
That would make it manslaughter. Learn the law.
>Experts say
yeah experts ttha come out of nowhere
fuck the alt-left
If you kill your enemies, they win. Huh.Who knew Canada was right.
like this?
This operation needs to learn how to use Psy-Op's to counter-act the MSM Psy-Op's that are being rapidly deployed.
[Archives of Threads:
Leftists are expendable Pawns for Globalists who want to do a "US Spring".
they dont get the internet. tell the internet to not do something my god it will do it
I've just started naming all of my files that have anything to do with being low T or a faggot cuck alt-left something
I said months ago that we should invent the "alt left" and you guys basically laughed at me.
When are you guys going to get that the only way to defeat your enemy is to become your enemy?
I don't know maybe because you're not Donald Trump calling a press conference after the Media Jews were already going rabid.
>trying to convince people
you should have just memed it
You shoulda just memes it.
Japanon did this today
The Fake News Alt-Left thugs at (((CNN))) are at it again.
Well, we're not laughing now, are we?
The more they tell us not to the more we've got to do it.
So that 'reflection' on the rear windshield.... That's actually the smashed out front window (before the accident) isn't it?
Notice that the brake lights are on in the first picture.
>dump your pictures & counter arguments against Alt-Left revisionism.
reminder - alt right was not used until Shillary said in during a desperation speech
Gods work user
If you meme the alt-left into reality, it'll only grow stronger.
Is the alt-right's true goal a Communist utopia?
proof - meme the fuck out of this
Trust Vice to make sure the phrase "Alt-left" gets more usage
>we should invent
We don't invent anything, we meme it. All things in this universe are simply memed into existence.
Don't tell that to cripple/pol/. They will reeducate you about Richard Spencer.
Japanon was busy today.
> All this barrage of articles
They are afraid
Damn they're really fucking mad
Too bad alt lefties
Should we contact Steve Pieczenik?
I like this pic it show just how much they are trying to change history. All those men in the pic will be right wing conservatives who would have fought commies/socialist and believed
>better dead than a red
They would have believed they were going to save Europe from the leftist if they fought in the war but now the narrative is changing and their antifa.
We must end the redwashing.
desu we are just trying to sort clear sides for the civil war so we can started murdering you faggots with our vastly superior arms advantage
You couldn't murder your way out of a paper bag.
Alt-Left might be the best linguistic kill shot since Crooked Hillary. They are seriously booty blasted right now.
Nice. Consider putting this pasta in the OP for the next thread.
Alt-left's goal will be afrotransmorphic femininst union based on some hippie stuff with tribesmen.
gay pozz boy
Say Alt-Left as much as possible.
Now thanks to the alt-left embracing intolerant Muslims, Spain has to suffer.
>Linguistic kill shot
Also. Checked
Why is the alt-left so bad at emergency medical care?
>"Chatter" is happening & things are being planned(Leftists storming the Whitehouse & pulling a Gaddafi on Trump or The Whitehouse getting bombarded by Artillery hidden in Trucks 20-50 miles away from it or Deep State blowing up the Whitehouse or Assassination).
Interesting, could explain why Trump went to Trump Tower. Not sure how protected he is over there though.
media is nervous about this catching on because it groups them in with communists, keep going lads
I talked about this too, user. The majority of people are going to immediately reject us because we're "neo-Nazis". If they can swing the opinion of the MSM, we need to use their tactics, but with our superior memes.
For it to stick we needed leftists to acknowledge the term, Trump made them do this and they foolishly likened the alt-left to WWII veterans, now it's up to us
It was, killary just made it popular which helped Spencer become an attention whore.
Trump literally made it up as a spur of the moment thing, then libtards legitimised it for us. You have no clue how memetics works.
alt-left alt-left alt-left alt-left alt-left alt-left alt-left alt-left alt-left alt-left alt-left alt-left alt-left alt-left alt-left alt-left alt-left alt-left alt-left alt-left alt-left alt-left alt-left alt-left alt-left alt-left alt-left alt-left alt-left alt-left alt-left alt-left alt-left alt-left alt-left
I'd encourage anyone you command to prove links between the DPRK-regime and radical leftist movements. Make sure most will be declared as terrorists.
Not all leftists are terrorists, yet we see a lot of violence from them, recognize their black bloc tactics.
Here's an suggestion to break black bloc tactics: try it with blitzkrieg tactics.
First airstrikes, then motorized units
Don't shill this you morons, it needs to organically or else it will be traced back to here and fall out of use as a nazi psy-op.
>It was, killary just made it popular
prove that to me, else bullshit
prove that trump used that phrase prior to Aug 25, 2016
Found on kikebook please don't kill me
Seven million? You fucking anti-semitic holocaust denier. It's 60 million.
Man these "spot the difference" pics are getting hard
100 million people killed ?
You mean capitalism in one year ?
Thank you comrade. Still not sure which pics are best for the marching pics..
With friends like these:
Tell me again how can a passive system kill people?
>inb4 "hurrr but poor niggers can't afford vaccines and gummy bear vitamins".
They are scared, hype it even more
I'm tired of these mothafuckin infidels in my mothafuckin sharia
Antifa, blm and the establishment media are all alt left
How the fck do you go through the effort of making a meme and not spell-checking?
Everybody strap in.
I'm about to run down some fucking white people!
I like how they are trying to appropriate the Patriots that fought in favor of free speech and democracy against fascists... And ultimately communist tyrants... As their own.
These men would have happily marched against Stalin if Patton gave the word.
photoshop capable user reporting in, i have a few minutes of free time someone give me a task
Gold standard. Comparing them to ISIS, combined with the inevitable continuation of Confederate statues being destroyed, guarantees no Republican will ever swing to the left, and some centrists will swing to the right.
Infiltrate left-wing sites and start identifying as alt-left. Identify with all the absolute worst things about the left. Say you want to kill beloved left-wing whites, Deny Holodomor, etc