Would legalizing prostitution force women to be better people?
Right now, any woman with a pulse can get laid in 20 minutes by opening up Tinder. Men have to train for years, take steroids, and/or become rich to have that option. But if men could simply just pay for sex in a legal safe way, they wouldn't be so desperate for pussy. We basically pay for sex already, a lot more than the 50 euros Amsterdam charges.
Also for some men, Supreme Gentlemen, they can't even get laid no matter what they do. Prostitution may save lives. May make virgins more comfortable with women and thus more confident and able to get a girl.
Brayden Bennett
No, we should make it legal for the authorities to kill them and anyone who enables or buys them.
Samuel Martin
Buying hookers is scientifically proven to lower your drive to woo a woman.
Blake Thompson
Women would not want to pay taxes to be a prostitute, and the bible says not to bring money earned though prostitution into the house of the LORD. So the Christians in America don't want to even collect taxes on prostitution, because they see the money as defiled.
Ryan Powell
>PRostitution is great! >As long as its not my daughter, niece, friends or family.
Josiah Butler
Some dudes just need to buy a couple hookers to relax around girls.
Samuel Adams
do you think women behave differently in places where it's decriminalized? No
Charles Sanchez
No they'd just literally all go into prostitution. There's Tumblrs dedicate to women who do "sex work" they're all self obsessed cunts. And the grim thing is there isn't even the schadenfreud of knowing their looks will wither, because they know they will and make sure they've pinned down a rich middle aged man by the time they're in their mid 20s and give up whoring.
Julian Cook
anyway it's really not that difficult to get laid you dumb robot