He predicted Trump's electoral college victory early on (300+ electoral votes)
Now he's predicting Trump will resign over this Charlottesville thing.
Guy who predicted Trump's win early on now predicts his resignation
Other urls found in this thread:
> predicting elections
> predicting the behavior of a single individual
they don't quite seem the same thing
True, but experience with politics does give people a unique perspective on how things play out.
>using this much mental gymnastics
It's not mental gymnastics. If Trump get pressured enough from his party, his image and brand being tarred further every hour that passes, and so on, he might start to think that the presidency is not worth it anymore.
can I still change my vote for Hillary?
That's on him. He knew the risks and did it anyway.
No one could have predicted the Alt Right would be so bold. Richard Spencer seemed to came out of nowhere.
I truly think him and David Duke are controlled opposition. They are celebrating and bragging on twitter about how Trump didn't condemn 'us' and how his statements aren't genuine.
He predicted impeachment before
in any case the cuck drumpf should resign right before midterms to hurt the republican party as well and tell his supporters to never vote rep again
For people who don't understand the tactics of the left, they are trying to cause a stockmarket crash by making investors panic.
Yes, they are now this desperate. Maher even said it not long ago.
He didn't predict Trump's win. That's easily checked. He thought Hillary would win.
>stockmarket crash by making investors panic
Not gonna happen. Police will shut down that shit quick.
Correctly guessing a 50/50 doesn't make you Nostradamus
To be fair, he actually did. He changed his mind like everybody else in U.S. when the access Hollywood tape dropped.
He didn't guess it correctly though.
I'm an out & out ethno-Nationalist myself and the sad truth is that the American movement is full of infiltrators. A few prominent past ones were:
- Frank Collins (real name Cohen), he was one of the original 'neo-Nazis.'
- Daniel Burros, much like Cohen he was a Jewish man who pretended to be a Nazi.
- 'Wolfgang Hawke' aka Andrew Greenbaum
- Joshua Goldberg (former writer for the Daily Stormer)
- Andrew Aurnheimer aka 'Weev', a self-proclaimed Jewish man who runs all tech functions at the Daily Stormer.
- Hal Turner, a WASP who was a Federal agent and promoted violent 'race war' nonsense.
Trust me, Spencer is far less serious than people believe. His top ghost writer is named Marcus Epstein (will post proof if anyone wants it).
even a broken clock is right twice a day.
but his day is past
enjoy your civil war I guess
No he didn't.
Lol trump will never resign keep dreaming
>make prediction over the latest media outrage
They have been saying this ever since he announced his campaign for president. Trump isn't going to resign unless he loses his base. His base is stronger than ever and recent polls show nearly 70% of republicans agree with his statements on charlottesville.
This is part of draining the swamp. As more facts come out, evidence is mounting that Trump was indeed exactly right about charlottesville. Former governor of Virginia is calling for an independent investigation into the Mcauliff who is suspected of purposely creating the situation that unfolded for political reasons.
All this talk of Civil War talk is nonsense. You damn well know the average American is too lazy to do that shit. Plus, the government is so powerful now that even if a Civil War does break out. It would end in a week at most.
Oh, it's this RINO guy again.
You literally had two people who could have won the election predicting victory isn't very impressive.
Never give up.
Fake news passing their hopes and wishes off as facts, as per usual.
Scott adams?
Bullshit. I also predicted his victory like many others.
Not a quitter, doesn't fit his character development.
trump's resignation will only make us stronger
Please post more about Epstein.
you just mad you can't win fair n square scrub, you ain't nothing but a scrub.
The guy in question is a hyperpartisan leftist Bernie-supporting kike who only predicted Trump to win because he wanted to meme a Hillary loss.
quitting sounds like something Trump would do, sure because everything he dealt with until now was a piece of cake
>character development
This isn't a TV show
>trying to cause a stockmarket crash by making investors panic.
I hope they succeed and Trump has to go to weed backed money to prevent the speculators from taking over
Not a chance in hell.
Sorry, but the God Emperor will not resign.
But Nostradamus predicted Trump will resign
Anyone who has observed Trump the last 2 years and thinks he can be pressured to resign is frankly a fool. The guy is balls to the wall. All in. As another poster stated, the only way he resigns is if he thinks the people, his base, don't want him anymore. That won't happen. He will finish his 8 years, get shot or overthrown. I'm betting on 8.
It's ok, another euro terror attack which will keep the heat off him for a few days.
hahaha how embarrassing this video is in hindsight.
The absolute hubris of these pretentious faggots. It's such a good thing that trump won.
wishful thinking or reverse psychology?
>Guy who predicted Trump's win
Who is this guy? Many guys predicted Trump's win.
total bs, trump is just getting started. trump will get more of his people in during the next election. that's why the GOP and DNC work day and night to frame him. trumps about 6-0 on special elections, don't fall for the fake news.
Think about it this way. Trump made a critical error by defending the rally by saying there are "some very fine people" there.
If you watch Fox News yesterday, the best spin they can come up with is that Trump didn't know it was an Alt Right rally and that he didn't really pay attention to it. That he thought it was just another right wing rally. But it's not gonna work.
If Trump really wants to see his agenda achieved, he might consider resigning and let Pence act out those things, since he is free from this controversy. It makes sense to me.
>if Trump get pressured
>run on sentence
I thought school started back?
this thread is dildos and op is a fag.
Is tgis the same cunt tgat predicted his impeachment.
trump is being a dumbass. everyone knows you need to start a war as president or americans think you're a faggot. remember, 20 percent of the country is savage niggers and they only understand violence. you are a cuck to them if you don't attack someone.
Ya, just like how everyone said Trump had no chance and Hillary was a shoe in. They were all veterans of telling you what to think and none of them had vested interest in lying to you.
The party is weaker than Trump.
hi shareblue
Hemp backed money. The irony would be dank.
Now that the prediction has been made, Trump definitely will not do it. He's defiant as fuck, one of the things I love about him.
>If Trump get pressured enough from his party,
The MAGA party is not pressuring him.
>predict a 50/50 event
Wow, congrats brah. You must be from the future
>republican flag
>this shitty post
How much does it cost to fuck your wife?
That's not a misrepresentation. The organizers themselves said it was. My point is it wasn't a typical right wing rally. That's why Trump is taking a lot of heat for defending it.
Donald Trump has no shame. There is no possible scandal that could cause him to voluntarily resign.
You faggots are going to be very surprised when Signer and McAulliffe are brought up on federal charges =DDD
>his image and brand being tarred further
That ship sailed two years ago, bro
He has literally no reason to step down willingly.
>The Young Turks
People should have been wondering why OP didn't post the Guy's name.
Anyone who knows Trump even a little would know that he will never do this. "Giving up" is not something he would even consider.
unless this is his post no he's not the one who predicted Trump winning
Why wouldn't you just post the proof in this post u rtdard fag
If you knew anything about Trump you'd know he would never resign such a post.
He will spend 8 years fucking off career politicians and the MSM.
You can clearly see he gets off on it. There is also no candidate to replace him or run against him.
No fucking chance.
Trump would rather be dragged out in cuffs than quit.
>Trump get pressured enough from his party, his image and brand being tarred further every hour that passes, and so on, he might start to think that the presidency is not worth it anymore.
It would have the opposite effect. At the moment Trump is a terrible brand. Globally, he's the most disliked US president in history. If he's going to resign then he needs to do some massive damage control to his image because if he quite now then his legacy would be awful.
This isn't a personal opinion of him, it's just the general perceived view of him.
Won't happen.
Why did you leave out that this is a TYT video?
the second term should be even better
He never defended the Alt Right before this. Just watch Fox News, even they don't know what to do about this. The best they can come up with is that Trump didn't know who the rally was intended for.
Even if he does (he won't), he's going out with a bang. I'm a Bannonite, and this is exactly what Bannon wanted. It's total chaos. We're on the brink of a revolution/civil war. The eclipse is coming. See you in September.
They aren't. You guys are such fucking pussies about this.
Trump didn't make an error at all. People that care about their history-statues don't make them bad people. We have watched the Alt-left attack old people and women for a year and not a word from the fake news media. Don't buy into the fake news media. When an Alt-left kills or attacks a person we are told to pray and come together. We agents arrange a hoax they run out and blame Trump. Did Obama disavow the Alt-left? No. I doubt the fake news media ever asked him to.
He's miserable, he hates it, he hates living in the white house, he hates having to work, he hates not getting to play golf as much as he did, he hates the constant negative media coverage. He's going to quit as soon as an opportunity arises for him to do it without looking like a failure
>Now he's predicting Trump will resign over this Charlottesville thing
I want whatever drugs hes taking
Has Trump EVER in his life been known to quit anything at all?
He doesn't give a fuck. Trump would kill every cia agent, every single pedophile politician, every pundit everyone who stands in the way of his goals and not feel an ounce of shame or guilt.
This is some bullshit tyt video.
giving a jew like you a (you) makes me sick
>Trump made a critical error
stopped reading right fucking there
trump doesn't make "critical errors." i'm not trolling, either. he might say things which are untrue or damaging to his image/agenda in some regard for some period of time, but EVERYTHING he does is some form of A/B testing (throwing shit against a wall, seeing what sticks), some form of bargaining, some form of calculating.
he BTFOd two political dynasties and 15 other high-level political powerhouses, and easily.
watch this if you haven't reeeeeeee'd yourself blind by now:
teflon does really DOES know what he's doing, despite what the hyper-hysterical fake news rams down your throat 24/7
The best prediction about Trump's victory came from Brazil. A conservative e-celeb said with total certainty where Trump would win. He got 48 states right and said Trump would very likely win in the other 2. This guy writes daily about American politics and he has made some analysis to show that Trump will no resign or be impeached. The guy is a legend and seem to predict Trump's every move.
So he has no reason to resign.
I think he'd rather bring the entire country down with him than step aside willingly.
I would, if I was in his place.
you'd have to be straight up retarded to think Hillary could've even maybe won. She literally campaigned in New York and that's it. She even knew herself she could only win the popular vote, campaigned in heavily dense already uber liberal areas, just so at least her campaign wouldn't be completely disgraced and the media could push "popular vote" meme.
i find it so many people actually think trump gives a flying fuck what other's think of him and his ways
I think Trump is actually is enjoying the fight.
He's still very much winning!!!!!!!
listen*, not watch. my bad
How many posts by this id?
This. Obama said he hung out with Marxist professors. He attended a black liberation theology church for years. All Trump is doing is leveling the playing field, and the Left is freaking out that their hypocrisy is being exposed.
>>i find it so funny that many people actually think trump gives a flying fuck what other's think of him and his ways
>i find it so many people actually think trump gives a flying fuck what other's think of him and his ways
I really hope he doesn't because that's what we badly need in a western leader. One who actually does the job of governing a nation instead of spending all their time giving a fuck what the media is saying and countering it.
I wholeheartedly agree that these statues means something and shouldn't be removed.
But the problem is that was an Alt Right rally. They were chanting "jews will not replace is" and "blood and soil", waving Nazi flags, doing the Nazi salute. If you look at the poster for the rally itself, its hard to argue it wasn't an Alt Right event.
There is no point in Trump defending any part of that rally but he did and here we are in this giant mess.
>trump will resign
If he does he's saving his life.
It was a mistake to bring Barron to DC. Poor fucking kid should have been shipped to Switzerland at the same time that his dad came down the escalator.
This is hilarious bullshit and will never, ever happen. Being the successful businessman he is, Trump has the guts more than most politicians to fight through the hard times, especially when almost all of it is biased media fabrication and political football from everyone on the hill who only care about themselves and their image.
You're a fucking moron if you think Trump doesn't see right through this.
This will never happen.