Crypto Nonsense

people don't realize crypto could end wellfare fraud in the US- what if you could only use your WellfareBux at the grocery store instead of being able to trade your food stamps for crack cocaine like you can today? You can end voter fraud with applying crypto technology to voter IDs. Why are people talking about this? Do you guys even want to make this country better or not?

first of all those programs don't need to be instituted on a national level. they are better done locally. secondly we don't need the mark of the beast thanks. you don't need to bring both up so that they mutually justify each other.

That's not how foodstamp fraud works. People by foodstamps, usually at 40% to 50% face value, and buy food with them.

you are stupid.

Great idea, lets turn over all transactions between private parties to bureaucrats via digitized records so that trustworthy bureaucrat can make sure you're spending your money in a politically correct way.

OP you're an idiot, an ass, a traitor to anyone who has ever breathed free.

In australia we tried giving people non-withdraw credits instead of money. tl;dr: they commit a lot of arson

>or trade them for drugs

>crypto is the mark of the beast

why are people so afraid of a technology with so much potential for good? why are people trying to keep this quiet?

wellfare comes from the taxpayers money and tax payers have a right to see how their money is used. I'm not talking about all transactions- you'll still be able to buy meth and fake ids with cash don't worry.

Blockchain technology is beautiful, but central banks know that it would force them to be honest. They couldn't borrow or inflate or hide with accounting gimmicks.

that explains all the PAID SHILLS ITT


no, gold is beautiful.


Bring back government cheese and milk off the back of a trailer

EBT can get fucked

Bump for saving Tax Payers millions of dollars while taking money from the pockets of drug dealers who prey on our citizens and big banks who are hurting the US economy. It's a win-win.

This is what gets me. I took a part-time job for extra bucks at a retail store. Now back in the day you could only buy real food with food stamps. Now these people are buying all kinds of soda and chips and other processed garbage. when did that change?

>stamps, lol, it's not 1982

not to mention crack dealers will trade you cut up crack for them

the pic is extra gangsta, because there all one dollar bills #thuglife

Because the mark of the beast was predicted by a stone age book full of faery tale shit
People don't have to believe faery tale shit to be spooked by stone age sci fi.
It gets their noggins joggin about the implications of the tech - and reminds them that it isn't rational to submit that way as long as the world is still ruled by primitives.

basically i could make that pic with myself for minimal effort.

it's not a microchip. it's not a tattoo.. it's a welfare account that can only be accessed at a grocery store... how can you demonize this?

bumpin for AMERICA