We did, bros! Fuck this information plaque for telling us about some dead Confederate soldiers and why they came to be buried in Wisconsin.
Madison, WI Mayor orders removal of Confederate cemetery information plaque
One more down, many more to go.
Losers don't deserve participation trophies.
How long before they hit Gettysburg? I'm glad I visited it three years ago but I'm worried that'll get fucked with eventually.
You'll never get the biggest prize.
This Mayor is a retard. Talk about falling all over yourself to virtue signal. A fucking plaque in a Confederate cemetery? Are the bodies going to be exhumed next?
the people running the monument area in Gettysburg already told everyone to fuck off the instant this shit hit.
>not malnourishment
sounds so weird I'd remove the placque too
this is really pathetic seriously it just makes me sad people want to do this. lets erease these mens lives they fought for there homes and what they believed in. when will it end? when will all of this fucking end?
Hell yes. We will not be pacified until whiteness is aggressively erased in all its vile forms.
Destroy confederate graves. Throw their ashes to the wind.
Then let's begin obliterating Washington, Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, Lincoln, and a thousand local statues to white racists.
You'll accept this new reality and do fuck all about it. We will literally replace every dead stupid white fuck in DC with Obama!
This is getting uncomfortably close to home, I'm only one state over. I wonder if Michigan has any civil war stuff that faggots are gonna start removing? Is there a national list by state or something?
Guys we have the perfect plan to fight back, GET IN HERE!!!
When are we going to tear down the Indian monuments? The Five Civilized Tribes all owned slaves and many fought for the Confederacy.
I live near Madison, the liberal filth generally stays contained to the isthmus.
not at all surprised Soglin did this
>me too says the virtue signaling leftist fag
Disrespecting dead soldiers who almost certainly didn't own slaves. These people need to be fucking gassed.
You can't move or remove cementary plaques. It's against federal law
It's not good to mess with the dead. Nothing good will come of this. I hope the ghosts of dixie will watch over the shart-right.
They did it in Spain.
>Losers don't deserve participation trophies.
What are you waiting for? Tear it down!
>Losers don't deserve participation trophies.
Yeah, fuck people that fight and die for their homeland. What a bunch of losers am I right. Upvotes to the left xD.
This wall is dedicated to losers, no participation trophies for losers.
But we went red.
Whatever. Madison is a liberal inferno anyway.
wow, so now the left is vandalizing cemeteries. How low will they go? Dig up the graves?
The State of PA already said Gettysburg will be left alone. They will protect it. The people of Pennsylvania already reached out to the government and told them we will not accept any monument removal, including the confederates.
Vietnam, top kek
So did the State of VA. Now our nigger governor in richmond and kid fucking cuck governor are going after even monument ave.
The "alt-right" is only hurting the cause. I wish both ends of the spectrum would die of ass cancer so the moderate majoritt can get on with life.
You're fucking stupid. They were going to do this shit regardless of what any alt right retards did. They just needed an excuse.
>America lost Vietnam
nice meme
>America won Vietnam
Even better meme