when america dies, i'll be going qt hunting for refugees
What will you guys be doing after america falls?
If america falls
>it wont
The rest of the world will already be ashes
When America dies i will see to it all the nukes are launched, if we can't win, nobody can.
Mecca is in the top 5 for first targets
>American exceptionalism
>magic dirt
>Implying there would be anything left of the world if America fell
america will be in ashes imho, i can already see a separatist states nuking the central government
Really can't wait to breed with my own qt mexican-anglo-irish american GF
Hopefully butchering texans.
Come to Alaska, build your own house or whatever.
Grow your own food, look after your cattle, go shooting, fish, duck your wife, look after your group of kids, and shitpost on here
If America falls, the entire world economy collapses. Nothing will be left friendo
Good luck jose.
No, mainland USA will be Brazl, and then south Africa. The elites will still be elites, and if interest is elsewhere , that's where they'll HQ.
B-but texans are the qtiest! Leave them alone!
Tbh i think the US government would split into pacific and atlantic factions: the pacific side would consist of hawaii, alaska and maybe orgeon+cali, atlantic would be new york to washington. Texas would be its own state with one or two ex-confederate states
the rest would be a free for all
Imho I should have specified: America as a concept aka : the USA, the states themselves exist: they just no longer exist as a union.
So for example china would be trading with individual or coalition-states
Mecca elites control you. America is the dumb pit bull that fights the elitist's opponents. Your Americanism and 1776 mean dog shit to these people. You're nothing
>he thinks america owns the global economy at any point after George Bush Jr.
It was all over in 2007 bro. Thats why things are getting so bad. America is literally in collapse, and the media will play it off like its some fabricated problem. We are dead last in the global economy. Leading is China, Russia, and France. America is literally dead last.
In the beginning I'll be fending off hordes of savages. Once thats over I'll need to find a way to replenish my food supply or die.
>Texas would be its own state with one or two ex-confederate states
Just Louisiana
'America' leads the world economy.
By america i mean california, texas , washington, new yark and a number of big wig states lead the economy.
Balkanization is not implausible, some of these states might feel burdened by the poorer ones such as the mid-west.
good luck user!
Southern California and Hawaii maybe.
Jefferson, Washington, and orgegon could become one nation, then join British Colombia and alaska
I guess so, I don't think the world would let popeyes go into the history books
Thanks, good luck to you to
Good luck with that Antonio.
Ah yes, greater canamerica
I think alaska would still join them: they still need the government to provide resources and supplies.
I'm not actually even an american, but nonetheless it'd be interesting to join a task force to keep the peace if your country balkanizes
also i doubt anyone would try to confiscate guns either if thats what your worried about
If America is kill, true Americans should consider moving to the Netherlands. Socialism is dying here. We have two socialist parties, before the 2017 election they had 53 seats in parliament (out of 150). Now they only have 23 seats and the latest poll puts them on a mere 16 seats.
What country are you from?
singapore, but i've put on this flag for so long I'm kinda used to it
desu most americans seem to agree on socialized healthcare, otherwise trumps removal of it would'nt cause such a shitstorm
To be totally honest fellas this thread is also an excuse for drawgirls
post em
Also, post BRAAAPPPricans
Same as you, OP.