Sorry but how does a PBS poll change anything?
PBS and NPR are overwhelmingly left-wing. Having their own poll fall into our favor is beautiful. So beautiful, in fact, maybe the most beautiful poll. Believe me.
Alt left are terrorist .
imagine if shareblue held a poll and 60% of their readership voted in favor of keeping the statues.
that's about the equivalent here.
Just about every single dem across the country is yelling right now about how we should take down the monuments. This means that a large majority is AGAINST them on a social issue.
What a terrible, leading question. Of course the majority said "kept as a historical symbol" when the other option is "removed because they're offensive"
How would you have wrote it? Removed because some people find them offensive?
The statues are very old and historic, learn from past history don't erase it because you don't like it. If it was a statue of some white dude anally raping a native american, yea sure that's offensive take it down.
But we all know these people will never be satisfied till everything white and Christian in this country is erased.
>Keep the statues
>Remove them
No need to include motivations or personal opinions into the mix.
That's literally the argument that we're having though. History vs. hurt feelings.
Waahhhhhh. My side didn't win. This are the majority views for both sides and are totally legitimate responses. Source: survey researcher
No, it's not. That's how YOU want to frame the issue, but that's not how it really is.
You're a horrible survey researcher then. Personal opinions and individual motivations have no need to even be present in a question like this.
>keep it
>remove it
If the issue needs to be framed in a certain context with response to the stimulus, and it is not just acceptable, it is a industry-standard to do that. You talk like a fag and everyone disagres wth you.
The question was obviously whether they should be removed or not. Now back to your subreddit you go.
These numbers match the white/non white demographics.
They could be kept as historical symbols in a museum where they belong, but of course the leading question dare not suggest that. Stop telling lies and expecting me to just eat it up. This is a shitty question, simple as that.
and yet we know that there are a shit-tonne of smug, white leftists who would choose to remove the statues. we can then assume that there are a significant number of non-whites who have chosen to leave the statues alone.
individual differences. really makes you think.
>Implying this wasnt already known
The statue is Charlottesville was voted by the community to stay with 70% but a petition of students lead to a vote of city council members to take it down. They dont care what other people think about it, they care what they themselves think about it.
Can you give me another motive? Why should the statues disappear?
Not really, considering it looked like most of the people attacking the statues were white leftists.
>i need to frame the issue in a context that gets the result i want
>also ur gay and nobody likes you
thanks for sharing
Here's the break down by demo
This level of cope. Leftists can never imagine that a majority of Americans don't believe in their bubble ideologies.
Because they represent treason and an attempt to destroy the American union. They have no business being glorified by modern America, and belong in museums where they can be appreciated for their historical significance.
Lol I saw that posted on r/politics earlier. The narrative over there has already shifted from "tear down every single statue with a white person on it" yesterday to "omg Trump thinks Robert E Lee and George Washington fought on the same side in the same war, gah what a moron!"
Oh yeah, and apparently civil war statues built in the early 20th century are not legitimate because they weren't built while the bodies were still warm. And somehow the statues they're taking issue with being built in the 20's were only built to intimidate blacks in the civil rights movement of the 60's or something. Any of you lurking Shareblue fags care to flesh out this new angle? I'm having trouble wrapping my head around it
Yep there goes PBS with their well-known anti-Democrat bias again
From PBS and NPR. Taken right after Charlottesville. And even among blacks it's basically split down the middle. Shows you how insanely out of touch Dems, the media, and twitter libshits are. No wonder they said Clinton had a 92% chance of winning.
I just want to know what kind of retard picks unsure... Surely you have an opinion, and if you didn't why even bother with the poll?
In other words: you find them insulting.
yup. dems are commie filth.
No, because it's not logical for a nation to glorify someone's attempt to destroy that nation through civil war. It's got nothing to do with feelings or personal opinion.
>Because they represent treason
Your country is literally the end result of treason.
We won and formed our own nation, so no it doesn't.
Should the preexisting monuments to fallen military figures that have been there for decades be removed now because Niggers suddenly latch onto some bullshit concept that they're oppressed by them now?
lol what are you smoking to be able to preform those mental gymnastics so skillfully
It's a fucking stupid stance to begin with.
Should france destroy all its castles because they're a symbol of monarchy/servitude?
Of course not.
Actually fucking make them tourist magnets.
Make sure everyone in the area is aware that they exist, with their history.
Best thing you can do to ensure it never happens again.
Most of these statues were put up in the last 50 years or so, comparing them to castles is a complete and utter joke.
Which side attacked which?
American history is quite short.
Literally nothing of worth in America is more than 200 years old.
Keep what you have.
The side that tried to secede is the aggressor, secession is not legal nor is there any method for doing so outlined in the Constitution. Our union is eternal.
So do you admit that you betrayed the founding principles of this union?
The union has always been eternal. There has never been any justification for leaving. And the civil war settled that matter permanently.
>we the people
>unless you disagree with us you homophobic racist bigot
then why is the CalExit movement not being immediately quashed by the military and federal authorities?
The arc de triomphe was dedicated to Napoleon decades after he lost and his empire crumbled.
>1200 people
What is it with american surveys and the laughably small sample sizes? Same shit as the shitty election surveys, I can't believe that there are people paying for such crap surveys.
Because CalExit is not a serious secession movement, and it won't happen.
Yes there is. They could amend the U.S. Constitution for a standard on secession. Instead a one step process of seceding, it is a two step process.
>Our union is eternal.
According to what? The states ratified it with the open belief that they could leave. Go read the constitutional ratification debates among the states.
This is a "yes"
>I do admit to betraying the founding principles of this union
But I'm glad you can see how retarded they are for pushing that narrative.
if only the alt-right were smart enough to call them out on it.
nawww, lot of em are from 1880s-1930s
some are new though
Do you not understand how difficult it is to amend the constitution? We aren't amending the constitution just to let someone leave. Dream on.
You can't pre-crime a State before it secedes.
>According to what?
According to the Civil War, which ended this discussion once and for all. There is no secession from the United States.
My simple message to the traitors brandishing swastikas, Confederate battle flags, anti-Semitic banners and “Trump/Pence” signs is as follows:
We beat you in 1865.
We beat you in 1945.
We beat you in 1969.
We beat you in 2008.
It will be a pleasure to defeat you once and for all. For AMERICA will always be BETTER than the traitors, racists, and fascists. Your stooge in chief just outed himself and AMERICA is answering.
>Liberals literally want to erase history
>People support this
I'm honestly at a point where I don't even consider leftists to be human
Majorities no longer matter
Lol! I'm just saying that is the ONLY legal way to secede.
redo the poll in another decade
>Some twitter posts from triggered lefties is the same thing as half the country breaking away
"Yeah no one will take away those sta--
Clearly not because multiple states are trying to get them removed, regardless of public opinion
This statue thing is actually an unexpected Hail Mary victory for Trump.
The Resistance was actually just getting rolling and now they fall back on retarded shit like this.
>regardless of public opinion
Yeah, the voting public will love that.
> Removing statues of traitors put up by racists in the 1950s is removing history
Classic Trumpcuck logic right here.
So you're a communist?
What you guys fail to understand is that what the masses actually want has rarely meant anything to the elite. I know, I know, muh democracy. In your pseudodemocracy its the people that LEAD public opinion where they want it to go that matter, not what public opinion actually is at any given time.
Know why the left is so wrapped up in being on the "right side of history"? Because they're always selling out the people of the present in favor of the people of the future. Why? Because they plan on brainwashing the people of the future even farther left than they brainwashed the people of the present. Brainwashing is the second way to make more democrats, after importing them; they need these methods because they don't do much by way of biologically reproducing.
Trouble is, so long as they have control over the most powerful institutions, they can get away with this shit. If the public is just barely "for" something, they'll push it through and never look back, the opposite position will leave the overton so fast itll be disorienting. If the public is against something, 50/50 they push it through anyways and wait. If the public is FIRMLY against something, they'll just test the waters, but mostly they'll shut up and wait. Because they've been in control of the narrative for so long this is the kind of shit they can pull.
Unless we have a plan on how to stop this, permanently (as in, replace the elite), then eventually they will get the statues.
>put up by racists in the 1950s
try again, commie
No but you can find the people trying to organize it and charge them with sedition
You guyz used your botz to check! Just like you racist do in elections. Even if it is true, so what?
I guess 60% of you nazis will have to be put in prison or kick out of the country or maybe even worse! Don't worry we will figure it out. We'll find a solution for you racist and when we do, it'll be the last one, the final one.
are you retarded? it was leading in the direction of removal, they were counting on everyone being offended by monuments to racists
It's these faggots own lefty poll and they still got btfo
why don't we just go around and remove everything that might offend someone?
when did majority rule turn into majority rule as long as its not offensive?
>Wants to remove confederate statues because you're intolerant of their views
>Wants to raise an obama statue and a library dedicated to him despite him being a racist globalist piece of shit
Are you really retarded or are you being paid to post?
surprise even normies don't buy MSM bullshit
but we knew that from the election :)
> remain as historical symbol
WTF is that shit?
They should remain as the memory of people, who defended their homes, families, their elected representatives and as cultural heritage of Confederate nation.
does anyone else miss McLaughlin Group
>t. Abraham Lincoln
You're applying contemporary mores to the past like a fucking retard. It wasn't clear whether or not leaving the union was legal prior to the civil war.
I mean, why do we call our units of geographical organization "states" instead of "provinces"? "States" are sovereign entities. Italy is a state. The UK is a state. Wessex is a province. People back then considered themselves citizens of their state first, Americans second. We were officially a confederacy originally and the main reason why that idea was scrapped was so we could come up with a common currency and interstate commerce laws, not some muh holy union thing like Lincoln envisioned.
I have no problem with succession being illegal and I'm not a 'the south shoulda won' fag, but god dammit you reductionist retards who have no concept of historical context make my fucking blood boil. Hurr durr, its 2017 bro why did Hitler gas the Jews that's like racist and stuff?!?!?!
IX. The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people
X. The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
how about the OBVIOUS option for people who believe in self determination and representative governance?
>it should be decided at the local level, in a public forum, by the citizens residing in that locality and no one else
do you people not realize that deciding all of these issues on the national stage is exactly what the founders warned us against? that IS big government controlling our lives!
But they weren't
we beat you in 2016.
Captain America also advocates punching the fuck out of every japanese, are we bringing back internment camps for nips too?!?
FUCK THAT! The genie is out of the bottle.
majority rule has become majority rule as long as the minority is ok with it
X. The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
Please point to where secession is mentioned in the Constitution.
By the time they get voted out of office, the statues will already be gone
>honoring literal traitors
"""""Patriotic""""" right wing nationalists support this
"Real patriots burn American flags"
After the purge the numbers will only get better sweetie :^)
Silent majority
Majority might have a need to stop being silent from time to time.
welcome to Sup Forums
I was like you once. The thing with this place though is that if you continue posting here, eventually one day you'll realise it's been posting in you too. All across your soul. You'll start to notice your opinions shift, marginally at first but then with greater pace.
You're already being turned just by being here. Keep reading friendo.