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AMA About Italy
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Looking to move out of the country. Small town in the hills of Italy a good isolated life?? (I have about 50% Italian in me)
If I visit will you put burqas on the statues again?
Pretty much every small town.
why come nobody ever moves out of mommys house and gets married and has kids?
why come you are replacing urselfs with african americans?
American immigrants frowned upon at all? I love tile work and was looking to go into masonry work over there for obvious reasons!
Why do you need 800,000 Africans in Rome? What can they be possibly used for?
Che tempo fa?
Arena fodder during the yearly gladiatorial games, what else?
PS I'm 100% white and work hard
Quando si vota?
Meh, I don't know for sure. It depends on the person and what part of Italy you go to. In the south and center you're pretty mich fine, hospitality is great. In the North I don't really know but it shouldn't be so bad.
Idk. Anyway the numbers are much lower. The media exagerates stuff.
Ci sta il sole, anche se sta per tramontare. Te di dove sei?
As long as you get tanned in the summer if you live near the coast you'll fell just fine. But Italian is pretty hard to learn for an English speaker. English is quite easy
I mean that you'll fit in. We're not black, we just go to the beach in the summer.
How are things going with all those niggers coming to your beautiful country ?
I´d like an honest answer, it`s it still somewhat "ok", or is the situation already getting unbearable ?
Will italians rise, enough is enough ?
It's still ok but as the media exagerates stuff, italians are quite fed up of the immigrants, even if they aren't so big of a problem.
My wet dream is to use the Colosseum to execute national traitors this way: you place the traitors in the with their hands tied behind their backs but free to walk around; then you liberate a bunch of niggers (picked out from all those who have been put in concentration camps) with a ratio of, say, 5 nogs to 1 traitor; however, before you do that you instruct the niggers that they'll be executed too unless they can present the severed head of a traitor to the spectators of the arena. This way the niggers will kill the traitors (who'll get to be culturally enriched personally as they futilely try to flee) and also kill each other until a only a few will stand. The survivors will go back to work in the camps.
I'm becoming numb to the pain of others.
>Ci sta
Terùn avvistato.
>Te di dove sei?
why is italian police so good?
1. Do people still go to church there?
2. Is Italy still family centered?
Polentone alert.
Even traffic wardens are armed.
Yes to both.
>1. Do people still go to church there?
old women mostly
>2. Is Italy still family centered?
for a mexican inmigrant. what city is a good place to live?
How much does a KTM 690smc cost in Italy?
Experience dealing with the mafia
>Do people still go to church there?
In the south yes; in the north mostly elderly people.
>Is Italy still family centered?
Significantly more than the EU average, but could be better.
nice! can i find a good decent job there?
What do ordinary Italians think of the Mafia?
>implying they are not colluded
fuck off
For instance, im a poor fuck and have only 3 days in Italy, what should i see/do/eat.
It's pretty much irrelevant for the majority of people. Maybe a bit less in the south, but I'm just speculating.
yes, they appreciate drug dealing experience
lel i love it
something tells me this thread will get taken over by jews saying italians aren't white soon
Hi dad
Do you eat pasta all time? What's the best "Not worlwide mainstream" italian food?
Movies and media does not show the reality
You have a great literaly tradition (or so I'm told). Do many of you read Dante?
Not good.
>when He was around..
jsut for lunch
Why Trento alto aldigo is so better than the rest of Italy? i need an answer
the other 50% will go to the state in the form of taxes.
welcome to italy.
Ps. do not inject your use motor oil in a 400 years old fountain .
Thank you,
What do you think about Virginia Raggi?
>Trento alto aldigo
tf is that
What's your favorite italian food.
100% white and work hard?
who do you think we are? Switzerland?
I'm not sure it is.
Well, we study Dante, Petrarca Boccaccio and others in school and we pretty much have atleast a basic knowledge of their works.
Atleast once a day, anyway everyone has his favourite food, it also depends on where you're from. Where I live the local dish are Olive ascolane which are fried green olives with meat in them.
t. terremotato
i don't speak Italian Sherlock. Its the State in the north east of Italy. Where is the city of Trento and Bolzano
I was always wondering how much the modern Italian identity takes from its classical past. Does the national "origin myth", so to speak, take your Roman past into consideration, or is it more rooted on the Renaissance and medieval history? Does that change between regions? For example, are people in Toscana fond of the Etruscans, or is the Roman identity generalized across Italy?
What do Italians think about us Greeks? Are there strong feelings, or not much either way?
she's a rag and a virgin
Are Sicilians Italians?
most people like them better than the state
She can't do shit. But she's bangable atleast.
No strong feelings for Greece. Maybe we just poke a bit at the crisis over there. Anyway I guess it depends, but we usually are fond of Romans and Mussolini.
Probably pizza or lasagne. They're great.
I'm going to Sicily in a couple of days.
How can I find and marry an italian woman?
That and the fact that the brass in the secret services and police forces are mostly the same people that dealt with terrorism for 20 years during the years of lead. And also the fact that unlike other countries, when some sandnigger is suspected of terrorism we arrest and throw in jail first and ask question later.
We basically say a big "FUCK YOU" to due process when islamic terrorism is involved.
> Napoli
> Job
pick one.
Yes, even if I don't know how they feel about it. In the North they'll consider everything beneath the Po (It's a big ass river in Emilia-Romagna) as not Italy and viceversa, but it's all bullshit. When the World Cup is on we all cheer for Italy and I guess that's what matters.
which Mafia ?
there is no Mafia
What are you talking about?!
How much of the average Italian diet consists of pizza?
Well, you have jobs in Naples.
> Drug Dealer
> Thief
Pick one.
Nowadays they basically don't think anything about it. Meaning that the mafia(s) are doing their job right.
Why You Look Like Some Shitskin Beasts?
Meh, idk, it depends. Pasta is pretty much eaten daily.
2nd hand for 4.200€. Is it reasonable?
Depends where you go.
His most notorious work, the Divine Comedy, is mandatory read (in part) in all high schools. Didn't like it back then, but I appreciate it now.
Stupid bitch.
They're doing good because they're (mostly) good people, what kind of question is that? Also they have very favorable tax exemptions because reasons and they make good use of that too.
Convince her father.
Do you consider Italian-americans real Italians or are you a civic
Is Saviano well informed and accurate in his books or is he rather a quasi-celebrity overblowing stuff?
That's pretty much it.
I can tell you are a terrone, can we agree that people from naples are niggers and not italians?
not so much
i'd say pasta is 10 times more eaten
Also, any reliable site for renting vacation homes by myself? Parlo un po.
I don't really know but I know that the Camorra placed a bounty on his head, so I guess it is kind of real.
Agreed. Polentone che non sei altro.
We don't. Have you ever been to italy in the winter? We just go to the beach and get tanned.
Neato picture. Is fascism still acceptable in italy?
Depends where you go but the state hates everyrhing that has to do with Fascism, kind of Germany with Nazi things
as long as you hate napolecani you are good in my book, i was in puglia last week and napolecani were pure cancer.
Last time you visited Predappio and payed your respects?
All the neapolitans I've met were very well mannered, respectful and all around good people
Basically every souvenir shop in most major cities sells fascist memorabilia (medals, busts of Mussolini, truncheons with fascist slogans written of them, etc...). In some historic fascist cities (like Predappio, hometown of Mussolini) there are entire shops dedicated entirely to that, and yearly meetups and marches where many cosplay as blackshirts to commemorate the 20 years of fascism.
A year ago.
Meh, not all are bad but Naples is a shithole.
Last time I visited Italy 15 years ago, manhole covers (and many monuments and building decorations) with fasci were still everywhere in Milan and Roman. How is it today?
The main problem isn't the number of immigrants, which in itself is already quite high. The real problem stems from the fact that our bureacracy prevents us from sending them back even if they are deemed unfit as a refugee. Also before a decision is taken a year or more might pass.
Then even if they get the status of refugee it's not like we are able to give them all an accomodation, find them a job, teach them italian which they aren't too willing to learn to begin with. Slowly but surely things are getting worse.
He's a Jew. Unironically.
A bit of an unhappy comparison, but I think Fascism is to Italy what the Confederate are (until last week) to the US: not necessarily well seen (and forbidden by law to run for public office in Italy) but too many people either like it or don't dislike it enough for it to be erased from history.
There still are some. Fascism really helped the country. It built roads, railways and stuff that we still use.
Well, the feeling's not mutual. I suppose we love Italy more than Italy loves us because we don't have an equivalent to Italy's Catholic / Romance-speaking siblings, and all our neighbors hate us. :P
Plus we see you as a more successful version of ourselves given the similar background and common history we have.
will the government save alitalia yet once again?
They're still there, and proudly maintained. Leftist sjw president of lower chamber of parliament tried to have some removed. Didn't go so well for her.
Pic related is a giant forest on the side of a mountain carved to spell the word DVX. It's visible from Rome some 90km away.
>more successful version of ourselves
>southern italy
Yeah, I guess. We pretty much hate France and pretty much like everyone else.
Only that Fascism really helped Italy. Everyone kind of knows and appreciates it.
Went to Italy this summer and traveled from Rome up the west coast until Torino.
Two completely different cultures but the food in Torino was leagues better.
How is that northern Italy has become so shitty in such a short amount of time. 5 years ago it was great, now it's just like Paris or London.
It's your fault, faggots.
What's Pisa and that local area like these days? I lived there for a few years when i was a little kid.
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