Why is this guy a threat, a tyrant, an evil demon, and/or literal Hitler? What exactly did he do that was even remotely bad (other than his sun tan)? Can one of you fucking mental defective answer a direct question?
I'm Confused!
He's just so good that eveyone need to say that he's bad
He's hurting fee feels by speaking the truth.
Lefties operate on feels.
I mean, he's literally Hitler. What else do you need to know?
He had a different thought about Charlottesville than the approved conclusion, therefore he is committing violence and genocide.
Well, that is what I am assuming because I cannot find a fault. Not one!
It.....it was HER turn!!!
He denounced violence on both sides of the political spectrum just like Hitler.
He gave a voice to the white man again. I'm not even white and I think whites are treated like shit now.
The extreme right are being stirred up right now and that fringe is being exclusively linked to him on purpose so everyone is blaming him.
Yes, and the Media lies and so how can normies actually believe that media or even think TGrump has done something wrong? Is it still butthurt from the election?
That was my thought. Could they be that pathetic?
This thread is gold. Funny that the shill response time is pretty low - they must be too busy reposting 7 'impeach drumpf' threads a minute and sliding the spain and mueller/assange happenings with religion and blacked threads.
The elites had a strangle hold on this nation and he broke it, so they will do whatever it takes to destroy him
OP here:
Does all this lefty hate bullshit stem from the fact that a woman was supposed to be president in their minds? Are women pissed because a literal nigger is valued more than a woman?
He dared win the presidency for the Republicans. Had it been Cruz or Rubio that had won they'd be doing the same thing (with, admittedly, less push-back from the established right).
This is the "everybody gets a trophy" generation we are talking about. This is the first time they ever lost at anything and they don't know how to handle it.
You are blessed!
Women are pissed because we let them roam around free and vote. They are happiest when they are mothers and wives.
CAn someone collect the list here and make a video of how totally fucking retarded the left is acting?
Pic related:
He is not a communist and is an easy figurehead to slander and rally all the useful idiots against.
OMG! That fucker is insane, i mean clinically!
He's a Master Troll. He makes their heads spin.
I genuinely curios and hope someone can answer.
After the nazi riots, it took Trump a few days to respond, and he did in fact condemn the actions of the nazis. He said they were part of the problem, stemming from both sides.
Why are the left calling him a nazi sympathizer now? How are they putting all this together in their heads?
Dementia is weird and confusing, look how he says he supports winners.
>Confederate's lost the war.
> Hitler lost the war.
> Praises the beautiful statues of losers of the war.
> Bashed McCain for being a P.O.W. survivor
above all i think he is mainly disgusting un mentally unfit to be president
>How are they putting all this together in their heads?
They don't. Are you a complete noob to psychological warfare? The entire point is to render people incapable of rational thought.
Well, when one side is Nazis and the other side are people against Nazis it's pretty easy to see why "both sides" is a pretty stupid thing to say unless you're trying to make Nazis look good.
>Won't someone think of the people who want to murder all the Jews and other minorities?!?
I believe Trump is the greatest comedian of our time. He is also hell-bent on destroying the American Empire, which is one of the greatest things anyone has ever done.
I unironically love Trump.
Communists are worse than Nazis.
hes white and not a democrat
Because he equated counter protestors, the majority of which were peaceful, with the original protestors, who were a majority neo-nazis, and specifically organized the rally as a white nationalist one. The two sides are not equatable. One was calling for genocide against Jews. The other was anti-genocide.
There are lots of problems with Trump. One is his appeal to racists and white nationalists. He's on Twitter to condemn radical Islam as soon as it happens, but he takes days to condemn Nazis?
Another is how ineffectual a leader he is. Very little has been accomplished in his administration, the only real win being a Conservative on the Supreme Court.
I think what bothers me the most personally isn't Trump, but you faggot bootlickers. Instead of admitting to any faults he has, anything he's done wrong, you cucks chant MAGA and beg for his orange cock. It's been pretty amusing watching The Donald and /DTG/ flip flop on all of their major issues, just because Trump changes his mind every half hour.
So, you are saying that one cannot appreciate american history without being a nazi? Who is demented?
Yae, but why, you fucking retarded idiot?
There is evidence to support authoritarian policy from the antifa too. Why do you ignore that?
why is he unfit?
well you can tell comparing himself with other presidents and the job that he has done, how does he conducts affairs, his priorities, etc.
We have free speech in this country. It seems that the evidence shows that antifa are the ones destroying property and shutting down freedom of speech. Ignoring the first amendment is FACIST!
>he takes days to condemn Nazis?
I'm sure Israel noticed.
> *golf-clap*
Regurgitate more words maybe then you will eventually come up with your own thoughts.
And, white people deserve a voice in this country and Canada more than any mudshit ingrate because we founded the countries you so wantonly enjoy. FUCKING KYS
HOW? Why are you incapable of answering a question with specifics?
He isnt trying to genocide white people and it's really really frustrating to the leftist media
Them trying to pin a white rally where fights broke out and 1 person got killed on him as an act of Hitler is mind boggling
The implication is that all white people should be denied their race...
Yes, and the suspect in the Dodge was a JEW, so there is that....
its very obvious
if you just turned 18 and this was your first time voting i understand why you fail to appreciate the specifics by yourself.
but i can answer very directly if you want.
he hasnt accomplish a single thing he bragged about doing. its all just media scandal on many sides. where is his fucking actual plan to make america great again? do you think building a wall will make it great again? you that live in the states have you noticed a real improvement in your life because of trump?
He's not a player in the pedophile ring that runs this country, and they're scared shitless they have nothing on him to control him.
He is white and masculine
Dont believe or care about that
But he has. There are numerous political campaign promises that have been fulfilled. You choose to not see them. KYS because you are a little faggot.
i dont understand how people regard trump as an outsider to the elites. he is a fucking millionaire heir for fucks sake. are you that deluded to consider a "business man" to be more comprehensible on the "white american average people". your view on politics is very superficial. all your conclusions are based on the most evident characteristics of individuals, their color. thats why you are racist. you fail to acknowledge it is much more complicated than that. buts its very easy to an uneducated man to point fingers and believe in the jew conspiracy
where is the fucking wall? is the US out of NAFTA? has he destroyed isis? is clinton in jail?
Here's the very basic breakdown. A bunch of pedos are afraid that he will break up their fun and they will have to fly to east Asia whenever they want to partake in their favorite hobby. Therefore they attack Trump in any way possible, no matter how flimsy the "evidence."
and why you get pleasure on two elites fighting between themselves that has nothing to do with you? none of them protect your self interest
The Wall is coming. The immigration bans are already in place. You wetbacks will actually have to live in your own countries... cockroach
He's fuckin a WhITe MaLe!
I have a question to ask for everyone
What are you all even fighting for?
yes its comming eventually? i really dont know, you neither. do you really think it will stop inmigration? kek
>Why is this guy a threat, a tyrant, an evil demon, and/or literal Hitler? What exactly did he do that was even remotely bad (other than his sun tan)? Can one of you fucking mental defective answer a direct question?
He committed the crime of actually being reasonable in a media and political environment where any semblance of sanity is seen as insanity.
Truth hurts the leftists.
They don't want to know they are responsible for their low income lives by squandering their youth on drugs and luxurious.
They cant handle constructive criticism one bit.
I dont love him or praise him but hes honestly the best we've had in a long time. Just wish we didnt need to rely on the good faith of a single man.
Betrayed America and defended white nationalists/nazis. Also he can't take 5 steps without fucking up immeasurably.
> faggot/dyke likes hillary
> hillary loses to orange man
> faggot/dyke hates orange man for making hillary lose
> faggot/dyke hates everything orange man do
that simple OP.
It is because the congress is a bunch of paid off KIKE puppets
generalizations are worthless, as you are.
I know this. Hence why I dont believe in changing the system from within. We need a civil war.
He isn't Hitler.
He is a vessel, your personal american version of Hitler in the making.
A self fulfilling prophecy.
He is the antichrist, see digits.
Valid. One would hope it is not true. I, personally, think you are right. I think blood must soak the earth again.
If only leaders would have read and understood Bastiat and been able to refrain from their greed to begin with. It is a sad state today.
Germans are meaningful in what way today? Go put some kraut on your kabab
He is resistant to the one pedoring to rule them all apparently
trumps proposals are all easy ways out, just to satisfy the ignorant bunch and he can tell he has accomplish something. the truth is that he and his team are so unexperienced and incompetent they can barely accomplish anything of value. if his presidency is not over sooner or later, this 4 years will be completely lost
remember this, trump will be one of the worst presidents of all time. it is already the consensus in the rest of the world and his rating by all accounts is very well below average. this is my advice. get your head out of your own ass and read other sources. im not telling you to go to cnn. but actually read and do some research by yourself out of the expected media outlets that are directed to your demographic.
Trump guards my interest of comedy and bantz
Hey at least America wont be Mexico as much
It will be remembered as one of the best, a man that battled the liars and foreign dogshit like you. It must burn your ass that you will have to remain in Mexico with Mexicans instead of living off the whites like a parasite and cockroach. KEK!
>No one even answers
I am not fighting. I am asking for actual proof that Trump has done ONE thing bad.
what is this Sup Forums?
Its called lies, faggot. Propaganda blaring at you from all forms of media telling you what to think.
It is hard to tell me what to think because I have a few philosophy degrees and make a living with those degree being used in full measure.
>only a faggot on Sup Forums
that i can get
its the only reason i have come across that explains the behaviour of the youth and immature people that "support" trump. but this can have no good outcome, not even for the luls. youll see, you have 4 more years to grow up a little more and then it would not be as funny as it is now
Do you even know what went down?
>Plan rally for months
>Get permits
>Make a plan with local police to ensure that no violent outbursts take place by using barricades.
>State tries to shut it down
>Can't because of the first amendment
>Rally day, zero local police, none of the plan carried out
>The 'peaceful protesters' (WHO ARE LITERAL COMMUNISTS) show up, with weapons, also one notable member of the ""alt-right"" got attacked by some fucked up cocktail and received permanent eye damage
>State police cause dispersion of right protesters to split them up for assault from the 'peaceful protesters'
>State calls state of emergency to tread all over and take a shit on the constitution
>Oh but don't worry, the state police did nothing to those poor '''PEACEFUL PROTESTERS'''
>One guy is sick of having communists in his country and decides to run over them
He said "pussy." IMPEACH NAO 2 SCOOPS!
Well then you shouldnt be confused then, should you?
>Because he equated counter protestors, the majority of which were peaceful, with the original protestors, who were a majority neo-nazis, and specifically organized the rally as a white nationalist one.
Well, I guess I am confused as to why so many others are confused. I feel like I am missing something, yet when I ask, I get retarded answers from lefties... so, I am confused.
Not everybody has multiple Philosophy degrees, user...
Leftists on here? or? Leftists are mentally ill and buy into the propaganda entirely. You shouldnt listen those who want to bring Communism to this country.
I aint fighting for shit
Im learning while protecting myself
No hes still by far the best canidate when run against people like Hilldawg and Bernie Panders
He just says what he should (and shouldnt) more than any other canidate and thats better than always saying what he shouldnt
Trump is the best choice for America we had and I do not regret him.
But the anti-nazis at the rally are fascists also
>Freddy Kruger and Jason Vorhees are in a fight
Trump: those are both bad guys
>Paris climate agreement (even if everyone know it's bullshit)
>'muricah first but threatens Korea and Iran
>Tweets retarded things that even Sup Forums aka neckbeard nationalists think it's funny
That's it for me
Communism, like all belief systems, should be critically examined, and ultimately feared.
The nazis werent even oppressing anybody, they had a legally permitted rally and were attacked by antifa
Why isn't Hitler seen as a Philosopher?
This pretty much