What exactly is wrong with moving these statues to a museum, where they actually belong? You don't usually put statues of the losers of a war out on public display.
What exactly is wrong with moving these statues to a museum, where they actually belong...
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What about Franco's statues in Spain.
I don't think anything is wrong with the statues of specific individuals like Lee, who was rather awesome and didn't even want a statue or memorial of himself.
But the statues to the soldiers in general, the 98% that owned no slaves and were pretty much just fighting for their family, their friends, and their land against the North in a divided nation, those were fucking Americans and they deserve to be remembered for dying in that horrible but pivotal war.
Monuments remind us that war is horrible for all involved and its especially important we honor and remember the Civil War for the very important topics surrounding it.
Loyalty is not a concept the modern brainwashed college kid or millennial understands. That's why they give it no importance. Loyalty is the only reason Lee even returned and fought for the South. The North wanted him to fight for them, but he was loyal to his state and his family, so that's what happened.
Our piece of shit youth of today know nothing of loyalty. They are tools, and tools get used.
ideally nothing. But they won't be moved to museums, they'll be thrown in warehouses to rot or just destroyed.
>They are tools, and tools get used.
Just like the soldiers in the South. When do the slaves and Native Americans get their statues?
Yeah I mean why would anyone build a statue to the loser it's not like wars hold an extremely powerful place in cultures and race lol statues aren't for losers only winners xDDDD
>You don't usually put statues of the losers of a war out on public display.
Yeah fuck losers.
They're memorials to serve as a reminder to what this country went through years ago before video, mass media, and internet. That Americans signed up to kill each other wholesale. They're to honor the memory of the dead, but also to serve our memory of what can happen when the country becomes divided and Federal Government becomes overly powerful(as it currently is). The irony that on the brink of a possible second Civil War, people want to destroy monuments that honor that war, is beyond Marxist retardation
It's not about statues.
These Anti American fools want to destroy this country. Wake up.
Let's tear down all the statues of losers
Monument Avenue in Virginia is safe as fuck.
Losers don't deserve to be honored.
All confederate soldiers are recognized and granted the status of United States military veterans. These statues are monuments to US veterans who had significant impact in our civil war. Their motivations behind the war may or may not be moral relative to today's standards, however, they were Americans who fought defending their beliefs, which in and of itself is deserving of remembrance. Should we tear down Vietnam memorials because of the atrocities comitted there? No. We should remember those who fought and those who died for our country, no matter the end result.
slide thread. Stop replying.
I don't know. Why don't you ask the government who systematically enslaved and slaughtered them, when?
How about the respective municipalities where these statues are located hold referendums on it? Jesus fuck at all the fighting and how many outside agitators keep telling people in other jurisdictions what to do.
it's your own fault, you know.
>bunch of nazis publicly and loudly proclaim they don't want confederate statues torn down
>confederate statues get torn down
Go lookup the actual history you retard
If andrew johnson hadnt recently been through an attempted impeachment robert e lee and jefferson dacid would have hung for treason
We outlawed the flag too , all this shit your spouting didnt gain popularity until 50 years post war
Literally rewriting with your imagination
Shut the hell up you retarded faggot
Look, I like rednecks as much as the other guy, but that was a brotherly war and we must honor the loser as well, after all they too saw hell
The south didn't lose, the south surrendered.
what I mean is they were not beat into submission but quit willfully. Most white folk of the confederacy never liked the idea of the union taking back control and were resentful of it and still are.
I bet you're a libertarian. You guys love to cave to leftist anti-white and anti-American authoritarian demands. Pick a side faggots. One faction is representing the ideals and beliefs of the founding fathers today and one is not.
Stop whining, you little faggot.
Almost all of them have been destroyed except the one in Melilla.
He's talking about today's youth as being tools you absolute brainlet. Jesus fucking Christ we should have a monument of you to remind us of your absolute stupidity.
Holy autism.
>where they actually belong?
Why is this becoming the go-to argument? Who the fuck is the ultimate arbiter of where they "belong"? You?
Not only can the Left not meme, they can't fucking logic either.
>What exactly is wrong with moving these statues to a museum, where they actually belong?
Removing the monument and transporting it would be expensive.
Just like the soldiers in the North, and pretty much all soldiers you fucking dumbass.
As for Native Americans, yeah we've only named a thousand institutions like schools and parks and other shit like military vehicles after them for a hundred years, but that means nothing. They also have lots of heritage sites and there are statues proposed right now.
Goddamn you guys are fucking faggots lol, thread is now trash.
Take that Deus Vult meme flag off your shit, you fucking faggot. You don't deserve to use it and I will follow you through every thread and meme your faggot bitch LARPing ass until you do.
It wouldn't be long until the museum would be deemed racist and then torn down. This isn't about the statues at all.
I could understand if these are at battlefields or only a few of them existed. But, these Confederate statues are neither rare or unique.
They were mass produced in the 20s-50s for the daughters of the Confederacy
The removal of these statues opens old wounds that I didn't even know I had. We in the south lost the war. We erected monuments to our honored dead and we moved on. Tearing these memorials down without even a discussion on the matter makes me not feel all that generous anymore.
Perhaps we need to tear down Affirmative Action. Perhaps Welfare for illegal aliens needs to end.
There is a price for everything. Perhaps the removal of these monuments to our dead will cost the loss of our cooperation (those who feel as wounded as I do by these events). I feel a profound hardening of my attitudes. You who advocate for the removal of these memorials are going to pay a price. What do you think the price will be?
I think the ultimate price will be the complete and open balkinization of America. We will no longer be a people.
>they were Americans who fought defending their beliefs
They were, are, and will forever be traitors to their country
The statues will still oppress people in the museums. They need to be destroyed along with books that don't adhere to what I believe.
There is a statue of George Washington in the Trafalgar Square in the UK. It's an outdoors statue of someone who was a traitor to the crown.
>The removal of these statues opens old wounds that I didn't even know I had
Good. Fuck you and every other traitors piece of shit in the South. Sherman should razed every town and killed every man, woman, and child that supported the Confederacy
>all those dead drafted pot head commies
Soldiers from the North came and burned down the family home of my grandmother of 8 generations ago. Sherman burned the entire city of Atlanta to the ground. An estimated 620,000 men died in that war. Roughly 2% of the population. You are glibly pulling down monuments to the dead. My dead.
>You don't usually put statues of the losers of a war out on public display
Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
Trump is right, it wont end with Confederates.
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There are Confederate statues on Capitol Hill. Cory Booker has a bill that removes them.
>You don't usually put statues of the losers of a war out on public display.
good point
Why should they get moved in the first place? They were racists, but they were americans, doing what they could, and what they thought was best for their people. We should honor them, and honor their mistakes.
>Soldiers from the North came and burned down the family home of my grandmother of 8 generations ago.
Good. I hope they raped her too
>Sherman burned the entire city of Atlanta to the ground.
He shouldn't have stopped there.
>You are glibly pulling down monuments to the dead. My dead.
Fuck your traitorous dead. They should dig up every Confederate grave and replace it with section 8 housing
This is reatrded. By that definitton no country has ever lost a war ever, they surrendered. And you're literally proving the point why it should be removed. So many people support monuments to this war because anytime they don't like the gubment they yell "the south will rise again." Theres too many people in the south that are sore losers
He says this whilst on a natsoc tier news page
You are exactly making my point for me. The wounds of the Civil War are deep and real, and both you and I feel them to the core of our being.
157 years later and sentiments haven't really changed all that much. So what sense does it make to re-open old wounds?
The South needs to learn their place.
I can't wait to kill you in Civil War 2
Oh my bad. I this was the commie smoke signal board. Honestly the south needs like 4 or 5 historical sites to honor the men who served and be done with it. Growing up in rural NC, learning about the Civil War was nice but it's always had an essence of shoulda coula woulda