Yes we need more people with nothing to lose. Hopefully more people die.
>fired after a coworker called HIM a nazi
These niggers should start filing wrongful termination and hostile workplace suits, they might have a pretty decent chance considering who's in charge at the federal level right now.
You can't call people nazis in the workplace lmao
You can never stop NEETS like me.
Might do that if I get canned.
This will end with people using masks. People using masks can be more violent.
Now we also need to see alt-leftians fired for being violent. Both sides are wrong.
Firing people over their race, sex, religion, creed and political affiliation is actually against the law in many countries and you guys need to consider lawsuits.
His right to freedom of association was violated.
conservashits hate the free market when theyre unemployable for their racism.
as if you scum bag hypocrites wouldn't fire a sjw if you had the chance.
>Calling alt rights faglords
just keep cucking and you'll be brought to a place where you have to live, no matter how you keep labeling people. Not all alt rights are evil or immoral. Only those who commit crimes are evil and immoral. Just keep doxxing others and you'd be in jail!!
How do you get fired for going to a free speech event? lol wtf america
lmao, did Sup Forums from 2006 turn NatSoc?
>when theyre unemployable for their racism.
Fucking kike shill US workforce participation rate is at 40-year-low and 2(literally, two) people have been fired for being nazis
>those tattoos
>everything about that guy
nothing of value was lost
you're stopping yourself
I don't give a fuck about your movement or your fucking stupid meme president, kiddo.
Reciprocity is a concept you need to become familiar with.
And now Liberals love the free market and dare I say capitalism.
If these places favour these tactics, we should just burn their stores down.
Mfw people start doing this to antifa commies, they try to sue for civil rights violations, and they find out commies are excluded from protection under the 1964 civil rights act.
The arnold tattoo lmaooo
>as if you scum bag hypocrites wouldn't fire a sjw if you had the chance.
This is the fundamental differences between you faggots and the majority on the right. You actually think we're petty enough to fire productive workers because of their political views. I work with a lot of SJW's who keep their politics out of the workplace and do a great job at their position. It makes no fucking sense to fire a productive employee for their political opinions so long as they keep them out of the workplace. Firing someone solely because of their political beliefs is not only stupid (cost of hiring, potential lawsuits, cost of training, decreased efficiency and effectiveness during the transition period, etc.), it's also illegal.
But I realize I'm talking to an economic illiterate who knows nothing about how business works in America.
ren but to many shitty tatoos. i'm conflicted.
The alt-right music video is out
there's a big ol backlash comin against this attempted purge & i'm fucken psyched
not white
this is fantastic... well done
Civil rights / EEOC. You want a federal charge, not a state one, esp. if your state gov. is Dem.
Kek what's that the 30th guy to get fired and doxed? Man they're picking off you chumps one by one