I really don't want a civil war to happen in the US. What could I realistically do to help prevent it?
I really don't want a civil war to happen in the US. What could I realistically do to help prevent it?
Read the Turner Diaries.
It shows you how to prevent it.
Make sure the MSM never broadcasts again.
Why would you want to stop it?
night of the long knives on lefties
leave none alive to wage war against you
Go out and have rational discussions with your neighbors and community members calmly stating your perspective and making it clear that you don't intend to be swayed by the most extreme arguments on either side.
Don't act like it's up to us, though.
You just have to bend over for Tyrone :) there wont be a war if you don't put up a fight. Just give them whatever they want
if muslims keep escalating MYABE the left and right will unite against em :-)
of course you /pol shits don't really want a civil war.
1. you would have to leave the house.
2. you would get your skulls caved in by cops/military
Kill your neighborhood journalist.
>What could I realistically do to help prevent it?
Kill all lefties before things get ugly.
KIll a bunch of commies
Last year I would have laughed at this comment and posted 40keks.jpg but this now, sadly one of the correct answers. They want another '92 LA Riot just to secure viewership and clicks
I am buying more ammo and weapons this weekend. But honestly I really wish I knew where like minded patriots were going to rally with their families and supplies when it comes time to draw a line in the ground and purge the Left.
I have bad aim
I don't understand yanks, Trump just said he's on your side. You have carte blanche to start killing the commie vermin.
In EU the politicians support antifa.
throw all of the Muslim apologists and BLM drones out to sea
If right-wingers can't even peacefully assemble without being attacked by leftists aren't we effectively already in a civil war?
Kill all Jews.
That's it.
In actuality you just need a minor adjustment to a few laws which grant superior rights to minirities making them essentially untouchable super citizens.
Then go melee.
>What could I realistically do to help prevent it?
Physically remove non-whites. Unironically.
Have you been living under a rock...leftists have doubled down on their support of Muslims, even defending sharia advocates like Linda Sarsour. They view Muslims as allies against the hated white man.
That's fine, it's mostly suppressing fire anyways.
This so much this.
Guns are already at the rallies.
Civil war starts when the two sides dont give a fuck and start shooting and the government can't contain it.
Problems are :
1. NatSoc are leftist. White Nationalist are leftist. Antifa are leftist. The entire right has condemned this shit.
2. Neither of those groups have enough people to start a civil war. You'd need millions.
>implying the Cops and Military don't support us
Holy fuck that delusion
Nothing. You gave power to a moron that has shown a total inability to defuse something as trivial as a Twitter argument. All he knows how to do is escalate every conflict and you can bet he will do nothing but fan the flames of war as hostilities between both sides keep scalating.
>tfw I live less than a mile from where that picture was taken.
Focus on Soros and why he wants us to fight each other. Then spread the knowledge.
You know, you have a point. The problem is many aren't German socialists. We are Scots-Irish stock that learned independence and self-sufficiency and suspicion of corruption. It was London once, it's DC now. Part of our character is that we know how to be neighborly, and this makes cleansing commies harder for us than a German that's doing it 'im Volk.' Modern Germans, I think, are just a bit more collectivist by nature. So it takes a lot for us to move as one horde.
>Natsoc is leftist
>White Nationalist are leftist
I've seen this new meme a couple times already and I don't get it. What's the new definition of political left and political right?
Before the Jews were liberated in the West they were treated as second-class citizens, and I think a return to that would improve everything a thousandfold. They should be restricted from abusing and exploiting the native American population and should see their stay here as a privilege and not a right.
They haven't changed. NatSoc has always been a left-center authoritarian ideology.
Yes. Start carrying to all demonstrations. When they shoot fire at you, shoot them.
Completely eliminate one side
Kill as many Jews as you possibly can.
There will be no civil war. Alt-right types are a very small percentage of the country and most people on the fence or moderate hate them now after Saturday
Kek. You really think the peasants decide whether there will be war or not?
Convince niggers to integrate better. Racism is about behavior, not color.
the only correct answer
You don't need millions. Only needed 3-10% of pop to win Revolutionary War. Quality is always more important than quantity.
Why not? Shit would be so awesome
Travel and meet more people. And encourage others around you to do the same.
Good chance pic related never left the States and was never friendly with someone who spoke another language.
Right wing want no government and no taxes.
NatSoc and White Nat both want strong government intervention and extreme gibmedats
There's no logical way to say they're not leftist and stay consistent.
Everyone needs to calm the fuck down and stop trying to deliberately piss the other side off.
That's all that needs to happen. We all lived here in relative peace for years, even with our prejudices and dislikes. We're only human and everyone tried to understand that.
Now people are radicalized and have been manipulated out of any sense of empathy for his/her fellow man. Sounds like hippie shit but I love my country and don't want to see it crash and burn, even if it means making a couple concessions to the weirdos.
>doesn't know that 3% of the current pop is 9.69million people.
No one wants a civil war but what's the alternative? The left will push and push and push until everyone they hate is in prison or dead
Yeah those Trump supporters are real lookers.
There won't be a civil war.
For a civil war to exist, you have to have a new group claiming control of parts of the us (rebels)
No one is claiming to do that.. yet.. although the leftist are getting close to suggesting that.
What's likely to happen right now are extreme examples of civil unrest and infighting between factions like a gang war.
(pic related)
You can't avoid it now, the current system is so ingrained into modern society that the only way to break it is for a Civil War to happen again. Even expelling all the niggers, being pro-American and shutting the Fed down would not solve America's problems
the ulster scots are concentrated in the south, the only remnant of the original settlers. rest of the country is mostly german or mexican. in actuality we are a small minority, but the only reason we exist at all is because we fought for that right. the northerners were replaced by their immigrants. germans into the midwest by train, irish in the northeast by boat. the same ones they exploited and used as mercenaries against the confederacy.
it's why the north has so little connection to the war -- it wasn't their fight. those people are hardly "american" to be quite fucking honest with you. personally, i find castizos to be more agreeable than germans.
That's still 10-34 million people
Max WN side 1 million
Shart shooting antifa protesters dressed as a Pro-Trump protester.
Then get more DAKKA
How the hell are you gonna gin up support for a civil war when support for race mixing is at an all time high?
Notice how trembley they get when talking about white nationalism. They don't have the advantage of a totally controlled narrative this time around. They know that whites have been waking up to the truth for a long time now and that the really deadly whites either didn't go to Charlottesville, or were paid to be there.
They try an anti white riot in a major city, or they crucify a mestizo Hispanic like they did with Zimmerman, they could lose thousands or more of their pet niggers. (That would end the race mixer narrative for a couple years at least and would probably interfere with their cheap labor/mass immigration scheme.) We are in an era where we will see outright bans on pro white speech and unhinged Elitist shills funding anti white violence.
Si vis pacem, para bellum
It's too late. You can't stop it now. It's happening.
Dulce bellum inexpertis.
>left leaning
Cops and firefighters profile literally everybody. I love talking to them, they got great stories
Read up on the Battles of Sharpsburg, MD and Gettysburg, PA. 10's of thousands dead and wounded in a few short days (Gettysburg) or single day (Sharpsburg,) is not as fun as it sounds.
Also it won't be North vs. South this time around. It definitely could be white and close to white vs. everyone else with a switch to explicit Imperialist government at the end of it all. Those Elitists are a bunch of dangerous and depraved pricks who are playing with fire think they won't get burned.
the civil war was sheer brutality; a foreshadowing of the first world war. over six hundred thousand died. this go around it would be sixty million. fuck that.
two weeks ago we were on the verge of nuclear war with best korea
this week it's the second civil war
next week who knows what the alarmist topic will be
Clean your room
this is the only way for me to avoid the rakening so all aboard the civil war train.
>People are far more domesticated/docile/stupid now
Have an armed core and, depending how you conduct yourself, millions enough will be sympathetic to you.
Consider the case of William Claybourne Taylor (and some others) who hid from the law by settling down in small towns before being apprehended. Witnesses/informants didn't cooperate with the FBI, because there's general suspicion of the federal government throughout the nation.
The resentment and suspicion is so easy to exploit at this point, that you really do NOT need 9mill strong.
death to all nazis
Be a voice of reason,understanding and love in this mad chaotic world.
Why not?
I would love to cleanse my country of far left filth and minorities. I'm really starting to get the feeling people are getting tired of their shit. Hypothetically speaking of course ;^)
Modern day warfare is brutal. Getting shot or having parts of blow up but still be alive is beyond terrifying. Everyone on Sup Forums would shit themselves.
Shoot journalists and CIA.
it's called a peasants revolt for a reason and yes with a good leader
>>People are far more domesticated/docile/stupid now
I get how you could assume I was going there, but I wasn't.
I was more talking about logistics.
Say there's 5 million on each side, hypothetically, outside of the current government.
>Who's going to lead them? How are they going to stay in communication without infiltration?
>Where are they going to get military gear and where are they going to fight?
>What are the winning conditions and how to you establish these conditions?
>Who fights and how do they support themselves?
These are the easier questions that don't include things like facing off with the US military.
Fuck that crap. There is no love in this mad chaotic world, you can see it every day.
OP, I recommend you to prepare yourself FOR the civil war, instead of preventing it. Or do you still want to stand by and watch all the lefties destroying our beautiful country, culture and history? I WILL FIGHT. The civil war is necessary. Be a man, grab your weapons, prepare food, etc. and stand up for your country!
This Civil War talk is so dumb.
The Civil War was to entire regions with entirely different political structures, like how two states can have different political structures.
There will be no "Civil War" of right verse left because there are no two distinct opposing REGIONS to fight a war.
People are taking sides as we speak.
I see that. I'm just advising you to look back at my questions.
This is not civil war. It does not fit the definition.
You need to bring context and proper syntax to the speculation.
>I really don't want a civil war to happen in the US
Why? It's only going to be worse the longer you delay it.
It's not about if there is going to be a civil war. The question is whether we should let the alt-left continue their disgusting policy of destroying our culture and history or whether we finally act and fight with all weapons against this leftist insanity.
You can still sit on your fucking couch on TV and let your country burn down, you fucking fat piece of crap. But I won't. I will fight for my country.
The leftists marked us as 'violent', while we were peacefully protesting. Then they used this disgusting car attack to discredit ALL of us, while they themselves always differentiate between each other ("blah not every leftist is violent blah"). Now, they went too far. They want violence? Now, they will get violence.
>user can't see the future
Sad, it'll begin with balkanization in 6 years to protect immigrant sanctuaries.
Not only that. Without a civil war, our country cannot be saved anymore.
As the saying goes:
"Desperate times call for desperate measures".
Well, when it does start, I'm not stopping until the "Corporation of the United States of America" is dissolved. The incorporation of the United States for the Fed was probably the worst decision ever made in this country.
most of the left will too.
The whole civil war thing is manufactured. The media can easily whip people into a frenzy over nothing. Everyone who thinks a civil war is inevitable at this point is being led on by someone else.
If you go outside, even in heavy urban areas like LA or Minneapolis, you won't see right wing death squads, communist black blocs, or Jewish agitators. You'll see what you see every day in the city. Talk to your neighbors or the postman. Nobody actually feels as outraged as they think they do - they're being led by big red headlines and the prevalence of instant Internet and news access.
A civil war would be the most damaging event of all time in this country and it would by extension destroy the economies of dozens of others, while solving zero problems. A communist utopia or white ehtnostate wouldn't be the end result - it would be famine, economic devastation as all the money you have becomes worthless, and occupation by every country and group with more than two members.
A civil war won't save ANYONE. It would destroy the way of life of EVERYONE.
I'm really doubting you're as tough as you're trying to portrait yourself to be and you'd cry and start calling your mom as soon as would bullets start flying towards you.
Certain areas will be geographically favorable, yes
Leaders, in a natural meritocracy, form from ability not ideology. Ideologues are potentially useful for morale only. Be careful with them. e.g. Hitler's problem is that he was an incompetent general.
An inevitability
Already got it
This is the most important point. Fortifications are nice, but they're a target. Guerrilla warfare is superior, esp when fighting a superior military. And it protracts the conflict, allowing US military to sympathize. Seem to remember that in the revolution, low morale of Hessian/Prussian troops were exploited to get defection. This is especially easy when people realize they value their lives more than money or the promise of creature comforts.
>winning conditions
Independence/autonomy of course
Few routes... Could ask for aid from a foreign power, and risk their over-involvement in your lives... Or get support from non-aligned citizens. As the gov cracks down to determine loyalty, they redpill more people to your cause. Obviously will want connections for smuggling/resource/gear operations. US is still a continent; of promise.
>Nobody actually feels as outraged as they think they do - they're being led by big red headlines and the prevalence of instant Internet and news access.
People have been subtly polarized and dissociated from opposing viewpoints (ironically, even socialized to attack opposing views simply for being different than their own). Families and communities being disconnected and fractured.
If you can't see the writing on the wall, you're being willfully dense. It's not going to get better before it gets much worse.
>tfw last time I was caught in a driveby I stood there and laughed
Don't do drive-bys with pistols, kids; you won't hit shit.
think to to yourself who is forcing a civil war? is it me? if it isnt then you are doing all you can. Its msm and the democratic party trying to get people to kill people.
Those aren't the questions I asked.
You're answering questions generally and I'm talking specifically.
I already know the generalities, I war game very often.
nothing. our fates have been sealed.
There won't be a civil war. The body catches a fever to destroy a virus.
Question is: how do you stop them when you know what they're going to do. They're going to keep de-humanizing their opposition while self-victimizing.
How do you propose to stop it?
There will come a time when you can no longer stick your head in the sand.
Most people are not tough, and so am I. I am in fear too.
But an European like you would not or probably never understand what it means to fight for a country. Fighting for a country does not mean to be 'tough', while it might be indeed helpful if you are. But it more means to overcome fear to do what's right, to fight for your country, even if you are nearly going to piss yourself.
I stand up for my country, no matter what. Also, consider this. I have two options:
1.) Either let this leftist madness continue and watch my country getting occupied by leftists, muslims who will threaten your family on a daily basis.
2.) Fuck fear and fight for my country, in order to protect my family and the culture and history of my country.
I definitely take option 2 over option 1 any time.
Just wanted to clarify: I am not 'tough' or completely free of any emotional fear, but I definitely do NOT want to live my rest of my life in a country with sharia law and crazy maniac leftists.
The leftists started this, and they showed they want violence. Now, they will get it. It sucks. But it finally has to happen, or I see no future for this country.
>I was caught in a driveby I stood there and laughed
Is your life really that bad?
>be a cunt, ergo have no principles
>let this thing into your pussy
>chemicals of peace
When did you last go outside?
Things are not as bad as you claim them to be. People still take time to talk about opposing viewpoints and they definitely are not ready to split the country in two over anything. You've been hearing the vocal minority of both the left and the right-- talk to your coworkers, neighbors, postmen, cashiers, parents, and classmates and see if they think that we need a civil war right now. I guarantee most of them will say no.