Picture of one of the Barcelona attack suspects

Picture of one of the Barcelona attack suspects

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Obviously this young refugee child is white

#not all muslims
#yes all whites

Looks like the average catalonian citizen.

Quintessentially Spanish.

i just want them all to die at this point

dat dere's one o dem white ispanics, ry?

is he muslim? isn't this how most spaniards look....

Poor child. Xe is welcome to apply for asylum in Sweden.

That is the incorrect pronoun. If you were posting from California, that would be $1k and 1 year in the slammer. They'll release a gang banger in on a violent charge aggravated by a firearm to make room for you.

This guy could be a spaniard desu

that skin color is really confusing

Cnn wonders if it was inspired by charlottesville

Whitest dude I've ever seen.

Trust me I live in a white country.


>a white male

is he from the alt-left?

one of my roommates in Barcelona was a Moroccan, they stink like crap

you're joking but in America he is actually classified as white.

He looks Mexican

Look at that blonde hair and blue eyes.

He's quite the Aryan

Because Arabs controlled Spain for 800 years. They even kept some of the Arabic names for their provinces, like Cordoba.

tell me that's just not true

No, americans are so dumb they would call him latino, they even called Antonio Banderas latino even after him saying he was spanish.

It's just part and parcel of living in a big city.


Blubbery Saturday will never be forgot

The joke here is that Spaniards are indistinguishable from North Africans

Why the fuck do sandniggers and Mexicans look exactly the fucking same? Seriously what the fuck is up with that? Has there ever been a study to see if Arabs came over and intermixed at some point , thousands of years ago?

im not sure are spanish white anymore?

Alt-Left strikes again

It will never cease to amaze me how strongly Americans believe the world gives a shit about what's going on in their country.

Atzlan extends into Spain. We're taking it back!

troll thread or source?


Because Spaniards are North African by blood, language, culture, and architecture. Moors (a.k.a. North Africans) controlled the area for hundreds of years

And Le dude comes from the whitest city of France btw.

> Arabs in americas thousands of years ago

American education strikes again folks. SAD.

>at this point
the fuck kraut? why not since time immemorial?

Spanish people can become Muslim, ya know

too white to be german


Damn, the cunt looks like Tzekel-Kan