Can we get a nice HIGH-RES WHITE CULTURE thread going?
I want to eventually take it to /wg/ & witness the ensuing shitshow but I need a modest stockpile.
Pic related not the best example but you get the idea
Can we get a nice HIGH-RES WHITE CULTURE thread going?
I want to eventually take it to /wg/ & witness the ensuing shitshow but I need a modest stockpile.
Pic related not the best example but you get the idea
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sexy ass white culture , dang !!
fine fogof
no no no its all wrong
thang Q !!!!!
The guy has some jewish roots, but his art is hits all the right spots.
the wonderful christ cucks
Nothing beats us, huh Sup Forums?
oh nice i spotted this goin thru my folders but i wasnt sure
scuse u this is NOT what i meant !!
getting pretty triggered you consider white culture gay art and not philosophy and law and order and democracy
sure we took lots of it from all over the world but theres no question we shaped it into the greatest forms of itself
in nowhere but the white countries does law and order work as effectively
you could goto singapore and live like a robot and lack liberty, if thats your thing, its not mine
My stuff isn't high-res, though. I'm afraid I'll stop.
yeeeeeeeh i was starting to regret the phraseology in the OP. i meant art i suppose. i think part of me left "culture" in there so the less-imaginative trolls could help bump the thread with their nonsense. 'ts not "GAY" just cause it's not what u expected pal. 'ts somma the most beautiful stuff to grace the face of the f•ckin planet & u kno it. point taken regardless...
i dont get it... how is this white culture? like i kno yr angery & junk but this is just stinky suicidal muzzies chimping out like stinky suicidal muzzies do. what's yr point? will never be white culture no mattr how much u bend over for allah, m'man, h8 2 break it 2 u
WOW kewl
found 1 with some detail . . . schweet
>white culture
you mean EUROPEAN culture, you bastard son of exiles?
>ITT: cultureless amerifarts dickride european glory when it suits them when in other threads they will call us 'europoors'
fan-f•ckin-tastic thank u !!!!
Yup, Americans have no culture.
heh..... i was never one for the 'europoor' meme. little bitta the 'board-is-1-person' fallacy goin on here? just a bit, methinks... i appreci8 u & ur ppls. ur funney :]
~imcreasem angery~ yea well YEA WELL THATS FINE WHATEVER i dont TALK SH•T bout europeans so i am EXEMPT from this criticism K , K
that's a greek-styled building constructed in the 1800s.
Gent is the most aesthetic city in Europe
Yeah we aight
>how is this white culture?
Enabling islamic terrorism is inherently white.
pf watevs
sooo cayoot !!!!
horse looks KEKED
I know a lot of people are into vandalizing sculptures by splashing them with red paint, but I think it looks kinda cool, actually. As long as it's not causing any permanent damage.
I've been here, and the Castle right next to it probably 50-60 times. Its beautiful, and even more beautiful on the inside.
What the fuck is "White" culture
Americans are fucking retards
I went on a trip around Europe earlier this year, i'll post some of the pics i took.
This is brugge
our history is quit violent to be honest
but i still love it
It is safe to say that Flanders has some of the most beautiful cities in Europe.
It's ok, cause gloryfying violence it's an important part of white culture
why would someone vandalize that?
turn off the proxy turkroach we know its you
I'm no photographer
italian cathedral?
YES and checked!!
YES too. most european cities are beautiful and have rich culture and art to show!
Ah, my city. Boss.
>unless some kind of miracle happens, all of this will be gone in your lifetime
Fucking end it all now.
Imagine how happy that peasent is having such a QT traditional wife.
how much more can you ask for, pal?
Slovakian, a church in Bratislava
hi nederbro. Hieronymus Bosch is my favorite painter after 18, of course!
>pictures of beautiful white women
>not a single picture od a handsome white man
This is why you lose.
Women are repulsed by people who worship them, they'd rather get manhandled by a jamal than deal with being put on a pedestal.
Reminds me of the time when I started doing oil paintings...
Not true! Come on over and we'll have a block party BBQ, light off some fireworks, and enjoy not having to stifle our speech.
Then I'll use your face for target practice!
Ghent my niggers
wtf? ultra comfy. Where?
hmm.. fascin8ing perspective . . .