Shouts out for my fellow countrymen

Guys, our country is rotten. For 40 years it has been prostituting itself and used like a lab rat for European experiments.
Fortunately, we did exceed the expectations and started to grow economically and started to become the good goys of the EU. But then with these (((unfortunate))) fires rising are a strong blow on our economy. They are seizing the means of our production. But the people are starting to get fed up, but mostly losing hope.

Things are not going to change. The "nationalists" we have here are too anglophilic which is very dangerous.
People are trusting anglo kikery churchs like Jeovah Witnesses and some other 3rd worlder heresies, and they are forgetting the One True Church which, btw, is our tradition and our pride.

God is very angry with us, guys. We have forgotten Him. We lost our values and our people is also prostituted with shit that doesn't matter and those who think that are enlighten are stuck in the "past cycle".

God has given us this Israel for the Lusitanos to live in and we are to worried about what is hip in other foreign countries that don't care about us. He gave us everything and we got prostituted all way.

I have to say this because I'm losing hope in you. I hope that you change your ways.

Deus Vult. Avé Maria.

Other urls found in this thread:,_Brazil_and_the_Algarves

Should have kept better relations with Hueland and not let them degenerate so much.

Hueland is facing their own punishment for being traitors. God is always fair.

I do agree that we need a return to our catholics roots.

or not fucked hueland in the first place (all that gold stolen right? maybe they deserve what is happening to then now),in the end every nation will be destroyed by (((then))) nothing we can do about it,we just have to sit and watch,enjoy it if you will :)

It's the only way. After years of reflection, I came to this conclusion. The Catholic roots is what the Iberic Peninsula needs. We just don't need nothing else. Is the ticket to a pure country. Naturally, following the Catholic Law, the degeneracy will be purged. We need a strong Church. Or else we will be disorientated

I'm only a year from getting my Italian passport. Once I do, I will move to Brotugal.

I know this will upset you, but I don't care. Life is too short for someone as intelligent, tasteful and resourceful as I am to live in a third world country.

Brazilian Gold was and still is Portuguese.

Hey we stole way more gold than Portugal and we are super cool with south america.

As long as you change your accent and your degenerate ways, it will be good for me. Learn the Hino.

But your arrogance will be the death of you.

Why lose the accent?

In some ways, Portugal is more degenerate than Brazil. Abortion is still banned in Brazil, thanks to Catholicism.


Brazillian don't understand the concept of conquest.
Brazil was part of Portugal, so we could do everyfuckingthing we wanted with it.

Every brazillian that comes with "muh gold" should kill himself.
You guys are the one's to blame for you pitty and shitty hellhole.

You have amazing tourism, amazing resources, plenty of fucking Land... You're not the "next USA" because of you nigger incompetence.

We're super cool with Brazil too. Don't listen to what you hear on the internet.

It is annoying and 3rd wolder.
No one is more degenerate than Brasil. And you are becoming less catholic day by day with that reino de deus disease



You should learn English before shitposting in foreign imageboards, Manoel.

This type of mentality will get you killed here. And it's Manuel, illiterate monkey

>For 40 years it has been prostituting itself and used like a lab rat for European experiments.
You are thinking of Germany and Russia. The only places that had enormous brainwashing and suffer upon them during the last 100 years. The only one who deserve any compassion. The rest simply deserve all what they got for their stupidity. You had it all - Fascist regime and colonial infrastructure, yet lost it all for nothing like dumb niggers you are.
>Deus Vult. Avé Maria.
It's all imaginary retard

And you want to move to Portugal. They're going to kick the shit out of you DAILY there with your Brazilian arrogance.

Holy shit Man.

>you had it all
It's true... but the USA and URSS and the UK and the mansory didn't like it very much. But what it is surprising is the lack of faith.

But I urge you to get more into Catholic Theology, my slav friend.

Im in Lisboa and Portuguese girls are really hot please tell me how to get them . Sadly I'm pasty white and they don't seem to like it :(

This time of the year is very difficult to french guys to get tuga pussy. You should go to the beach and get tanned, it's summer. I suggest Urban Beach disco

Step 1 stop being French

I just fucking bet JN will link the Barcelona attack to the Alt-right and blame Trump for it tomorrow.

Hey fuck you Pedro, oldest alliance still stands true

>my Brazilian arrogance
The first Lusitan gentleman to quote me tells me I should change my accent and give up my degenerate ways, and I'm the one who's being arrogant...

You don't have to rescue Joaquim from banter, I'm sure the Portuguese can handle some fire.

Shocking. we need to get a strong union of the people through the Santa Igreja Católica, the ultimate redpill

Maybe you can start fixing you're self by getting a more exciting soccer league.

But it's a fact, edson.

For what? to arabs run tghe league with their money?

Heck, whatever you've done with that gold you probably made better use of it all than what we ever would.

Obrigado senpai

Brazil catapulted the Portuguese language into relevance. And if we ever get our shit together, it will only benefit you. Brazil-Portugal relations will always be a priority for us.

When wealthy, educated Brazilians display an interest in moving to Portugal, you should be thankful, because we are by far the best immigrants you are ever going to get.

Yes, that is true. Wealthy educated Brazilians tend to try to become Portuguese. It's a fact.

But very few come here. Only subhuman criminal degenerates come here to construct their little favelas here. with their shitskin

Fuck this country.

Portugal is so fucking poor.
They are the Greece of europe.

Well, if you could finally get a 4th team to win the league then yeah

we have. we have a pretty competitive league right now. you just have to pay attention.

It wasn't us, dad. It was your people who wanted to turn us a colony again after being a commonwealth
>The Cortes (the Parliament) assembled in Lisbon in the wake of the Constitutional Revolution of 1820 to draft a Constitution for the United Kingdom was composed of mostly Portuguese delegates. This was so because the Revolution was Portuguese in origin, so that the members of the Cortes were elected in Portugal, and only later a Brazilian delegation was elected and the Brazilian delegates crossed the Atlantic to join the ongoing deliberations. Also, Brazilian representatives were often mistreated and persecuted in the streets by Portuguese citizens who resented the end of colonial rule. On top of that, Brazilians were under-represented in the Cortes.
>Notably, several Portuguese politicians wanted to re-introduce to Brazil restrictions in foreign trade that in the previous colonial era had been dubbed euphemistically as the colonial pact: a mercantilist system in which Brazilian products could only be exported to Portugal, and in which Brazilians could only import products from Portugal. This system, which enabled the economic exploitation of the Portuguese Colonies by Metropolitan Portugal, had been abolished in Brazil even before the creation of the United Kingdom.,_Brazil_and_the_Algarves

If this stays the same I'm going to live in Iceland. Find a wife there and raise a catholic Family.

You w0t

All my life I've encountered decent Brazilians here, from dentists to business owners, very chill people.
I actually even did a Pokémon raid with a couple that just moved here two days ago. Both educated and well mannered people.

You're full of shit

you deserve it for being ungrateful.

>They are the Greece of europe
The Greece of Europe is Greece you dumb monkey

that's because you are probably rich and never had to deal with a peasent environment. I live near a Bairro.

don't fall for the bait.

> Brazilians in 1800 wanted independence over a 15% tax
> Brazilians in 2017 have to work 6 months a year to pay taxes

I'm not fucking rich lmao

But I do live in a nice place alright.

>cries about jews
>shills different kike religion

found the converso


>you deserve it for being ungrateful.
>After hosting Royal Family
>After they stealing our money in order to return to Portugal

>Dias depois, a 26 de abril de 1821, D. João VI deixava o Brasil, acompanhado por 4 mil pessoas, levando tudo o que puderam, inclusive todo o ouro que existia no Banco do Brasil. Grupos de brasileiros tentaram impedir a volta das jóias e dos bens do Tesouro para Lisboa. Cantava-se nas ruas:
"Olho vivo,
pé ligeiro,
vamos a bordo,
buscar o dinheiro".

Why are amerifats even in this thread?

>Deus Vult. Avé Maria.

I... I had never thought about things from that perspective.

Estou completamente redpilado.

God established a New Alliance with the catholics through Jesus. Since you are not latin, you are a Devil's minion.

Brasil was Portugal. The Portuguese Capital was in Lisboa. E eu não vou confiar nas tuas fontes brasileiras que rescrevem a história. That is bad in the eyes of the Lord

nigger genetics and negrofication of culture. same goes for the US

>Avé Maria.

What's up with the Mary worshipping heresy though?

The US is a 3rd world country with very nukes.

>be American
>practice Burger Faith
>grill burgers inside a temple every Sunday
>get kicked out of the religion for not tipping the priest
I'll stay with my kike religion, thanks.

Portuguese women belong to Portuguese men. Blood mixing is degenrate, proper sex is a mystical racial unification

I don't expect you to understand at first. But in time you'll see the truth lies on the ways of the Catholic Church.

It depends of socialeconomic status of the brazilian in question. It's a fucking shame that some tugas are retarded. i've a bad one bc in coimbra surburbs that brings out fights with his business partner coming to his house and threatned to death. Low class or low mid class

>some tugas here like OP larper in pol are retarded

he's not coming back and we are eternally fucked without him

We endured 60 years of spanish cuckery, the EU can't even begin to compare. All that needs to happen is for the political class to fuck up big time, rather than what they do now which is mess up constantly, but small time.

I was in Madeira just a couple of days ago and that place was filled with Venezuelan spics... You have to do something about them.

I bet the next thing you'll say is that gender is a social construct.

no kidding.

That kind of immigrant pisses me off because they ruin it for everyone else.
God fucking damn it, why don't they stay in Brazil? They give us a bad name.

because catholics are child molesting cucks and your shit religion is costing you retards dearly

We will see if God wills it.

Salazar enforced Catholic values to the Country and look what happened: A tremendous economic growth and people's unity to endure sacrifices. sacrifices that are needed now.

Brazilians are not welcomed here. A Wealthy white educated brazilian is not the average Brazilian.

>Portuguese women belong to Portuguese men
>Blood mixing is degenrate
Then I shouldn't be looking for a portuguese girl then.

Just how common is right wing thought in Portugal? Do you have modern right wing authors? A strong movement? Is it growing at least?

Do something. I've already seen a Subsaharan African dude running for office as president of some parish. Are you going to stare at Salazar tomb in
Santa comba dao while the African surpasses you and cucks you while you post the same memes from ptchan? That's pretty cucked. Don't give up and live your life entirely from the past.

I do. Literally every year it's either Benfica Porto or sporting wining it. I did the research myself and found only 2 other times in the entire history of the league had a mother team won. That sound like a pretty boring league

Look on the bright side though, at least you're not the Scottish league


extremely common.

The Church is the reflection of the people you believe in it. We have abandoned it.

It's Benfica who wins it. Thank God.

I wish I could ask around.

I live in Porto but doesn't seem like there are many right wingers here... quite the opposite.

Yeah find different teams

My father is portuguese, born in the 60s, lived the majority of his life in UK where I was raised. Whenever I tried to talk to him about Salazar, he just goes on about how times have changed and about how life under Salazar was terrible - how people used to go missing (implying secret police would take them and kill them). Really just full of negative shit and no idea what he was talking about, mostly unconfident in what he was saying - as if he didn't really know and was guessing. It's fucking sad that the brainwashing and cuckery stems back that far, our whole education system across europe is pure evil. I fear it's too late for all of us

It's not as bad as it looks, for now.



How about no?

Maybe if you found more good teams people would actually start paying attention to your shitty league

One thing about Portuguese People is that you can't hurt us. We just don't care anymore.


But Benfica will keep win it all... Because we are the Best in the world. Campeão dos Campeões. Better teams é a minha piça

We have a lot of """diaspora""" that they deserted to escape forced conscription of Portuguese males for the Portuguese Overseas War. They also overexagerate about that a lot to give impression to the children that they escaped only authoritanism. Literally, people were killed less and disappear than other dictatorships.

Portugal was already poor and illiterate way before military dictactorship and new state and that's why always got this delay. My great-grandfather went to Brazil 3 times and resettled here again. This country was already delayed.

At least we're not gonna be invaded by Russia when the peace treaty is finally broken.

Our major problem is not muslims, it is negroes and gypsies. They all have to leave.

>we just don't care anymore
I've been feeling like I'm already dead for years

i dont want to hurt my swarthy friends
not worried t b h

We're still flag brothers.