Why are they so obsessed with making proud White men incels?
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wow that's pretty brave of them
What stops him from creating a new account?
Women don't visit the site anyway. They're all bots.
why does everyone need to point out how much they really really hate and condemn nazis? good for you whoopdedoo you hate nazis like 95% of people
Wtf I love radicalizing the youth by banning them from literally everything now
its time to step up your game americans, youre being hunted
online dating is cancer, they did him a favor, whoever that is
He can't do that, they banned him for life.
I am also banned from OkCupid
long story but I threatened to kill a girl but she was my friend IRL and she reported me but then I fucked her
OkCupid, at least in Argentina, has the craziest, most SJW, insufferable bitches I've ever had the displeasure of talking to.
Every single one of them is a marxist, social sciences student, or is tranny/pansexual/some other bullshit. For dating, stick to tinder.
Nazi incels B T F O
I got banned from okcupid for asking a girl if she took it up the ass because her picture was just her butt.
Ve have vays of making you tolerant.
So White nationalists don't deserve love?
We're reaching Cuba levels of communism real quick!!!
>long story but I threatened to kill a girl but she was my friend IRL and she reported me but then I fucked her
>not necessarily in that order though
It doesn't matter how radical you are if you're incredibly alienated
Probably because they are a group that deserves to be hated especially during a time where it's become a meme to like them
if you are aright winger, leave their site
talk with your wallet/clicks/views.
lel, how long until anyone who objects to dating niggers gets shoah'd?
for PR
Cant ban the well
White people dont deserve love unless it's interracial
Just so you're all away - this is a PR Stunt.
Chelsea Clinton sits on the board of the company that oversees products such as OkCupid and DailyBeast
and the list of their products/services
This is good for Cantwell, he had the tendency to adopt the views of his hookups. Big disaster when he ended up with some dumpster fire thot
They're encouraging people to rat on Right-Wingers
Is this legal? Can Walmart say they don't want him to shop at their stores? Can Verizon? Can the cable company? It's one thing if he was pushing offensive stuff on their site but just because he had a profile...
internet dating is for faggots.
in a world of instant gratification, the least you can do is develop a sense of self worth and talk to the people you find attractive/promising in your life.
If you can't even do that you're worse than a neckbeard faggot who jerks to 2D traps
Maybe they're just working to fix the abysmal male to female ratio.
OkCupid caters to SJWs why would he even use that thing.
Hahaha get rekt neonazi hahaha
There is a whitepeoplemeet or something but you have to pay to join.
I was banned for life too but years ago and for "misogyny"
Moar pleae plea. .dis is fresh
>ok cupid
It is basically craigslist as this point. Old cougars, traps or people who can't use tinder.
If all stores would ban right leaning customers, who would buy their products? Seriously.. alt-left is broke af.
Technically it violates your first amendment but I'm sure there's something in their TOS that everyone agreed to that lets them off.
Just lie to bang sluts and then leave. Nobody on dating apps is more than a warm hole anyway.
This happens a lot
Just so you're all aware - this is a PR Stunt.
Chelsea Clinton sits on the board of the company that oversees products such as OkCupid and DailyBeast
and the list of their products/services
Thanks to "bake that cake bigot" fags you cant legally descriminate people based on beliefs. The thing is its a free service with in app purchases, and if he were to press charges he'd have to actually purchased something in order to win a case. Law-fag here, of i were him and made a purchase they'd have a lawsuit on thier hands.
That's easy to abuse.
Are there any dating sites that have decent looking women?
I can see Holefoods pushing this shit.
If you are proud to be a white male, FUCK OFF!
You stupid fucking white male pussies got BTFO!
What are you gonna do about it white boi???
BLM monkey REKT at 2:20
Of course it's a PR move. Do you want some kind of medal for pointing it out?
Time to report some random people.
Now if only Islamic radicalism was treated this way.
It's marketing
Match dot com was decent in my area. All the snowflakes were on okcupid and the bottom of the barrel ones were on plenty of fish.
>we seee you dont respond to messages from black men
>a van to take you to the intetracial breeding grounds has been sent to your location
What a time to be alive!
Ask OkCupid and all dating services if it is considered a violation of service for a white person to only date white people.
Make sure you record their response and post it everywhere. They will lose money.
Dat virtue signalling
This is every dating app everywhere. They are filled with undesirable women who cannot find a man in the real world and men who would sleep with anything that has a vagina.
>That's easy to abuse.
oh indeed.
>can't spell "if" and "their"
Back to kindergarten with you
Nigger are you retarded? Do you need social acceptance to stuff 500 pounds of fertilizer into a van and drive it to city hall? Is not being able to tweet out "Bout to pull a McVeigh on this bitch" really going to undermine legitimate white supremacists who are willing to engage in actual terrorism?
I go through hundreds on Match without seeing anything.
She's too old to act like that
Okcupid is riddled with stds anyway.
>there's no room for hate here!
>except hate we approve of- we hate white nationalists
>get out of here you hate filled nazis, we hate you!
I wish this was a legit option. I don't really even hate niggers, I just find black women repulsive and would probably only bang an Asian. It's probably a bridge to far but if there was a question for everyone to answer in regards to if they've ever fucked niggers it would save me a lot of time of having to ask girls if they've burned the coal while trying to still hide my power level.
All the personality questions are designed to make you cuck out to the insane beliefs that women have. All of them are insane genderbending shit.
>it violates your first amendment
Never, ever listen to leaf. The first amendment says nothing about whether or not private entities are obligated to serve you
Private industry should retain the ability to deny service to whoever they seem fit. Unfortunately this only works in a free market that doesn't have service monopolies.
Also it's basically gotten fucked over because of people attacking bakeries over refusing to bake cakes for gays.
This shit is honestly getting really old. WE GET IT NAZIS ARE BAD.
Just pointing to the fact Chelsea clinton works on the board. you peace hippy
I can lend a hand in hurting this company that is doing some questionable practices. But i mispelt a couple words so fuck me, right.
Oh hunny, they already are experts in that field themselves. Just look at their birth rates.
>For dating, stick to retail/sales/customer service
Thanks, Sup Forums Junior Detective.
Time to report antifa and BLM
>good for you whoopdedoo you hate nazis like 95% of people
Says the cuck that's on a website thats actively promoting and trying to normalize nazi ideology.
Every single one of these companies is going to be dismantled when we gain power. Plutocrat pedophile pets of jews burn alive.
What if they changed their views?
Propaganda of the deed doesn't work, you fucking retard. You aren't going to make the turner diaries real
So what do you do when these SJWs start making lists of known (((racists))) and ((((((((knotsees))))))))) and you find you are banned from all the grocery stores. You can't get a pizza delivered. Insurance companies won't insure your car. When is it too far? These people are insane and they have shown they have no plan on stopping.
>he says it like he can do anything to stop the chans
Nigger Look what happened to Clinton when she tried to stop the chans. You cannot censor the internet.
Cantwell isn't a Nazi or a "supremacist" either. It's clear as can be that radicalized anti-whites or those who are beholden to Jews are the only ones saying anything about the non-issue. They're signalling to their comrades.
>You cannot censor the internet.
Who said anything about censoring? If you actually subscribe to nazi ideology, don't be a little pussy about it and shout it out loudly in the public. Don't hide behind meaningless buzzwords like "alt-right", "white nationalist" or "Identitarian".
But you're on this website so you're a Nazi too. Aren't you afraid your IP address is going to be outed to your school? (I know you're not employed, LOL!)
He's there because he can't get pussy on his own.
isn't there a dating site specifically for white nationalists? I remember some smarmy (((reporter))) wrote an article during the election about the "Sad World of Alt-right Online Dating" or something to that effect.
>thinking its actual nazism
okcupid is a fucking joke. i've been banned so many times for calling out leftist bitches on their body positivity and being pro Trump.
What they're doing is exactly the reason why the civil rights act was passed - to prevent widespread denial of service to a class of people.
Who gives a shit if the propaganda works. I don't want to live in a country where I need to worry about some despondent fuck blowing up government buildings and sports stadiums because he had one to many days of getting shit on for being white. I have enough to worry about with nigs and muzzies, I don't need to add crazed whites onto that.
this is so fucking hilarious
literally what created hitler was violent jewish communism and an overly-oppressive government
Trump isn't Hitler, but I guess we'll have one in about 15 years if this keeps up lol.
The guy I just responded to has the nazi symbol as his flag. Holy fuck you're dense.
I have a OkCupid account.... shall Sup Forums play some games?
I give zero fucks about being publicly "pro white"
You have a donkey on your flag so you must be an ass. Thanks for educating me.
>I get banned from websites all the time for my explosive anti-social episodes
Pretty cool bro