Why haven't the goat fuckers attacked here yet?

Why haven't the goat fuckers attacked here yet?

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because of the Swiss Guard actually having it's shit together

Same reason no one has attacked their holy cube yet.

It would cause the opposing side to go all out.

THe nren i pimple bakc meme aha haha ha shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiid ima wuz beb bopy bub shid nigga

The vatican and italy are the last hope for an actual happy and safe world, god protects us from everyone while you filthy orthodox, muslims, atheist idiots keep dying. Accept the only one true god. DEUS VULT

Because the p*pe pulls the strings of the towelheads

>implying the atheists and other heretics and pagans wouldn't cum in their pants

>implying ISIS would bite one of the Hands that Feeds it

for the same reason (((ISIS))) never attacked israel. killing your own Boss(es)? (((ISIS))) is a made up boogeyman like its predecessor Al-Qaeda.

they do that, and we permamently remove them all

God protect his people


I was there three months ago and it's a fucking fortress.

Go home leaf
Just go home

Why would they attack their pedophile co-conspirators?

I'll be in Rome in 36 hours, terrorists plz hold off any attacks for at least 2 weeks until I've left town

t. nice canadian who is very sorry

The papacy invented islam

why would someone attack their allies?

Isis literally say in videos that they intend to take Rome.

kys prot scum.

>tfw safe from terryist attacks because we're the easiest way to access the UK as long as they keep our security level low

They are in cahoots

There's a wall protecting it muzzies haven't mastered the wall yet...

even if they nuked vatican, no european would do anything

Best security in the world after the Washington DC

>Armed Guards
>No muzzies
I really wonder why.

> Drive truck of peace up Villa des Conciliazione and into St. Peter's Square

The church has been one of the biggest proponents of open borders and rapefugees

Walls, nigger

The walls are there because of muslims.




Do you think that someone that dislike religion being imposed can like Islam?


See any modern "progressive".

Isis and islam in general will be an excellent excuse for the catholic church to take over as prophesied in revelations ~13. Forced sunday worship for the good of the family, for the good of the planet, to end global warming.

Because you don't bite the hand which feeds you.

I doubt it

too much traffic

those who forget history are destined to repeat it.

>You will never watch a video on Liveleak of a Swiss Guard hacking a Muslim in half with a halberd

Why even live?



They shouldn't even try.


didn't Jim Carrey start a riot at the Vatican when he climbed on top of a bird bath and started burping?
my grandma's cousin told me.

Ignatius Loyola is no saint

Vatican =/= Italy.

The Vatican is a state by itself with all the privileges and untouched by anyone else, literally protected by good and evil alike just because the power and wealth that's there.

They are like a small Switzerland inside Rome.

And good luck for the goat fuckers trying anything funny in there, the security is so high they won't get nowhere near to be slightly a danger.

Rome in the other hand, and Italy by itself... I don't know why we still did not have any happening.

The attack on Barcelona really pissed me off.

But hey, Spain still has massive youth unemployment problems. Maybe this will wake them up.

>And good luck for the goat fuckers trying anything funny in there, the security is so high they won't get nowhere near to be slightly a danger.
I think it's more so that they can't get through traffic in Rome to launch an attack with any speed.

Swiss guard are pretty bad ass desu.