Polish nationalists hate Ukrainian nationalists

Polish nationalists hate Ukrainian nationalists.
Lithuanian nationalists hate Polish nationalists.
Ukrainian nationalists hate Lithuanian nationalists.

You see the pattern? The right can never cooperate meaningfully for extended periods of time. The left is globalist and will prevail because of that.

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>Ukrainian nationalists hate Lithuanian nationalists
Never heard of them.

I just put two neighbours into the example, it doesn't matter.

Or maybe the slavs always will be slavs, no matter what certain 'I am teh ubermensh you filthy []!' think.

Chill, and enjoy the end of the world.

Russians in denial

Yeah, right wing groups could never form a coalition or say....an axis.

I remeber Chinese and Russian communists getting along so well too.

>it doesn't matter the people I implied exist, don't actually exist

This thread sucks, step sway from the computer.

Chinese communists hated Russian Communists
Balkan Communists hated Russian Communists
It might start off with solidarity but leftists can't stay buddy buddy for long either

Gib Kladsko (Klodzko) back and we can maybe cooperate.

>Ukrainian nationalists hate Lithuanian nationalists
Are all polacks so fucking stupid? Nobody cares about Lithuanians here.

Ethnonationalism is the immune system, since when you don't allow even other Euros to infiltrate, how can nonwhite subhuman get in at all? They can't
Ethnic Ukrainians are nonwhite subhmans. Their home is Central Asia.
Ethnic Russians are European White though (Northern Germanic, Baltic Slavic and sometimes Finnic)

Ukrainians are bunch of try-hard-to-be-European mongrels resulted from Circassians, Pechenegs, Tatars, Armenians and Jews starting speaking Slavic for the sake of convenience

«Укpaїнцi – цe cтapoдaвнi тюpки, якi poзмoвляють cлoв’янcькoю мoвoю»

"Ukrainian are turkics that use the Slavic language" Omelyan Pricak, Harvard University Professor, founder and first director of Harvard Institute for Ukrainian Studies.

Ukrainians (ethnic) are literally more Turkic than Turks.

You should hate them. Evil potato Balts, after all they did conquer you.

>Vytautas the Great
That cuck brought subhuman tatar savages to Lithuania

And yet...
>Polish nationalists love Polish nationalists
>Ukrainian nationalists love Ukrainian nationalists
>Lithuanian nationalists love Lithuanian nationalists

Now isn't that just bizarre

Ukrainians are churkas

I'm on holiday in Ukraine right now and I could not agree more. You can smell it in the air. I always hear them bitch about Crimea being theirs when it was a fucking democratic referendum. These people are the reason Crimeans have had it with Ukraine's shit. Also pay Russia for your gas you inbred Asian fucks.

where are you from?

Tatars brought kibinai, was good trade

>based nonwhite immigrants xD MAGAPEDEs unite xDxSxj! Based

tatars didnt even changed the ethnicity of lithuania. its not even much different from other baltics states and finland. So it stayed the same.

why are you intentionally trying to provoke something?

Maybe dont cling to arbitrary jewish made borders from 100 years ago and no other point in time, champ.

nationalism is intellectual cuckoldry

>slant-eyed dark swarthy Lithuanians
>similar to Latvians


If you look at the NATO support agreements with Ukraine you would understand Poland/Lit/Moldova/Estonia are all aligned against RUS

All the Patriots & Nationalists in the Balkans have been working together since 2012. You are just a shill trying to slide the forum.

>All the Patriots & Nationalists in the Balkans have been working together since 2012.
t. Čefur diaspora

visit lithuania sometime okay? u will find much more blondes and blue eyed aryans you fap to much than in your slavic dumbster, you fucking brainlet

Know a lot of lithuanians who are passable danes

Now more than ever, nationalists/Fascists/NS are realizing we don't need more brother conflicts. I think you are overestimating conflicts between fellow nationalists/fascists in Europe/the West

Have you even been to Lithuania, wtf are you talking about, most parts in Lithuania are majority blonde. Also Vilnius is just full of russians and polish, and other immigrants it doesn't represent a typical Lithuanian.

Exactly this guy knows what he's talking about

Nah, I'm content with my hatred for jews.

Aren't there like 2 million Ukrainians in Poland? Civil war soon

Essentially this also the left in this country is so fractured along ideological lines the only thing they can agree on is the hate the right

You know that Azov Battalion is funded by Ihor Kolomoisky right? Some nazis they are, lol.

20-30% of Poles and Lithuanians are 1/32 1/64 tatars. You can be blonde all you like, that doesn't make you European

Iron sharpens iron. Competition makes us stronger. Look at the state of the French military if you don't believe it. Hell look at the state of Western Europe in general.

If there is no competition, there is no progress. If you're not progressing, you're dying.

They are retards, as most neo-Nazis are.

There's a reason why the Nazis failed miserably and the Communist Party is still around today.

those white nationalists are a model of functional inclusivity rofl

Well someone did not read the google memo.

Here (in your language too!):


>The right can never cooperate meaningfully for extended periods of time.
As you write this, the guy we cooperated to put into the White House is tweeting about what a fuck-up you are.


50% in France ?

are you kidding ? these statistics are dated

Am I supposed to care about who you toilet cleaners hate

Put one of those nationalist from mentioned countries in same room with 3 leftists and see what happens. :D

Ok, as soon as you give Śląsk Cieszyński back.

This is totally false. They are totally able of cooperating within a military alliance, which is good enough. Globalism is nothing but communism under a different name and we all know how well that went.

just wrote blue eyes europe map
here's another, idk what date, and never went to france, but I think that undocumented refugees are not counted.
ok now it looks like you are just mad that toilet cleaners are better at your aryan masterrace you fap to than your own kinsman, thats why you try to compensate by pinning this tatar identity on them and belittling them.
daily reminder that your kind were "tatars" once too. The first nomadic tribes who were able to ride horses had such an advantage over others that they conquered everyone, and spread the technology.

you missed the point. It's about right's innate inability to form long-standing international alliances.

There aren't two sides fighting. There's the global left, and then there are many fractured infighting righties

This is not the case anymore. Firstly here in Lithuania we hardly have any nationalists left, the old nationalists were bydlo alcoholics. The Murza party is no more, he himself is happily married to a russian woman supposedly some russian aristocracy. The new wave nationalists were literally brought up by pol fags and dont really hate their fellow nationalistic whites. Most people know the common (((enemy))) is these days.
I would say the same about poles from actual Poland because I know several.
Not sure about ukrainians though.

>Lithuanian nationalists hate Polish nationalists.
And that's ery sad considering you both used to be one country.

Arab left hates Kurdish left
Turkish left hates Arab left
Kurdish left see Turkish left as trash... etc.
Kurdish left likes ancoms but dislikes tankies
Arab left is tankie
Kurdish left is national liberation
European left is Ancom
Filipino left is Maoist
Colombian left is ancom
Venezuelan left is Tankie
See a trend here?

Your point?

Some mulattos are blonde and blue eyed, diaspora chink. Slovenian DNA on average is 100% European made of Alpine Celtic, Central Slavic and Germanic tribes exclusively

We can stop being a faggot all of us can come together.

>What is Krondstadt
>What is betrayal of Makhno
>What is Tito-Stalin split
>What is Sino-Soviet split
>What is Assad-Kurd issue
>What is Saddam vs Iraqi Kurds+US intervention
>What is Sino-Vietnamese war
>What is Cambodian-Vietnamese war
>What is North Korea
Need I go on?

Slavs don't think much do they?

>Turk seed part gyppo


> Polish nationalists hate Ukrainian nationalists.
not really