Will fascism ever succeed?

Will fascism ever succeed?

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Worked well for Spain.

I mean it worked pretty well for most of those countries. War is what failed them.


Where have I seen this argument before? Oh, right, LARPing tankies online talking about the USSR et al

>when leftists try to meme

at least try and come up with some OC rather than just copying our stuff

People in fascist countries could eat and didn't die of famine.

No - and the current attempt won't work either.

Chile failed?

Can someone explain to me why mathematicians were running fascist regimes in Chile and Brazil?

Because they took a look at the numbers and realised communism doesnt work.

Only one of these was actually Fascist(Italy)

How did it fail in Spain? It ruled for over 30 years, there was an economic boom under it, and the country peacefully transitioned to democracy afterward.

>Peacefully transitioned


A few years after the Brazilian fascist (Vargas) was deposed he was was literally voted back into office in a landslide

To be fair over a sufficient period of time every governmental system fails

ours was the longest.


The dates are wrong on,our fascim goverment was from 1933 to 1974

That wasn't real fascism

Proof that you should never be fascist.
I hate Spaniard commies and you should too

Extremist ideologies will always fail.

>Republic of China

The only thing Chiang did wrong was lose the mainland. Also your dates are completely wrong.

But that's the only way you get to remove them. You get arrested if you do anything to commies now.

The flag on Brazil is wrong.Integralists never rose to power.

It wasn't real fascism those times though

but I thought America was fascist according to you idiots, so why hasn't it failed?

>Anti Fascism Organization


And what makes Dems fascist? Also according to your timeline it ended in 2016.

add united states to that


National-Socialism as a form of Facism is most effective way to accomplish goals for the Civilization and the Community itself.

Just sayin.
I mean, see what we done in 12 years, and it took 3-4 World-Powers to took us down.

The Spaintards and Spaghetti-Mussolini fid a good job too tho.

Oh btw, why is Japan on the list???

They had a military Dictatorship/Police State, i wouldnt count that as facism

The Integralists never rose to power in Brazil, they were disbanded by Getulio Vargas, who was kind of a fascist dictator, but had no relations with them.

Getúlio Vargas could be described as fascist in the 30s, but above all he was a nationalist, and fascism was just the hottest trend of the decade. He saw the Americans as a more valuable asset for Brazil and joined the allies in the WW2, and people at time found ironic that a Fascist drafted soldier for "defeat the fascism in Europe". After he stepped down from power in the 40s, he eventually came back for presidency in the 50s, this time being democratically elected and as proper nationalist. He was the first to establish workers rights, he nationalized a ton of stuff (including oil) and is to this day is still the most beloved president for a lot of people. He were once a fascist ruler, and it worked well for Brazil, the Integralists in the other hand were just some odd group from the 30s that occupy a quarter of a page in our school history books.


Pretty sure he's calling Obama a fascist. I have heard people call him many things. A commie, a Muslim, a nigger, but never a fascist. It seems nu/pol/ can't get their narrative straight.

I feel like Taiwan, Portugal and Spain were objectively much bigger success stories than any country that ever attempted communist governance

What do you know, emocracy works.

Germany went from being a broken nation to an economic powerhouse in a few short years, and only lost because the entire world was against her. Germany was a success economically. You are also leaving out ancient Rome.

Germany was Nat-soc not fascism.

For all that it's worth, our economy was considered a little better back then, even with a World War going on.

>It wasn't a real fascism

Besides thats a party flag our country has never adopted lmao

Monarchism is the true red pill

Roman empire.

Natzionalsocialism, not facism, italy is facism, not germany

Britain is pretty successful, so yes. Fascism can work.

what's the definition of succeed? north korea's a shithole but their state has been existant for quite a while now. i think i'd count that as a success. the country in question also depends. for example, fascism will never in a million years take off in america, but i think it could happen in some asian countries.

b-but they killed jews, no country can be considered great if the population live in constant fear and threat, I mean 0.2% of the population.


Really? Their major cities look pretty first world for the most part and the parts that don't, pretty much looks like a nicer area in Mexico.

In every one of these instances fascism has worked incredibly well.

Most fascist regimes throughout history have either ended as the result of a major catastrophic war (of which they were one of the main belligerents) or through the problem of succession, when the dictator dies.

But neither Trump nor the people at the Charlottesville rally are fascists. At this point, "fascist" just means "anyone to the right of Lenin".

Also fairly certain that from that list only Italy, Japan and the Sigmas in Brazil were actually fascist.

>Republic of China
Only compared to the commie fucks they were fighting against

will fascism ever get to exist without getting swarmed by various commiejews from all over the world?

Any idea of nationalism died thanks to this nigger. SSSSSS

commiejews and their pets*

it's working pretty well here

>most of them ended 1945
It's almost as if someone forced them to stop being fascist

There was no all out war, just some commies and old fascist mechanisms acting out.

In Brazil it did pretty well, until today Vargas is glorified as the "father of the people"(pai do povo), and today the population is calling for an 2º military dictatorship.
Fascism didn't fail, it's defeated, see how the world were before the first globalization, when jews owned shit, 80% of the world were fascist. Today any flame of nationalism is extinguished by the (((free nation$$$))).

What can we do user?

New AFP retirement stupid scheme.

Mass importation of uneducated niggers.

Feminism going full mainstream in politics.

Mapuches being mapuches (I'm mixedrace but I don't care about uncivilized rebels)

It succeeded in Singapore.

Best place to live when ww3 begins.

>a fucking letter

So fascism fails when the rest of the worlds teams up and ganks fascist states? Out of curiosity, what ideology can withstand that?

>commie governments collapsed or failed due to flawed theory and practice
>nationalist regimes which collapsed only because of the stress of world wars or peaceful internal change

Will OP ever stop sucking dicks?

this. Outside circumstances caused collapses almost every time. The system hasn't outright failed

Fascism essentially embraces truth

Truth will always win. Nature always win over men's delusions


Japan wasn't fascist.

those people who write "every single time" and who give examples on a duration of only 70 years

btw Tchang Kaï-chek was less of a fascist than Mao or even Xi Jiping

worked for us negro
pity that the sucessor was a limp wristed bastard

Nope, it's too rigid and more open countries will out innovate and overtake.

The Empire of Japan was a military dictatorship. The emperor was nothing.

>Over half "failed" after fucking up and being defeated in war

Why where governments that place so much importance on military defense and social order so bad at war and long-term stability?

>Will fascism ever succeed?

What Fascism did in Portugal, Spain and Chile is stop the Communists from taking over and it helped rebuild the countries after long periods of neglect or political instability.

Fascism in those countries were roaring successes. The fault in Fascism is that it can't last very long. The utility in Fascism is that it can be used to weather a commie storm and then it's easy to transition into a democratic, liberal society.

Contrast that with how Communism completely corrupts the character of a people, annihilates the economy and then collapses. Transition out of Communism happens when the system shits the bed. Fascism is far preferable to Communism.

German, Italian and Japanese Fascism "failed" when the countries lost wars. Not real examples.

>Implying Chile didn't work
that said it wasn't full fascist either. It was Authoritarian and capitalist for sure but it's better to think of it as Neo-Monarchy

they were heavily outnumbered every time

>That wasn't real fascism
it was real you cunt
and it fucking worked, only it turns out that when you've got the whole world breathing down your neck, you've got to tow the party line
the cold war was dying down you we were next on the menu

>that said it wasn't full fascist either
to be fair Italy was the only real fascist country

It's working now, watch a blm negro getting stomped at 2 20


why is burgerland so afraid of letting fascism take off? the CIA seem pretty fond of it

>Germany was bad at war

Islan has been going strong for 7000 years! It's the most efficient at cleaning out ((rats))

Even if one's admit that the transition was peaceful, it's pretty obvious that the country had enough of fascism and wanted a more open society. In that sense, you can imagine that fascism could succeed as a solution to a problem, but that it can't be a long term stable solution. The problem with most ideologies is that they exclude the possibility of changes, even gradual. That is why they fail. Even war is not a dooming factor per se, it is the inability of the ideological leader to adapt its decision to what the situation is. For instance, Italy turned allied in the late stage of WW2 because they recognized that the situation was fucked beyond belief and a radical change was in order. Mussolini couldn't, and that got him (and his whore) the Lynchburg special.


>no has shopped the Israeli flag yet and spreaded this around

>Republic of China

>National Socialism is fascism

Why do 90 IQ types even bother?

not really

Sup Forums, where antifa are fascists but nazis are not

>not recognizing Asanagi
>not recognizing his magnum opus
It's called Danke Dankei Revolution


China and North Korea are fascist.


We all know the ((answer)) to that question.

>antifa are fascists
they're not though; they're commies

God you're so gay.

>antifa are fascists

fascism is easy a left idea from limiting free speech to taking away its peoples right to bear arm

>real fascism has never been tried

Weren't all of those governments also socialist?