Two schoolyard children are fighting. do you blame one or both?

two schoolyard children are fighting. do you blame one or both?

i need help on this question.


them quads tho

Blame the nazi one



no answers huh

whoever started it

one kid was walking around holding his fist in the air and the other kid didn't like it and wanted to stop it so he started pulling on the kids arm and they both fell to the ground and started wresting one another.

frame the black one


I see you've got a nigger problem.


I blame myself for allowing them in my school and immediately expel them both.

blame the one that lost

When kid is carrying torches and talking about fighting, the other side comes armed with bats and shields talking about fighting then yeah, I blame them both.

But ultimately don't give two shits because neither side amounts to much of anything. They make up an ultra small minority of either side who doesn't have enough influence to vote in politicians. Let the riot cops go in an bash their heads with batons and break it up. Do that a few times and you wont have any fodder for the fake news libtards to whine about.

Problem solved.

thank you

blame neither and just let them work it out on their own.

The kid who pulled the other's arm initiated conflict and is to blame, the other kid was just excercising his freedoms.


whoever threw the first punch/push

someone with some sanity at CNN?


>someone with some sanity at CNN?
its probably a trap

Not for long. Guy's probably already fired and blacklisted.

it's the only answer.

The one who broke the NAP

blame the one who started the fight

I blame no one. Fighting is natural.

It's Asian-style bullying that poses a bigger moral quandary.

Blame Antifa for starting it.