Should the US bring back slavery?
No, Slavery was run by kikes and race traitors who didn't want to pay whites a fair wage so they imported millions of worthless niggers.
The Jew World Order is bringing them back after they purge the Caucasians. Each continent will have a Jewish pharoh and horde of mongrel slaves.
The fact that you're asking this question raises the chances of you having a low IQ;
Therefore Should we enslave you first?
And strengthen the blacks' eternal victimization complex?
>implying the US can even do that
It wouldn't be profitable.
I suspect some people literally would be happier selling themselves into slavery, but even if that arrangement is ever legal, they are literally going to have to find "masters" willing to take losses to get the life they want. And if their "masters" are making losses, the life of a slave sucks pretty bad, so I don't think anyone would be happy anymore. You see it?
Most work 7 days a week cost more to live then u make plus taxes. I'd say most are slaves already.
Move to an area with lower cost of living, you New York retard. Stop insisting on living where all the people are living and start insisting on living somewhere that fits into real life planning.
All it will do is give niggers another free avenue to leech off of white people.
For what? We automated just about everything, just ship the fuckers back to Africa
The South will rise again.
Nope, just send em back
Nah lets stick with the original plan and send them back.
>implying if the President got on TV right now and says its back every white person in America would go full 14/88
Fuck no
Send them back to Africa like Lincoln wanted
What is, democratic policy on Mexicans?
No way
Maybe nooses though
Definitely ship them fuckers back
Pretty sure thats where we fucked up.
Why didn't the South listen
If they had just sent the blacks back2Africa like Lincoln wanted America would be great
Sure there would be less rap and drug crime and worse music, but at least there wouldn't be ghettoes in every major city
You're going to get a curb stomp, and soon. I'm hoping it ends up being my boot that graces your gray matter, faggot
Oh you'd be surprised how many would jump at the chance.
t. Analyst
Aw dammit you made me shit my pants.
I'm terrified.
Now I have to take self defense classes.
Yep keep telling yourself that.
Nice coping skills
Some things never change
But then I guess the Republican party did change since they used to oppose cheap non white labor
Oh well RIP Lincoln
>threats over the internet
so this is the power of whites
We already have it in the form of prisoners.
No, that was our greatest mistake, we need to send them back
No, we should just deport the niggers.
The next day