How do you counter this argument Sup Forums?
How do you counter this argument Sup Forums?
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The argument is incoherent, nothing to counter
send him this
>make up less that 1% of the population
>make up more than 80% of the media and Hollywood
just a (((coincidence))) goy
Just ask her why the correlation exists? If she's half way reasonable, she'll at least admit nepotism exists, at which point you've demonstrated that their positions are related to their status as Jews, because they are ascribed positions and thus related to the conditions of their birth.
Jews are bright, yes, but there is an element of nepotism involved.
I think honestly it is a matter of opinion. Some people are just going to believe that CNN being like 99% Jewish is pure coincidence, others aren't going to accept that premise.
This bitch never hear of nepotism?
More Jews in your Congress than in your USMC.
Tell him that he's clueless if he doesn't think Jewish heritage doesn't help at least a little bit with nepotism.
Even liberals understand nepotism.
you don't if that person is unable to understand that people with similar heritages will end up in similar positions in life they could only possibly learn by months of training on Sup Forums
>talk like a fag
>expect people to listen to you
Statue of Libery is green due to oxidisation of copper skin.
Jew control the media because they control the money supply.
/blocked /deleted / repotd.
No he's pretty much on point, jews are just that efficient in climbing up in a societal hierarchy
they did it a total of 6 times in the bible, too
that doesn't change the fact that some people (and coincidentally a lot of jews) are too rich for capitalistic democracy to work properly
>they don't mingle in the same communities
>implying these powerful people don't associate with other similarly powerful people
whats to argue its an objective fact that these people keep each other in their inner circles its called networking, to even imply the opposite to be true is ludicrous.
Inform him about nepotism as it relates to Jewish tribalism and groupthink.
You're dealing with weaponized autism encased in downs syndrome.
Don't try to fight that alone.
Luckily a human has brain with which to form conclusions based on intuition and doesn't have to rely on numbers or proofs which are handy for sure but incredibly nauseatingly slow and ineffective.
it's not a conspiracy it's a conglomerate
the jews in the porn industry don't want to destroy white people, they want to make money, lower level jews will use the porn to inflame senselessly like the folks who do fake hate crimes, and the higher level jews in political power will simly advocate for pornography rights to gain points in the "sexual revolution" that is neverending amongst the youth, all in the name of more profits
there is not team, or colluding group, but all their interests depend on eah other and function together
As a graduate of the Sup Forums School of Debating, you simply call him a cuck and you win.
"He"....Fuck off loveless autismo kike.
and it's fucking infuriating. You think we would have gone into Iraq if not for this fucking jews? Nope.
but it is not. its nepotism, purposeful discrimination in hiring, and general racism.
Ask them if they'd believe it if it was a bunch of white guys instead?
Tis better to just walk away
you can't argue with someone who thinks that is even remotely near a relevant analogy
(((pure coincidence)))
Ask him how they get to the same positions be in ancient Egypt, be it in communist Russia, be it on weimar Germany, be it on America today. Ask him if he thinks it's a coiencidence that those same people always manage, as a 2% minority, in multiple historic and geographic context, manage by accident to get overrepresented compared to the natives or the people who founded and expander the government that they use to live in.
Ask him if he don't think their traditions and talmudistic commandments didn't help in setting up a frame for reconquest of Israel/Judea by strong nepotism and financial conquering of the world after the Romans toppled down their temple. Ask him if he thinks it's normal for a PM to got fight with the local president on a foreign congress, a congress where the foreign nation of the PM bought by lobbying.
the fuck you on about Sven
This. The person you're arguing with has some screws loose.
...bbbb-but based Benny Mileikowsky guaranteed it would have positive reverberations for the mideast!
Totally not a Jew mode engaged.
Jewish Nepotism.
he's right about the jews, the statue of liberty thing you should just ignore
don't you have a bull to prep?
Call them a Jewish Supremacist.
You = statue of liberty.
I was surprised to see something other than a Canadian flag
You did counter it, but he's only partially right. Not all Jews are in on it, but the top ones are and they hire through nepotism.
Let's say a CEO hire another Jew editor and staff, then the CEO jew has them create a narrative which they follow.
It's like a bank robber and a getaway driver. The driver didn't actually steal the money, but he's and accomplice. The majority of Jews aren't in on it though.
Chink immigrants are also bright... They don't own 99% of our media and education system, though...
I am a bull...made my bones being paid by perverted young Jews to fuck their sisters whilst they watched from the closet.
More Jews in a bridge club than in the USMC.
Ask him how much the rabbie paid him?
I would argue the religion and ethnic policies (or cultural) does have a lot to do with it. A lot of how we grow up determines our behaviors, our work ethic and successes.
It does not matter, here we all know about nepotism, we all see it on politics and big companies.
But point it when talking about the JQ and the people still automatically screams "NAZI" and will never do the same connection that did so easily before.
Ask him how much lead paint he drank as a child
You're presumably both Canadian so the answer should be 'a lot'
>claims high IQ
>never built a nation; needs a host to survive
>gets booted out of everywhere
not too bright
They have a magic word they, and only they, are permitted to use, and when spoken, it shuts down all opposition. The noun anti-semite is a modern day abracadabra, how can white bois compete?
The majority of Jews fall in line with the slightest of nudges. Only have known 3 that didn't and two of them were adopted and obviously zero Jew and the other was a hard man who would fuck married Jewesses' faces then snap a polaroid, place the polaroid on their forehead while he was still fucking their throat then snap another of the scene. Had kilos of cannabis and some impressive stacks of these polaroids. He like how grimy they looked vs DSCs.
Your family/friend never helped you get a job? Now imagine if you had a whole religion based on that.
By telling him that he's an idiot.
when they call us Nazi's; we respond that we are not Ashkenazi
It's not malicious they fucking hire they're own. It just becomes a cult of personality based on hiring practices, 2 men of equal qualification enter an interview, one's Jewish, guess what?
The statue of liberty is green and weighs 450,000lb. Blue whales are blue and weigh up to 10,000. The wavelength of blue light is 450 nanometer. 10,000 x 450 = 450,000 thus the statue of liberty is green because blue whales can weigh up to 10,000.
They're playing a stupid game give them a stupid prize.
he's right
it's in their instinctive nature to destroy nice things
they've not been kicked out of errywhere for millenia out of sheer evilness from erryone else, or at random
now, it's not necessarily malice either
not all kikes are hellbent on buggering errything they touch
but in every kike hive, you'll invariably find some who definitely are, by irrepressible nature
and when a kike is a bugger, he's a bugger of a particularly destructive kind
it's a bit like if one mosquito out of ten carried ebola
yeah, sure:
>not all mosquito
but still.
just call him/her a Jew
Do... do you not know the whole deal with jews and usury?
That's the main reason the JQ is even a thing
Jews are commanded by halachic law to "redeem" other Jews above all else no matter how fucked up the Jew is..
I've got Jew blood and I can tell you there is no good response.
trips of truth
...or what crime they have committed.
>there is no good response
so very jew
jewish nepotism is fucking real
they will hire goyim for the positions under them, but they will only promote fellow jews into positions of power
Big if true.
Baby dick'd Jew frothing inside.
He's right, though. I mean if you had any introspective ability whatsoever you'd realize that this exact same train of thought is applicable to your ilk.
by saying that the statue of liberty is bronze/brown and showing this picture
the other person clearly has no idea about anything that they're saying
Why IRL leverage is important. They are powerless to resist bossy busty black whores....because they are a matriarchal society.
goo goo ga ga goo goo ga ga
They really don't run the porn industry any more. There are only a few high ranking people in the porn business who are jewish. And I wouldn't call any of them practicing jews.
I was a lifeguard and tennis instructor at a Jew Alps summer camp in America the summer before I started an early enrollment in uni there. My fucking balls were drained so completely I became disgusted with zero challenge anal & oral and didn't fuck anyone from my school until just before winter holiday break....and you are full of shit Cable Rosenberg.
Feels like a shanda day around here aye?
How do you think redpills start? Tell the truth, ffs.
then fuck off and for once in your entire existence AND BUILD YOUR OWN FUCKING NATION WITHOUT ANY HELP NIGGERS AND WHITES SCHLOMO!
Tell him he's right, and his argument is sound. Further tell him that you want to marry a jewess since there is a high chance that your offspring will be successful. Than argue with him that jewish females are the best females and call him a nazi if he doesn't agree.
>the perfect sheep
god you deserve to get boxed out
It doesn't matter if every single one of them cause all this degeneracy by their own initiative. If we stop them, the problem is gone.
You can't he is right. Complaining about jews in media is like complaining about female or black representation in executive jobs.
Jews are naturally and genetically inclined to be subversive to societies
Ban kosher and halal slaughter because it is morally reprehensible and *POOF*! Unsticky the most trying wicket with zero fuss.
...more like your wife telling you that my lacrosse aggressive power cock made her cum like the whore of Babylon but she still loves you...and you frenetically jerking off visualising this every time you are alone in the home.
A SHANDA is in the air!
>Jewish is ethnicity
>Jews are over represented in high paying/high power jobs
>lots of nobel prize winners
>your friend is advocating for intellectual differences based on ethnicity
>fucking racist