Millennials now financing virtually everything they buy
Is this the jews' endgame?
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They be millennials but they are fucking idiots if they do so.
Fuck I hate having to be associated with these faggots.
Guessing it's a bad thing that I have zero idea what that even means.
>music festival tickets
Are they that expensive over there? Last friday I went to see Rhapsody, Wintersun, Arch Enemy and Therion at a metal festival and paid 30 eurobucks
Buying on credit.
Everything but their home. They don't mortgage, they rent, the fucking retards.
With credit cards which have like 20 % interest rate.
it means you want to buy a car for $6000. I sell it to you and accept 24 monthly payments of 276.87.
its a good deal for you because you need a car and can manage the 276.87 a month. Its a good deal for me because I make 10% APR on my money
>10% APR
Not getting a 3.6% car loan. Pleb.
Soo, everyone wins. Sounds like a good deal to me.
Really makes me think
for people with shitty or no credit, 10% is what they're paying
>not greentexting properly
>2000 literal American dollars for an exercise bike
This generation doesn't deserve to own homes
>Soo, everyone wins
so where does the additional 10% comes from?
the only one winning is the jews at the FED
>1 year limited warranty
Into the trash.
piss off goldbug
fiat currency is a net good for the world
holy fuck, dude. get some better credit before you take out a big loan
anything over 3.0%, and you're getting robbed
You want to know what's more important then throwing money away at a strip club? Credit.
Thank god I'm not a poorfag so this is the first time in my life I've read the term "finance" used in that way.
>so where does the additional 10% comes from?
From the person paying it in the future. You could say "well, the money in future is no yet tangible, therefore its not real", but really, so are any goods & services that are agreed to be provided at a later time.
>fiat currency is a net good for the world
since blacks don't read books they may forget about muh slavery eventually
>not getting into the second-hand business
It's like people want to help the kikes
>didn't finance my car and bought my home without a mortgage
no interest goblins for me
>so where does the additional 10% comes from?
From my pocket. Lets say I have $10K saved. A car I want to buy is exactly $10K after taxes. The dealer says to me I could either
A. pay him my entire $10K at once, or
B. pay him in monthly installments, with interest, until I pay it off.
Option B sounds better because I can continue working and I also won't lose my entire savings at once. With option B I'll also have money left over when I'm done paying off the car.
3.6 isn't that bad.
Reap what you sow!
How the fuck does "financing" not mean that they are able to afford that thing, and instead it's a conveluded debt thing? This is literally the opposite of the word.
Which hooked nosed faggot came up with this bullshit? I swear I'll buy a plane ticket and beat the shit out of him, my autism is going off the charts right now.
Is this why I wasted my time learning this stupid fucking language?
>With option B I'll also have money left over when I'm done paying off the car.
Left over from what? Your 10K savings? Sure, but only because you've been paying more out of pocket recurring. If you pay upfront and just put what you would have been paying monthly into a savings account you'll end up with more money "left over" at the end.
thinks english is less stupid
is that a bad thing, racist?
Bourgeoisie in installment payments. They get the bullet, too.
Giving your money to the likes of Bernie Sanders will do this
Ask Bernie how he's settling in his new beach house.
Dumb fuckers..every one of them
70% of english is nonsense exceptions to rules. It's a lot harder to learn on a higher level than you realise.
At least my language looks horrible from a distance and won't surprise you with shit like this.
The niggers still get worked up over slavery movies
fun fact. for every loan that a person take money is created and an interest payment plan is established. in order to create the money needed to pay the interest another person need to take a loan or the government have to take a loan in their name. otherwise there is no money to pay the interest rate.
enter mass immigration to create more loans to pay for hipsters avocado toast.
the american dream
> bought my home without a mortgage
how? aren't homes in UK valued at 200k+ a piece?
Anything over 0% and you are getting robbed.
You find me a mortgage in the US under 3.0% right now
Seriously, I'd be happy to take it
HAHAHAHAHA...capitalism. Anyone at this point who supports this needs to be ridiculed into submission.
There is, in theory, some merit to this, but only if your risk free rate of return is higher than the APR on the financing plan (because then you're better off investing the money - you still pay more than the lump sum but your investment appreciated enough to cancel that out and you come out ahead). It almost never is - pretty much the only time this works is if you can get a 0% APR financing deal (which can happen in the auto industry)
How else will they be able to blow their entire paycheck on money bombing bernie sanders?
yea but i got one in a low demand area away from cities
everywhere else you can expect to pay 200k for a cuckshed though, yes
unfortunately its racist to oppose globalist capitalism
giving into the debt jew
>not financing avacado toast
It's like you don't even millennial
Meme battlefront against the bank Jew:
"Debt is slavery"
The best is how they love all the new subscription plans they can pay for. I wonder how long it will take them to realize they've been paying these services for years and own absolutely nothing. It's pure wealth siphoning and it's kinda genius.
They refer to the greek financial model
I'm happy for you, I'm at least 10 years away from buying and it worries me even now, with prices for an average home at 150k. Fugg
Millennials are literally just human punching bags and they deserve everything they get.
Jewish millennials are fucking sick of it too. Gen X purge when.
As an 22 year old American Millennial its both sad and somewhat amusing that i'm ahead of the majority of my generation by merit of simply working since I was 16, working to put myself through school/pursuing scholarships, having good credit and zero debt.
Im the person who gets accused of white priviledge even though I come from a single parent household lower middle class household because if you're a conservative white millennial with no debt and more than $20 it must mean your plantation owning parents paid for everything and not that you had half a gram of goddamn common sense and didnt buy things you couldnt afford and paid off necessary debts as soon as possible.
Anybody have that chart stating that like less than 10% of Millennials have more than $10,000 to their name? What a joke.
We're going to crash and it's all because some neutered numale couldn't accept that buying $500 slices of avocado toast on a regular basis wasn't feasible on a McDonald's paycheck
150k of what currency?
Do what I did if you can, make a career where you can work from home. Then you can live in a place with cheap housing.
Why do I feel like the majority of people saying this are actually millennials.
If you're gen X you're too old to be posting here. If you're gen Z then hey fuck you too buddy.
I'm in the same situation as you, but don't you think you're being hard on our fellow millenials
Talk to any of your older relatives and how easy it was for them to find permanent employment and housing - I was talking to my grandparents about housing when they revealed their 300k house was purchased for the (inflation adjusted equivalent) amount of 60k
You can now finance music festival tickets with (((payment plans))). If you are so fucking poor that a $300 ticket is a major purchase, you will always be a debt slave
There's a lot of millennials right on the border of gen x that are looking at the rest and wondering what the fuck happened. Gen Z allegedly is going to completely push back against all of the millenials' shit
Gen x hates shit like that.
I don't think anyone would say you're racist. You must be thinking of "retarded."
I don't see it. I was born towards the beginning of Gen Z and live in an area ~50% white. The white kids around my age and 2-3 years younger (born ~2000) have no real racial awareness. It seems like even if my generation is more "conservative" than Millennials (probable), we are looking like the beginning stages of mongrelization.
That doesn't make sense since the article says they don't "have a desire to put them on a credit card."
I think financing is more like when you buy from a retailer on payments and up paying $4000 for your $2000 couch. Like rent-to-own from rent-a-center. Rent-a-center will sell to people with no credit at all because of the high profit margins.
it's still buying on credit, it's just not using a credit card company to issue the credit
I know you're probably too young to know but gen y were once like gen z, before the media and college indoctrination. You're also probably too stupid to see the bigger picture. Gen y are coming of age. This millennial horseshit propaganda doesn't reflect gen y at all, just the city metropolitan faggots that will always be there and have always been there. The point is to rally everyone against against this upcoming generation of people who have the potential to change things. It's literally a cult tactic, to bring people down so you can mold them the way you want. It's also just another divide and conquer way to slice the pie. And also, if you believe a much more non-White group of people that yet has to go through common core education and more radical college indoctrination will save us, you are mistaken.
Pushing passed my mid 30s.......why do I give a fuck. I know what I want, and if I don't, I do research. Marketing has zero effect on me....unless I'm hungry...
You can't; guy is an idiot. I bought a home relatively recently and got 3.25%, and that is insanely low.
Yep same here.
I got my first job as soon as legally possible, and worked every summer through college. Went to a cheap but good state school. Got a "real" job 3 weeks before my graduation, moved to my own place right after college.
>MFW my peers with liberal arts degree cry about being poor
>Generation X
>saving anything
HAHAHAHAHA have these people just gotten off an alien spaceship?
Speaking as an American Millennial in reference to other American Millennials, im not being hard at all. I worked a lot of different jobs in my early and late teens and didnt start finding more steady jobs until later. I went through a lot of applications and didnt turn down anything I got even if it was unappealing work like picking crops or roofing or throwing freight or working at a shoddy tech support call center. I dont know what the work situation is in the UK so I cant speak for it but any amount of honest work, determination and a bit of tenacity can get you SOMETHING here in the states. I have zero respect or sympathy for the numales who cant sack up to get a job. Also buying garbage you cant afford simply because "you want it" and treating debts like they dont exist is just stupidity anyone can see.
Yeah the housing situation is shot here too. All the more reason to have your affairs in order.
All the millenial self hatred on here
Its like when you look at youtube comments on music videos and its a bunch of kids complaining that this generation makes shit music
I don't see these kids as self hating...they are more pointing and saying - "Look at all this stupid shit we have to swim through"
Gen Xers were super leftist in the 90s when they were young and stupid.
Early-mid 80s millennials were in college when Dubya was President (Daily Show, War on Errorism, American Idiot, etc) and largely found work/got their foot in the door during the overspending boom of the mid-00s. These were the self-important participation trophy millennials who moved to Brooklyn to pursue their dreams of becoming a dog barber (which is a very 90s thing in itself and sprouted from the "do nothingism/weird" scene mid-90s Gen Xers started)
Later millennials were coming of age just as the recession hit. Jobs were nowhere. Obama-mania was in full swing and social media propaganda 1.0 began unfurling (Yay!! Arab Spring!! so beautiful).
By and large, though, we are far more conservative in our 20s than boomers were in their 40s.
shame arch enemy are shit now
festivals over here in bongland would easily cost double that for those sorts of bands
In Brazil you can already finance everything with your credit cardâ„¢!**
**if you don't pay everything enjoy trying to pay your debts with an 360% anual interest rate.
Unless you inherit a house from your boomer parents, you aren't buying a house.
Or you could live at home for several years after college, and buy a condo/home in cash.
>buy second hand bike for basically nothing
>take front wheel off
instant stationary bike
Though it high price now, buy gold and fucking bitcoin. In 7 years it goes to shit. You'll be glad to have them.
I've gotten quite a few stupid things on finance (credit) before, mostly when I was younger. I've paid most of them off except my motorbike and motorbike protectives but I've been saving like a beast and will eventually pay them off in full.
I'm never touching the stuff again, it's so much easier to save.
We've had warnings in our newspapers about credit, that it's getting out of hand. I hope it's not the new crash wheel but seeing as you can get literally anything on it I won't be surprised.
The government is trying to push everyone into apartments and condos because they realize not everyone can live in a house. Houses simply aren't affordable on what is a median yearly salary of 40k
I finance everything on 0% APR cards, then transfer balances to other 0% APR cards before the grace period ends. Been doing it for years. Learn to Jew the Jew.
Last year I took a 0% APR Balance transfer to my bank account ($3500) and bought five BTC as part of the loot. Sold those coins recently. Paid off the balance transfer.
Anything over -3% and you're getting kiked.
>Media salary of 40k
Yes, it is still possible though if you are smart. With a STEM/non-meme business job after college, you will be making 60-80k. Live at home for 4 years saving 40k a year, can you could buy a middle class home, or nice condo. Like you said though, it is being pushed that moving out at 18 and becoming a rent cuck is a """right of passage"""" for adulthood.
the government in most european countries print money at negative interest rate. they basically pay the banks to give loans to people because otherwise the entire system collapse. to finance this they need more souls to put in debt to the eternal jew.
>mfw murkin house prices
Depends on which festival. A ticket to all 3 days of EDC Vegas can run you close to $500, and that's just the ticket.
150k Euros. It doesn't matter if a house is in the city or in the countryside, the general span is in that range. I've got no worries career-wise, or even if I'm getting a house. It's being in debt that pisses me off, even if it's only for 10 years.
My goal is to foot the bill for at least 50% down payment by myself and not be a debt slave all my life.
cute LARP
Who wants to live in Florida, though?
Let's break another false narrative.
I was born in 1993. I had to fill out 130 applications before I got a fast food job. I found Obama-mania disgusting and blame it as the major catalyst behind the "not being a lefist sheep = racism" propaganda that's spiraled out of control.
That said, I've never once voted Democrat and I never will. I know how to live on an $8 a week food budget, though I hope I'll never have to again. I detest banks, have a nicely maintained car and truck that, together cost $1300 (about $2500 after putting some work into them) and are paid in full.
We are largely the kids of boomers, which means we are either the by-product of the last large generation of useful idiots, or the ones who were off fighting wars to protect them. Either-or. Which one do you think is leasing fidget spinners?
What's cute about it? I've been doing the shit for years. Get the 0% BT, invest in something you believe will give you a positive return, pay back the BT. It's free money. I have a 774 credit score as of today and 21 credit cards.
Not to mention abusing rewards programs, racking up spending bonuses on new cards, etc.
Lots of people. Tampa is pretty white (>70%) and lots of business. You need a boat though to do it right.
Read a math book faggot. You'd be the best off owning your items free and clear 100% of the time.
How about you just learn to dave and budget. Better yet, learn to live inside your means
I live in at Pete across the bay from there and it costs 300-400/ square foot here. And probably around 2-250 in a decent middle class neighborhood. That must be in the ghetto.
How's the weather? I only ever hear it's crazy humid in Florida.