What does Sup Forums think of vaccines?

What does Sup Forums think of vaccines?

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I love being guilt-tripped into putting unknown substances in my body, even though I'm an extremely healthy person!

vaccines are probably the greatest and most beneficial invention mankind has ever produced.

I think vaccines+electricity+microbiology

They are good.

After some research I got a two more of them the other year. I figured it was the right cost/benefit ratio, although one of them made me worried for a bit about if I should check myself into a hospital or something due to basically shock.

What does OP think of vaccines...
Who gives a fuck what /pol thinks.

Which ones did you get?

Enjoy cancer faggots

well this: I think they are one of the best inventions ever.

But I'm just one guy

Typhoid and one of the Hep ones (liver shit). I had travel plans.

>mostly good
>can contain harmful ingredients
>high potentiality for abuse


Greatest invention ever. As long as they're only given in white countries.

They're fine in moderation, but I have concerns about the amount of vaccines children are pumped with nowadays.

I did some background research first because of the State Department. Turns out I did get the regular MMR as a kid as well as the booster.

But just think about that. Whether you think the MMR shot has any value or not, nowadays they fire hundreds of things into children without their informed consent or their parents' understanding. It's really no better than how I don't have a foreskin.

How do I know I don't have a foreskin? Well, it isn't there.

The principle is a bit dodgy. I mean what's to stop a virus or bacteria from mutating and infecting you anyway.
Besides that, vaccines are one of the finest Jewish tools in their arsenal. You can cause a lot of trouble with them, and I'm not talking about autism.
You could use it to make people allergic.
Maybe some genius doctors should use it to make jews allergic to gold.

They cause autism and ADHD in random people

I was vaccinated for H1N1 via a government program during the outbreak back in 2009 or whatever. Haven't had any sort of vaccine since then. I'm 20

>hello there dear mother of the child, we noticed while injecting your child in the heel that his foreskin was rather infectious so we cut it off just to be on the safe side
>what are you talking about you filthy antisemite the foreskin was infected and we just saved your child's life
>nurse could you call child services for me please, I'd like to file maternal child abuse so we can save this child some more

Even the RNs in Jew York didn't take the H1N1 on threat of losing their jobs.

moar like hundreds of free shekels and keeping the organ trade going.

That was a pretty dumb decision looking back on it huh... That was literally a bullshit psyop to study idiots like you.

>what does Sup Forums think about X?
I think you should read the rules.

>*sniff sniff*
>my god lady, I can smell the infection from you as well!
>we need to perform an emergency operation on your labia to cure you from th-
>oh, looks like we took your ovaries too
>not to worry, thanks to our new $6 million programme you can still conceive, just sign here and be indebted for life.
>you signed? this means the child will grow up in poverty and that's abuse! NURSE-GOY GET CHILD SERVICES NOW

To study? I walked into a gymnasium at the local rec centre and took a single needle to the arm, no questions asked. What the fuck is there to study?

Oh that's right I also got a tetanus booster one time after I stepped on a rusty nail and got worried about it. They couldn't even schedule me in within the immediate 24 hour period you'd want to make sure you didn't die from that.

Dunno maybe I got lucky washing out the wound with whiskey and knowing how to bandage it properly with an antimicrobial agent.

But that was pretty much the only time I thought it was funny to have a doc touch my dick because of how uncomfortable she was about it. I never knew it could get that shrunken out of sheer humiliation.


if your worst enemy in the world wanted to inject something into your arm and called you a moron for not letting him...
would you allow it?

you think the deep state establishment isn't your enemy?

Voluntary not mandatory unless you have a pandemic and want to enter say mass transit.

The vaccine shilling isn't a deep state program, its literally just the US pharmaceutical industry pulling at strings they have tied to govt, media and academia. Just another case of corporate lobbying. The US has the most robust and powerful pharmaceutical industry on earth

What about children who can die from diseases but can't give consent?

>What the fuck is there to study?
How many people will allow a stranger to inject them with something because of media reports.

I don't know what it is, but every time I go through the TSA's naked body scanners / radiation cancer chambers, but they always think there's something in my right pocket and they have to get usually a nigger to grab all over my legs.

Last time said nigger grabbed my ass, too. I don't think he was a homo or knew what he was looking for, but I guess he got uncomfortable when I followed his orders to the word and he had to shout at me in public to put my arms out before touching my leg all over the place.

The idea that vaccines are bad for you comes from literally one British scientist called Andrew Wakefield who faked data so he could gave autistic kids unnecessary invasive surgeries and when he got caught he got all his qualifications revoked and his work unpublished so he simply went to America and tried the same scam and of course it worked this time since Americans are scientifically illiterate morons. Keep in mind he was only sloppily falsifying data about the MMR vaccine but since Americans have no idea what that even is they just assume all vaccines are somehow bad.

Now it's just another thing IQlets on here dont like to try and feel smart. I mean really, look at this. >I mean what's to stop a virus or bacteria from mutating and infecting you anyway.

Why wear a seat belt when it can't protect you from a truck driving into you at 100mph head on? Because it's going to protect you from the vast majority of car crashes you fucking retard.

Also the most expensive, corrupt, and basically evil one. Our entire healthcare system is designed to milk everyone of every last dollar they have.

Wow, we're still using the Andrew Wakefield meme?

created by the jews as a cost-effective alternative to water fluoridation for the purposes of sensory manipulation and tracking

Bill Gates would disagree

How would it be more cost effective than water flouridation?

Even the largest of cities usually only have a couple of water sources, wouldn't it be cheaper and easier to just dump it there?

antibiotics actually trump them
still a close second though

Influenza kills people. Not nearly as many people as it used to because of modern hygiene practices and medicine, but still.

Upwards to 100 million people around the world were killed by Spanish flu between 1918 and 1919 (one year). Probably would have killed you then burgerboi

that's a good point

Not needed if you're a genelet

Never received a vaccine in my life, AMA.

It's like student loans. The government made a law that you can't default on a student loan, meaning that both the Jew bankers and the Jew universities have no skin in the game and the shleps are basically slaves.

Same thing with Rockefeller's allopathic medicine. They get a free ride. You get bought off and paid hush mony by the US government if anything ever goes wrong.


worse than heroin

were you born on a commune?

It's funny because they tried to use the Spanish Flu meme back then when it was actually a government project that backfired.

Peeps don't do their research. Or, as the financial industry would say, due diliagence.

Flag checks out

And the black plague was probably a government project that back fired too, right? Historyfags just not doing their research?

Nope, born into a cushty, loving family.

2 of my sisters reacted badly to vaccines and even doctors recommended that my mum should give it a pass.

never received said (((vaccines))) dont need,dont get sick either.

The black plague was a product of the Venitians inviting the Mongols in to crush the modern nation-state so they could profit.

It's a non-issue these days and easily treated. The biggest danger is the over-perscription of standard antibiotics. Do you work in the medical field?

Those who don't get vaccinated become a loving hippy?

Really gets the noggin' joggin'

Want to reword that?

>Black plague was a Venetian conspiracy
Nope, stop right there. That's beyond far fetched. Are you making this shit up on the fly or what

What about babies who can not speak at all but can die from whooping cough

Been fine all my life. Got a flu-vaccine and got a very strange reaction about four days later. I was on an airplane and could suddenly read everybodys mind, all their thoughts went through my head like they was speaking to me. It was an horrible torture. It was also Ryanair which made it twice as bad. I was fine the next day.

No, I'm not making it up. It's a convenient point to start from the fall of Rome because otherwise you have to really go wild with mysticism, ancient Egypt, etc.

Do you know how to treat plague?

Vaccines are extremely beneficial and have been proven to work. The only problem is you can't know if (((someone))) decides to slip something else into them along the way


Did you speak to a doctor after?

Over half of nigger babies die from abortion. Whooping Cough? I don't know, maybe I guess if we continue the policy of importing the third world with no screening.

My family was screened at Ellis Island. Are we asking for pandemics or what? Didn't we have a story just today about how 15 slimes got STDs from fucking a donkey?

>Herd immunity in vaccinated populations has been repeatedly disproven.
>In November 1966, in announcing a mass vaccination program for measles that would exceed the 55% level reached in Baltimore, the U.S. Public Health Service confidently announced that “Effective use of these vaccines during the coming winter and spring should insure the eradication of measles from the United States in 1967.”
>When measles failed to be eradicated, public health experts decided that a 70% or 75% vaccination rate would secure herd immunity. When that proved wrong, the magic number rose to 80%, 83%, 85%, and then it became 90%, according to a 2001 Health Services Research report. Later health experts commonly cited 95%.
>But that too was insufficient — measles outbreaks occur even when the vaccinated population exceeds 95%, leading some to say a 98% or 99% vaccination rate is needed to protect the remaining 1% or 2% of the herd. But even that may fall short, since outbreaks occur in fully vaccinated populations.
>“The target would be to have 100% of the population vaccinated,” Dr. Gregory Taylor of the Public Health Agency of Canada recently told CBC, voicing an increasingly common perspective among public health professionals. At that point, the balance of the herd that would be protected through mass vaccination would be precisely 0.
>But even vaccinating 100% of the population wouldn’t be enough, say scientists at the Mayo Clinic’s Vaccine Research Group, because the measles vaccine is a dud with some people, offering no protection at all, and its effectiveness wanes with others, even if they get boosters. According to Tetyana Obukhanych of Stanford University’s School of Medicine, the measles vaccine works as planned with only 25% of the population.
"herd immunity" = fake science, and without it, the argument for mandating vaccines falls apart immediately

You would have to name a particular one to write a script for it. A swing and a miss. You might have also noticed my prior post about the counterproductive overperscritpion of antibiotics.

Actually a great invention but you have to take them on a vaccine by vaccine basis. Some are probably unnecessary. Is it understandable that people don't want to inject random chemicals into their children? Sure. Sometimes there are serious side effects as well.

Yes, it was obviously some kind of psychosis.

Believe it or not he's right. Vatican alchemist agents perpetuated a campaign of poisoning well water.

I.e. high intelligence.

If I wasn't given autism from a tetanus booster shot back on 2009 I'd still be falling for leftists tricks today.

one thing I don't get about vaccines....

Lets say there is a class room of 30 kids. 29 are vaccinated, 1 isn't.

Why do people think the one unvaccinated kid is going to get everyone else sick? They've been vaccinated.

If the military is already using vaccines as the delivery mechanism to infect their enemies with behavior modifying genetically engineered viruses, what makes you think they wouldn't do it to the general population?


Meanwhile elites are getting separate vaccines than the general population.


Remember when Merkel did a PR stunt with the special H1N1 vaccine?

She's so stupid. What the fuck is wrong with Germans?

yeah true but antibiotics may stop working and be useless in the fairly near future.

Cannot trust them entirely.
See: bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/ciencia_influenza67.htm
-About the flu outbreak in Ukraine (2006)... ESP how it relates to Baxter Labs+Joseph Moshe
-Also note that Manafort worked in Ukraine at the time
Bioweapons do exist and vaccines would be an easy target because people willingly get injected

This. I was diagnosed with ADHD in the 3rd grade, 2 months after getting a chicken pox vaccine

This is the question they're never able to answer.

Did you know that the death rates from infectious diseases went down drastically primarily because of knowing how viruses work and how they spread? This led to better sanitation, the use of soap/disinfectant, and the use of plumbing etc.

They've rewritten history to claim that vaccines were behind the decline, but it's lies.

Did they put you on drugs?

I just got chicken pox like most kids. It kind of sucked for about a week. I guess at least I didn't get herpes by sleeping around.

Read the fucking inserts.
Also, why does an infant baby need a Hepatitis B shot?

Jewish tools to control the masses.

But the thing with antibiotics is that they were/are prescribed and people misuse them (i.e not finishing the prescribed abount) leading to more aggressive bacteria such situations similar to MRSA. (obviously an extreme case, but still not something you want from something that "trumps vaccines")

From what I can find vaccines do not assist in the creation of super-bacteria, therefore I all for vaccines.



*are. holy fucking shit I forgot to proof read

ITT: people with no understanding of medical microbiology
You are dead wrong. Antibiotics are worthless without an intact immune, which vaccines stimulate, to clear the infection.
Try and treat a freshly infected cancer patient with antibiotics after they've had their bone marrow irradiated and tell me how successful you are.

>A study in the journal Frontiers in Public Health, by Jennifer Margulis, PhD, compared health outcomes of 660 fully vaccinated or fully unvaccinated children between the ages of 6 and 12 living in Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi and Oregon. Information was collected via parental survey in 2012.
>The researchers found that while unvaccinated children were significantly more likely to get chickenpox and pertussis (whooping cough), they were significantly less likely to have allergies, ear infections, pneumonia, or central nervous system disorders (including autism) than the fully vaccinated children.
>Indeed, vaccinated children had twice the risk of chronic illness and four times the risk of autism, learning disabilities, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Vaccinated children who had been born prematurely were six times more likely to suffer from autism or other central nervous disorders than unvaccinated children.
>Several prior surveys of parents comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated children have shown similar results.
Unvaccinated kids are healthier.

Read the protocols of Zion. It specifically identifies inoculations as part of the control mechanism of the goyim.

I hate to say it but this. Vaccines have saved millions of lives, mostly for the better.


I love American pharmaceutical ads when I stream Fox.

Yes exactly, the inserts of the vaccines themselves admit they cause autism and death (among a litany of other diseases).

And they have liability protection. In the USA at least you have the vaccine court. In Australia we have NOTHING.

>God, all these people alive because of vaccines. Really hate to admit that vaccines save people.

I got the chicken pox vaccine as well (my little sister had cancer so they gave me all sorts of extra vaccines) and was diagnosed with ADHD just after.

Just so we're clear, SIDS = Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.

No wonder doctors themselves never vaccinate their children.


Ask you doctor if it's right for you :D

This. We should filter things potentially harmful from them, nagalese proteins and Thiomersal being two examples, and look into safer schedules and not pump 20 different ones in the span of 6 months into infants with undeveloped immune systems. There's always room to improve.


I have the fucking autisms now.
0/10 would not recommend

I didn't get the chicken pox shot. What drugs did they put you on? Maybe I have a chip on my shoulder because of my experience in the drug trade and I miss my friends, whether they be dead or just in a lock-up.
