Why are so many American men like this? Why do they virtue signal so much?
Why are so many American men like this? Why do they virtue signal so much?
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I think he means that Trump got elected because if whiny manbabies who hate how video games have become propaganda in the West
because they're cucks
speaking of video games, here's something to post whenever fags want to try to push that the SJWs werent the ones that started it
the reality is that video games are an outlet due to the breakdown of the nuclear family. this was not men's choice
Is that shit still going on?
A:I agree with you
B: America is too large and diverse for a single governing body to adequately rule even with defacto state governments-which only serve to muddy the waters of constitutionality and law further than the federal government does already
C: far too much blame from those without enough knowledge or patience to actually decline solutions that better the whole
D: the police state and continuing inflation of debt and debasement of fiat currency (lol) creates despair
E: redistribution of wealth -if possible or achievable- will not last nor greatly improve living standards, supply and demand of the capitalist society will undo these actions within 10 years (don't ducking quote me, just an estimate)
F: communism will never take hold in America, socialism though will have to contend with 'merican values which will lead to (as already is the case in other matters) watered down results
G: gamer gate was epic, crazy bitches and man bitches really need a good slapping and talking to
H: people aren't perfect, and they make
Mistakes. Shit happens, fuck the nuclear family.
How is this virtue signalling exactly?
the man who is answering a child's question, is in fact a child at heart lol
It was all for the lulz
>mad at women for liking video games
Did they ever get that game made? I know a lot of people were convinced they wouldn't get it done.
I dunno mang. I'm from the USA, but I grew up in Japan from my teen years all the way up to young adult hood. By the time I came back to the USA nearly every single damn White male became castrated and faggy as fuck. It's completely different how things role in Japan. Japan is obejectively far more 'sexist' and 'objectifying' of wimmin but the woman by and large don't give a shit since they like the attention. Men are also taught to become mentally strong because nobody gives a fuck about weaklings and even the women will step over you if they think that you're a weak pushover chump. Although women in the USA also step over beta-chumps the difference is that the culture in the states celebrates weak men as the new ideal masculinity when the end result is that they still get stepped over by a bunch of bitches. At least in Japan if a woman tried to step over you there would at least be other men around to try to teach how to be a man since you shouldn't be letting wimmin act like they have power over you. It's weird, how the West became a bunch of vagina worshipping pussies.
That's even crazier. Most people don't give a shit about vidya gaems.
It's basically over at this point, pretty much just a small watchdog group. Quinn's patreon dropped to 10% of what it used to be. Games are a lot harder to fag up thanks to the 60$ price tag, most that try to do so tend to bomb.
Came out, bland and mediocre. Did okay though, pretty much only thanks to all the shit surrounding it. Literally no media attention, surprise surprise.
This. This is why. They dream of one day wooing one of these animals enough that she will allow him to finance her way through life while being given the opportunity to drink jamals semen from her vagina after he's finished cucking him.
>Mad at women for liking videogames
Holy fuck this guy has never been in a MMO guild, these girls are fucking worshiped.
You newfags are revealing yourselves.
Newfag. This was the beginning of the turning point. When men finally started saying enough.
Educate yourself on #gamergate
why do so many have a (((verified))) twitter account?
many such cases
Because the US is an anti-nation.
Pic very related.
>Why are so many American men like this? Why do they virtue signal so much?
Because, when you're not a Chad or rich, it's the best way to get some puss.
Dealing with a roommate going through the same at the moment. Just started dating some vegan, bisexual slut working on a meme degree. I wonder if he knows how hard I laugh in my head when I hear him agree to her typical alt-left views after 3 years of living with him and seeing his darkest heart.
Because they think it will win them points with women.
How fucking narrow is your world view when you think gamergate is responsible for what is going on in the world?
That goes for any of you fags on here too who think that just because it got you interested in these issues.
Even gamergate was preceded by that guy getting fired for saying "dongle". And then there was that guy who got fired for wearing a shirt.
They think it will get them laid.
It's funny because boys wouldn't care if women liked video games as long as they kept their mouths shut.
Ever heard of the Butterfly Effect?
Just latte-sipping, NPR listening, NPC normies.
Not human; they're just a script running. You must suffer to gain a soul. Say what you will about people on pol, but they suffer and I'd sooner trust any of you turbo spergs than a nigger any day of the week. That's not because someone told me niggers are bad, or that hating niggers is cool. It comes from seeing friends and family sucker punched, beaten and robbed. The only people in my life that were seriously injured, received these wounds from niggers. Now I have to live in a world where robots like this twitter bitch sucks nigger dick left and right.
Its all to build something bigger. Suffer and keep suffering. This is your mental boot camp for surviving what will be a very lonely world soon.
I remember this shit. Still chuckle when I get reminded about it.
because virtue is everything.
They think women will think they're strong and fuck them when it's the opposite.
Well, there is reason to believe that the same people involved in GG were the ones to meme Trump into power.
Not singlehandedly, but they had some influence, and we're seeing the backlash from it right now.
The other part comes from this person believing that Trump is the source of the world's woes.
They use their virtue signaling as mating cries.
Because they are not chads and they think it might get them good goy points
I wish I did live in the alternative reality where Gamergate got Trump elected, I really do
Status is power. Humans like power.
Yeah and the women hated those guys. When I was younger and spoke to them separately they always said how they were freaks and laugh.
Because they're thirsty fucking faggots.
Which is why this shit was tolerated to begin with.
thats literally what happened
>very lonely world
sweet. i hate people.
If reading this tweet was supposed to make me angry and sad, it succeeded very much. How fucking small minded does a person have to be to type that?
Holy shit guys I finally found a real woman on Sup Forums
becuase feminism. pussy got all men by the balls now, and only way females pay attention to men is if they're popular. how do u get popular? if girls like you. how do girls like you? either get rich as fuck, super good at something and super cocky, or virtue signaler estrogen laden little bitch.
fuck bitches
>cancer thread
This goes back to Sup Forums
Every fucking time.
Just another cis white male pretending america is the center of the world.
>or virtue signaler estrogen laden little bitch.
They still won't get laid 95% of the time anyway, which is what they don't realize.
i know. which makes it more cringe worthy. fuck those fags but really FUCK BITCHES
im trying to find a 10/10 qt who agrees with me when i say fuck bitches
Men who act like this are sickening. When you're out with friends and end up talking to these types, they act just as vapidly as women. Don't mind if women act vapid cuz I just want to fuck them, but when men do it, it's fucking shameful. Just like women they lack actual values/virtues/principles, they just say whatever they think will make them look good.
it's also making more middle of the road guys like me and probably you, (90% of all males that exist) who aren't little fags or athletic beautiful manly bodybuilders without bitches. bitches don't like us.
Here's the good version.
I'm in my 30's, it never ends. I just keep going for the sake of my kids. I know I won't make it to 50, but we're close and I hope they learn something from me before I go.