Ok I had enough of the fucking poo in loo. Now it's really on. Time to really screw Jeewgle.
Ok I had enough of the fucking poo in loo. Now it's really on. Time to really screw Jeewgle
We must join Jack Posobiec's march against google this Saturday. Tell everyone that the ALT RIGHT WILL STAND WITH JACK
Goddamn it, something have to be done. I dont believe in regulation by the government but fucking Google is asking for it.
Why was it cancelled?
This massive co-ordinated (preplanned?) censorship campaign might be the strongest evidence that Charlottesville was a false flag.
What the fuck is Gab and why should I care
>the government should regulate things I don't like!
Gee who do you sound like?
You have to go after every company that advertises on Google. It's the only way.
When authoritarian shits are pushing down, the only solution is authoritarian but on your side. You can't have a free market with commies about
jack is scared of antifa
It was a social network that was born out of the fact that Twitter and Kikebook censor what goes against (((their))) interests. It's not that the app was perfect, but if Google is just going to prohibit every competitor that doesn't want to play by (((their))) rules, then where the fuck is the free market solution?
LEL. If this is what winning looks like don't stop winning Alt-right!
>wat is an anti-trust lawsuit
Don't let the Poo in Loo run your companies, White man. They have to go back.
Somebody add this to the altright BTFO montage
Zeronet or Retroshare should be explored as possible options at this point.
lol Retroshare is ancient piece of garbage
> then where the fuck is the free market solution?
there is none,world is going into shit,google CAN NOT be defeated,why people don't get it?
no point in using (((vpns)))
other browsers
all that shit is pointless if (((they))) own everything,including what is meant to (((protect))) you,people are just too stupid to get it,instead,you are just watching gay ass eclipses and believing some invisible man or satan will appear on earth.
yes i'm salty.
Didn't the SC rule there is no such thing as hate speech?
where is on this issue
look at the 40s, 50s, and 60s with all the commies
the government shut that shit down and we were better off for it until LBJ the Commie Faggot that killed JFK loosened the restrictions and let the hippies flourish and doom us all
yeah, isn't this a lawsuit waiting to happen? if you can't have business practices that violate the civil rights amendments, how can they do this?
This is all fucking Spencer and the other edgy's fault!!!! IF THEY ONLY WAITED A LITTLE LONGER BEFORE LARPING IRL!!!! Motherfuckers ruined everything for everyone!!! Google is too fucking huge, we should have put a stop to it when diversity started creeping in.
It's hatespeech goy
white people advocating for themselves is not the end of the world
Steve Bannon is right when he says the internet giants should be regulated by the government, run like public utilities.
And yes absolutely the government should regulate things we don't like. That's the national socialist creed.
That or broken apart with anti-trust laws.
>if you can't have business practices that violate the civil rights amendments, how can they do this?
Shut the fuck up and bake the fucking cake, bigot
Pass a law forcing all private media platforms that are intended for use by members of the public not employed by the corporation to comply with the 1st amendment.