Canada sees 'unsustainable' spike in asylum seekers at U.S. border


TORONTO/MONTREAL (Reuters) - The number of asylum seekers who illegally crossed the U.S. border into Canada more than tripled last month, according to Canadian government data released on Thursday, as migrants worried about the U.S. administration's immigration crackdown head north.

More than 3,100 people walked across the border illegally in July to file refugee claims and were arrested, up from 884 in June, the federal government said.

Ninety-six percent of them went to Quebec, where an influx of asylum seekers, primarily Haitians, is sparking a backlash from opposition politicians and anti-immigrant groups in the primarily French-speaking province.

In the first 15 days of August, an additional 3,800 asylum seekers were arrested crossing the U.S. border into Quebec, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police said.

More than 1,000 people are living in tents and government facilities at a Lacolle, Quebec border crossing across from upstate New York.

"It's not a crisis. It's a situation that is extraordinary. But it's well-managed," Transport Minister Marc Garneau told reporters in Lacolle on Thursday.

Canada is struggling to house and provide social assistance for the influx of asylum seekers as its refugee system faces the worst delays in years.

The Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB), which is responsible for hearing all asylum claims, has redeployed resources to deal with the Quebec arrivals.

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You'll wish we'd built a wall. And you'll wish you'd build a wall, too. O, Canada!

Take our trash leafcucks, take all that nigger cock.

There is no such thing as an "unsustainable" number of asylum seekers. They are seekers. They don't necessarily need to find what they seek.

The day of the rake?
The 8 years of the rake.
Raking out our undesirables to Cananda!

I wonder why they're not going to mexico instead

we have to finance their fucking searches you dumb leaf
how are these niggers getting into quebec? surely they aren't swimming across the st lawrence?


mexicans don't like niggers, even more than murricans

Who is we? We don't have to do anything.

everyones all for helping refugees till the niggers start showing up in your neighborhood

>quebec somehow becoming even worse

simply amazing

guaranteed when the housing market totally collapses government (or should i say the jews) is going to come swooping in to buy tons of cheap homes and place all these niggers there for free. haitians slums are going to be popping up all over toronto and vancouver. I would seriously be considering moving out of city areas if i were you.

The squareheads are doing this to us.. may you square heads rot. Reminder that Trudeau is an ethnic anglo.

Fuck you all.

Unsustainable? How is that possible? I thought these refugees were a net positive for the country? If that's true, then more = better right?

Wow, Canada has turned into Nazi Germany. It's like seeing herstory repeat itself all over again. For shame Trudeau! You're a racist of the lowest degree!

A country of virtue signalling cucks because they've never had any real problems to deal with.

>how are these niggers getting into quebec? surely they aren't swimming across the st lawrence?

The border isn't at the St. Lawrence.

well at least go to quebec city this sunday to yell pepe

Enjoy those worthless humans who destroyed everything around them from fish to trees, don't even want to dig for water or build sewers and eat cookies made out of dirt. Rather sponsor sterilization for them, that's what those people need.

Canada showing us "fat racists to the south" who's boss

i need out of this country
was considering texas
my country is run by fucking cucks
its insane

i find it amusing that they go to quebec. quebec has been trying to seperate from canada for years. they only want french speaking christian communities and are openly rude to people from other english speaking provinces. most based province in canada.

In the news a church was burned down with isis written on the side in spray paint and a terrorist who attacked someone in a canadian tire in full niqab refuses to appear in court

literally non-white and the biggest source of the "based hispanics" meme outside of CA

pro-tip: the Texas you think exists is decades gone

where to go then? is there anything left?

Yes, anglos are pretty much Jews, but in far higher numbers.

The French are anglos, though, and France is a perfect example of it.



Canada needs more people though, soldiers for when Russian invades


take all of them and keep them

>sent to Quebec

What's the problem here again?

except none of those illegal immigrants are legally considered refugees

they are just fleeing wetbacks thats our PM have retardedly welcomed openly and are not receiving them quietly

Canada has become the welfare state of the world. We will become the slums of north america, and our school children have already become victims of adult Afghani/Syrian/Iraqi students who violently try to enforce their ideology onto the children who are born here.

The worst of it, the teacher's have been directed to be soft handed and NOT PRESS CHARGES to these violent adults in our childrens schools

Just like I said, we're scaring all the nonwhites away since Charlottesville. This will only continue if we keep doubling down. I think we do legitimately have to become a hate movement if we want to succeed because as this past week has shown, no amount of rhetoric will work, no matter how reasonable you are

If it's a shorter drive to the Canadian border, just dump the mexicans there.

they are being sent to every province dipshit

Quebec is the closest thing to european nationalism on this continent, you retard. You're not french? You don't like frogs? So what? You want Quebec to lose its identity and look like Toronto? Why?

Canada will benefit from the vibrant culture of Haiti and the Haitians.

What the fuck does this even mean? Are you brain damaged?

Canada s news is horrible

Never hear about anything and when we do its disappeared quick

It makes sense that Haitians would go to Quebec. They have a tough time of it here in Florida. Their English is shit, and half the time they need Spanish anyway.

Exactly. So if any province will get fed up enough with the federal government to stop this bullshit, it's them. Hell, I could even see this making independence a real possibility again.

Canada has become the garbage dump of the world.



Lol. When politicians start saying its "not a crisis" you know things aren't fine.

Your country is almost less then 50% white. YOU are the garbage dump of spics and niggers

I like hiw Trudeau spew liberal rhetoric but doesn't actually act on it but his tweet saying Canada is open when immigration is extremely strict caused this mess and the blame lies solely on him.

Let's be honest, every white country west of Poland fits that term now


Your Statue of Liberty's plaque literally asks for the world's garbage. You don't understand what the world "refuse" means?

Justin wanted it just like obama

Keep giving them free stuff and thats what happens

You're probably a chink talking to a spic, concerned about white people.

This fucking board is hilarious. This place is full of shills because everyone already migrated to another site that I wont mention.

Im willing to trade with any american let me know

Get 'me out of here! Take their coats!

What was it before?

Theres plenty of room you snowniggers, keep on taking them! You have plenty of land!

For decades my Canadian relatives have passed moral judgement on the US for not "being more compassionate" and taking in whatever shit wandered across the border. Love that it's happening to them now. I'm sure they'll blame us and say it's our responsibility to do something. I'm just going to eat popcorn... with ketchup salt. Fuckin' leafs.

Sounds like a good idea /ameripol/ should carpet bag the shit out of post trudeau canada




They literally just walk in. There's a road. Police are watching them cross, they're not stopping them.

They literally come in fucking greyhound buses or taxi.

I hope that those racist Canadians dont turn those dreamers away. They just want a better life. No person is illegal.

>trump will destroy canada in my lifetime

top kek

Montana. Its like Alberta but more American.

>they're all niggers, beaners, and other assorted shades of shitskin
have fun with our trash, canada!


You're a bunch of lefty faggots and your province deserves to burn
T. Vermont


>get a million "seekers"
>pay for a million "seekers" to stay fed and lodged
>no unsustainable number of seekers

Fucking anglo logic. Trudeau's plan is to flood Quebec with migrants for political reasons. This is an invasion.

Disgusting, racist, Canadians! Let them in! No human being is illegal!

Not going to lie, former Trudeau supporter here. It is fucking horiffic watching Trudeau crash and burn. Seriously we can't let him keep office



You have a cuban bastard as your PM, lol shut the fuck up.

This is so beautiful.


>tfw sit back on fortress island, take a few token immigrants for lulz and watch the world burn

Not sure why we need to accept any of these people across our borders, they're obviously illegals in the states, they're double illegals now.

Hand the entire camp over to ICE

that's funny, that averages out to what 30,000 a year and Canada says its "unsustainable"

meanwhile the US has 500,000 or so illegals every year

I'm not from Quebec, stupid. Quebec is not more liberal than the country on average and is more religious.

most frogs in quebec voted macron (left wing) and montreal is one of the most le multiculti degenerate shit holes ever, i lived there

lol @ quebec having a single shred of european nationalism whatever the fuck that means, ur really retarded

You need nukes to protect yourself.

Total Canadian pop is what, 1/10 America's
Fuck off retard

Not comparable. We have very little liveable land. Most of Canada lives within 100km of your border. Not to mention our population is 1/10th yours. You have more people in California than our whole country.

Canadian is a dead country anyways.

the amount of relevant lyricism has my tripped the fuck out

Quebec is identified as an independent nation in Canada and they have their own identity laws aimed at preserving language in culture. I'm afraid you're the one that's clueless. I'm also not sure why you think French Canadians voted in the French election.

Using Montreal as an example is retarded.

that's what you're there for, big bro
also we have asians to use as human shields so we're sweet

>this is your brain on liberalism

Now you see the importance of a wall.

>starting college for customs and border security in 2 weeks
>next semester has diversity and sensitivity training

Fuck it all.

Trump does it again. He is getting rid of Mexicans and niggers


Who are they? Mexicans?

Fuck off we're full


I was always pro trump/Anti Faggot Trudeau
Unfortunately we are fucking infested with retard liberals

Only white people can be racist

Haitians trying to find a new gib host before Kelly boots them next year

Thank god I live in Alberta. They know better than to come here.

Nothing is gonna happen. Unlike what Sup Forums think it's actually really fucking hard to get refugee status in Canada if you aren't from a war torn country. I heard of people threatened by cartels and they were sent back because of insufficient evidence. Trudeau, even if he's a huge cuck, hasn't altered the selection process. The Haitians are leaving the US cause their refugee status is coming to an end because Haiti isn't dangerous anymore, the Earthquake was long ago. And they'll be rejected here because of that.

So it sucks right now, it's a huge burden, but they'll be sent back.