How many people on Sup Forums are antifa?
How many people on Sup Forums are antifa?
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A few, but they're there to subvert.
If it simply means anti-fascist yeah. I don't see the need to make it into some kind of group though
I am an anarchist. I don't know what I want but I know how to get it.
Some visit here. Mostly to see their sole reason for being: actual fascists. They secretly think we are pretty cool though. Many of them are busy sucking dick to pay rent so they dont show up and only go to Soros funded protests. Absolute sad cunties.
We all are, brother! Join!
Commie fuck
>Indiana Jones
>Dedicated his entire career to the recovery, preservation, and study of rare antiquities
>Suggesting he would support the side that's tearing down historical monuments.
Left continues to prove how fucking delusional it is
Most antifa are actually illiterate so they don't go on message boards
>Bad meme
>"The left"
the gay ones
Indiana Jones is no communist.
Not me but I'm pro antifa, there wouldn't be a significant white nationalist movement without them.
I live in Wyoming and we are mostly laughing at all of you faggots, left and right.
Stay the fuck out of the West.
The inverse fascists show up often, usually to shit up threads or re-enforce some square ass establishment narrative. Funny enough, they're just like native advertising or viral marketing or whatever. You learn to ignore them pretty fast, and then after a while you start degrading their efforts in silence.
The result of that is; anti-fa doesnt come around much, and when they do, they get BTFO extremely quickly. Go ask /leftypol/, everything they do backfires because they cant grok 'blowback'
>a liberal arts college professor
>not a gommie
hes an imaginary character created by two kikes
grow up and live in the real world, and dont think in terms of jewish hollywood fantasy you fucking imbecile
on this weeks episode of i cant do politik without movie references
friendly reminder the nazis were left wing. nazis in charlotteville are all alt-left
>How many people on Sup Forums are antifa?
Probably as many who are actual real-life fascists:
practically zero.
its a reference to the awful new movie. He gets accused of being a communist for no reason by 2 fbi agents (which ends up serving no purpose) and they laugh about it
no. commie fuck. they're a crisis-manufacturing pattern. You scoop up all the shittiest kids in the economic hell-scape and throw them up against the existing state to take it down.
What happens after revolution? Nothing, the commies are all dead, and the rest are slaves....
So basically, anti-fa are the same marionette model as the Bolsheviks, complete with (((puppet))) strings. They are anti fascism in name only, as they work on behalf of _EXTREMELY_ fascist corporations.
I'm Alt-Center-Right, a progressive libertarian.
>37 atm
Antifa's political beliefs have been reduced to a movie-like narrative point of view.
Their whole premise is based around 'we are le good guy, everyone else is le bad guy' leaving them incapable of seeing variation.
It's the fucking disney channel generation all grown up. They can't distinguish reality from a fucking Indiana Jones movie.
You're the first in the gulag.
You didn't already know this? Our brainwashin- Apologies comrade, EDUCATION system taught these young communists the value of collective thought. Individual opinions are DANGEROUS. Collective society makes you SAFE.
none are, it's all of us just shitting up the threads so we always stay aggressive
i believe americans dont know what theyre doing so pro facist, sometimes the govt just has to force you to get on a treadmill
>1930s white, Christian, American masculine man is a leftist
Why the fucc is the left blue and the right red on this shitty meme? Are burgers braindead?
He's a big guy
Holy fuck, pls be b8
>And I wanna be
>Get pissed
he probably voted for FDR
you mean besides larpers who are pretending to be in antifa and who belong on /s4s/?
I'm a commie and ANTIFA are bourgeois scum full of western degeneracy.
You're literally the product of successful Soviet subversion.
Communism is racist, it's sexist; it's just classless, and it needs those 2 to work.
Stop associating ANTIFA with communism.
>If it simply means anti-fascist
You're a moron that just started at politics yesterday if you think that.
Alright let's tear down every single monument to Native Americans then if that's your argument.
My solution would let what's there stay there unless a referendum is held within the country or district in which a statue is being held. If said referendum says "we do not want this statue here anymore" then you would at least have some just cause to remove it. Otherwise if the citizens of that area are fine with the statues then keep them there.
Also they should not be intimidated or bullied by Anti Fa or anyone out of the state/county. They should come to their own conclusions.
me im a transbio transfem gender neutral he/she, and i can scalp nazis
#hail the lbgtqqcsrtaafagsifof
He openly condemned racist hate in america. the fuck is wrong with you?
This. For fucks sake, you could take a commissar from the fucking USSR, from pretty much any time period, and his only response to antifa would be "Nyet" before shooting himself and/or them.
Nope. He was prodded, and still beat around the bush saying that there are 'good people' in the neo-nazi group.
Bill Clinton actually sounded a lot like Donald Trump.
Talked about stopping illegal immigration.
Declared the era of big government over.
His wife is a total cunt though.
Indy is using his right hand tho
yet another example of how the left can't meme
The fuckers don't even know what Communism is.
Our glorious USSR was racist and it was sexist; it fell when the West introduced their degeneracy into it.
So many cucked normies on here. Feeling all proud their daughter is getting pounded from behind by an aids cock.
Harrison ford is also a Jew
>People on Sup Forums
>Having kids
he also said there are some good mexicans when there clearly aren't any
more or less this guy describes anarchists perfectly
the concept that that guy over there "owns" something is illegitimate to them.
to them they are not "stealing the means of production" they think the idea that someone owns anything is ludicrous.
They are simply saying "give me that means of production" and when you ask why they say "because I want it"
To an anarchist force is the only legitimate rule in existence.
To their credit, in "anarchy" force actually is the only thing that matters, so once you understand that it their philosophy starts to make sense.
In essence the diffrence between a left-anarchist and an ancap, is that a left-anarchist follows the agression principle and WANTS to take things by force, while and ancap does not want to hurt people and take their stuff.
I'm anti-fa. I really love big fat dicks. I crave them. My thirst for cock is unquenchable. My butthole is indefatigable. Simply put: I love dick.
No he meant the people uniting for thier heritage. The Nazi LARPers just crashed the party like ANTIFA would and did. Notice all the bullshit happened on Saturday but Friday went pretty smoothly and peacefully?
suck it NutSac, he's not wrong
what did you faggots do this time
because there's a bunch of leftist shitposters spewing petty bile all over the other boards
I'm not antifa. I don't agree with antifa. I don't like antifa. But as long as they're butt-devastating alt-retards I'm fine with it.
hahahahaha youre a bunch of faggot, nerd losers.
have some cuckunist cringe
harrison ford's a quarter jewish. not too shabby.
I'm antifa. I love to suck my own asshole. I love the chunks of shit in my mouth, my breath smells no different than normal. I love fat cocks in my mouth, I love being cucked out to all the antifa boyzzzzz. FUCK MY GAY AS FUCK ASSHOLE PLEASE
at this point 25% of the board are some variety of shill.
t. antifa
it's a lot of posts like this
hey faggot my containing your autistic culture war to the containment board? would really appreciate it if you faggots learned something and stopped trying to ruin fucking everything
i don't care if you hate the alt-right, faggot, just keep it to the board they occupy
now go tell your faggots in whatever neofag reddit discord you're hanging out in
I still don't understand what the fuck you're saying. Speak American.
I'm anti-Authoritarian. So, I can't be antifa since they implement tactics/ideals I disagree with.
But user if you don't support my mindless expressions of violence the nazis will win¡¡¡
im antifa
Hyuk, howdy partner.
Whats he's tryin' to say, y'all hear now? is that we's dont take too kindly to your types round these areas.
you go do your thang on the other side of the wall and dont tread on me. y'all gets going now.
Disgusting commie faggots, scuttle back to your nests... go and stay go! I've never once wanted to visit you, even to raid, but you keep getting drawn to this place. I wonder why that is?
Antifa comes here when they are starting to embrace our views.
>i totally support but don't actually support a bunch of marxfag surbanites who pick fights with skinheads
yeah, you're totally not antifa, i'm just being paranoid.
just tell your friends to fuck off already
Does the alt-left deny the existence of Indiana Jones 4?
Wouldn't be the first time they tried to erase history.
Nope, lol – I'll cash in my Bitcoins and escape in a vape cloud
Stop fagging up Indiana Jones already you fucking shitlibs.
Nice! If tonguing buttholes is wrong, I don't wanna be right. Do you Aussie anti-fa do community outreach like we do here in the States? Our local chapter likes to go down to the old train depot here in town where there's a sizable homeless population. A couple of times a week we jerk them off and massage their prostates with our tongues until they spooge in our faces. Good times. My butthole elasticity is really something to behold.
Non-romanticized version
2 maybe 3
The rest is larpfest