>one of the whitest Disney movies ever made
>cast black guy for the broadway show
For what purpose
One of the whitest Disney movies ever made
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you know why.
Frozen was very popular amongst little girls, so of course the jew won't miss a chance to brainwash them into accepting ugly niggers.
Nice black-washing bafoons.
more like burnt
He looks Swedish to me.
As long as the love interest is also black.
to piss you off so black people and disinterested millenials do something they would never normally do and buy all the tickets to their show just to piss you off as well
>why are unqualified niggers, women, poos, and beans forced into these positions
to drive down wages
also this. fpbp
>letting your kids watch jewish propaganda...
Shut up goy
Go to sleep
You faggots are pathetic
That's not the problem here and you know it
Because it's an opportunity to use an emotional attachment to subtly brainwash young girls into thinking they should mix with black men. That's why they haven't changed the race of the female leads.
what if i also complain about unqualified diversity students in my medical school?
"Erasing culture and one demographic group is OK when we do it." You're subhuman. You don't deserve to live in America, it's not your nation.
^This, it's how I taught my daughter not to be racist, by getting them to love fictional characters like Santa Claus or Jesus and then switching out the pictures to black men a few days later and shaming them over America's history of enslavement when they try to question it.
Why is that clown so /fit/?
Holy shit whitey is getting fucked where it will hurt them the most; via the jewish media and its hold on the "White children" you are supposed to be making a future for. That future is looking rather "dark" senpai.
Because Frozen is a movie designed for Little white girls. They're all grown up now, and all desire the mighty BBC
That legit just made me sad for the little girls
>Likes to build clocks.
Because who the fuck cares... that's why
As a black man, I'm happy about that.
Why? You're going to be shot by one of your homies soon.
And that's why you'll never be anything more than just a pet to the Jews. But I bet you're OK with it.
Coming from a bay area tech company, this image is the most spot on thing I have ever seen on the internet.
He's supposed to be a Sami.
Samis aren't white, you fucking idiot.
Samis are like the native Americans of Scandinavia.
Not. White. There is literally nothing wrong with this.
We need to bring back jim crowe in this country. also kys worthless nigger
Regardless of all that, they sure did pick an actor that is the spitting image of the character huh?
Who gives a shit, people are too stupid to read now a days. let them die in their shit ignorance and get rich by being some of the last smart people on earth
I want to slice your fucking face open you piece of shit
Well they sure dont look African now do they dumbass?
Get the fuck out
They have a swarthier complexion than other nordics, and have been brutally oppressed. Stop whitewashing history.
Is it that bad? I know good female coders btw, better than many, if not most, men.
>than other nordics
They just look like Celts, who are white.
work on your bait eurocuck
to be completely fair if you looked at my shell it would probably look similar. she got a lot more flak from this than she should have gotten.
Did you miss the part where the script she is running is a ''hello world'' script, you white knight faggot?
>white knighting an attention whore on an anonymous cartoon porn imageboard
you do realize it's a projection of your inferiority complex to lust after white women right
I wonder what black women think of this?
OK so let's have WMBF casting, not a problem right?
Source from credible news source, nonbias prefered.
>Fictional story involving talking rocks, ice powers and dog moose
This is your brain on Sup Forums
Also they're definitely gonna be like LOL THIS PISSES THE ALT-RIGHT OFF, which is the BEST thing that can happen be cause it directly exposes normies to the concept that racemixing is bad, even if they're rejecting it
>on a tv set
I can understand when they say "Oy vey, it's a coincidence!" in real life situations. You can not apply that and expect to get away with it in movies or tv shows. The entire stage is set by people and arranged with purpose. Same with animated shows, you really think that the Star of David really just coincidentally is the shape of the kite at the end of The Bee Movie? In a fucking animated movie.. Come on. It's obviously put there for a reason and anyone who can't atleast admit to that is in denial of the situation.
it's the kikes will
I just watched the live action Beauty and the Beast remake from Disney, and at the end when the appliance people in the castle returned to their human forms those fucking producers had the balls to include not ONE but TWO interracial relationships, young and old. You know they fucking sat around in a meeting and were like
"Ok, but this will really buttblast the audiance, lets have one of the relationships be interracial when they turn human that will-"
"-Nnonononononononononon, Schlomo, listen. I have a better idea. TWO interracial relationships! TWO. That will really drive home our point that appearance doesn't matter it is what's on the inside that counts!"
"That's some fine virtue signaling there Bob, you're getting a raise!"
Someone should really sit down to make a giant compilation collage of this stuff.
Not me of course. I'm too busy shitposting
Classic Disney is truly timeless