Roleplay as a Nazi

>roleplay as a Nazi
>really a socially liberal centrist who just doesn't like Muslims

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ur gay

most of us are. But we hate the SJW's and (((their))) hijacking of the left for to push their agenda. If i had to pick a side though, I'll go with the nazis

I hate nupol

t pol from 2011

Wrong, correct is: Be a NatSoc, roleplay in society as liberal centrist who don't like muslims

And praise the Frog!


>roleplay as a Nazi
>not even White
>really do hate niggers though

Back to td cancer

Hey me too we should do butt stuff sometime

wtf i love (((closets))) now

not from plebbit. I've been here many years. Fuck off shill

>instantly calls him a shill for pointing out an obvious redditor

you have to go back


yeah that's about the size of it

aaaaand its a fucking leaf

Pretty much yeah

>I was a OWS supporter, Anti-Consumerist, Anti-capitalist, anti-globalist 'leftist' before I became an Alt-Right Traditionalist/Monarchist.

So ya, I guess OP checks out.

>roleplay as Sup Forums
>really just /r9k/

can you get the fuck out with that anime shit.


yep. me too.

Sorta ditto. I have the simaliar beliefs but I refrain from saying them and be a cherrypicking asshole for kicks depending on the post


You have to remember that the modern left is hellbent on implementing their social engineering policies. They unironically believe mass multiculturalism will destroy the human tribal instinct and end conflict.

We live in a world were pointing out that is fucking stupid makes you a Nazi.


>roleplay as a normie
>really a pot smoking degenerate weeaboo faggot albino nigger

Guilty of every panel

when you stop crying maybe but you will not so I shalt not

Just a heads up

You realize you're on Sup Forums right?

>people unironically think this way