Mom + 6 Angry Kids ATTACK Cop! Failure to Comply! Instant Karma Instant Justice NEW Resisting Arrest

Mom + 6 Angry Kids ATTACK Cop! Failure to Comply! Instant Karma Instant Justice NEW Resisting Arrest

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are you peddling for views to get sheckels or what

this is awesome video

sums up miseducated idiots

many of them black

I have not patience with this stuff

starve to death if not get with america work ethic


Thats a lot of kids

What the fuck is this YouTube tier clickbait typing
kill yourself


you;'re talking to a computer friendo

here are the tits you fools

>Instant karma 20 minutes long

ez 2 read


nah how about i fuck yer mom n sister


This bot is based af.

This is why pocs get shot, how stupid can they get, they bring it on their own heads.

i admit it was entertaining. she escaped from the police, the black cop tried to shoot out the tires and then she drove 160 km/h 96mph with 6 nigglets in the car probably none of them wearing seatbelt. i hope she got a long time in prison she could have caused mass murder

>6 kids

> boring end
no one got shot
> white supremacists are to blame for this
turn fown that statuesd


Cops should have shot each and every one of them in the back of the skull at the end.

shows black ego far far more outa control and insane than anyione can imagine

she drives away from police stop

#126 all her family life worth?

kid comes at cop with gun?

kid guna be dead soon

i want all public school gone
lower gov spending 99%
so fuckers like this are starving to fucking DEATH

Why don't black people just not act retarded to cops? Are they incapable?

she doesnt have kids anymore. this is child endangerment.

>people will say there isn't iq differences between races

this vid sucked.wheressthe instant karma? I washoping she was gonna get smoked by the transport truck

but the ego is just like a sun

such HUGE ego with no achievement to back it up

all quota hire
all quota admission to school
black women get into UCLA medical schools with 2.0 gpa and then ahve courses to get em going over summer while white wait listed at 3.95 GPA

maybe there are better ones

I might shot the son tho :)
and woulda gotten the keys

she couldn't make a decision so she ran
this is why they run so fast
constantly running from problems they create
still sympathize a little with her only because she wasn't fat


6 kids
no dad
no sense
kids in danger
dude shes total scumbag
lucky kids not shot
and look how she is teaching them
step up to armed cop?
kid thinks hes superman lol