So when do you think Google will delete this website for hate speech? I give it before the end of 2017.

Other urls found in this thread:

Yep, it is inevitable

nice bait but it's too technoilliterate

leftards know about Google's store and the jurisdiction therein

m00t works at google he wont let that happen

Kek will intervene. Digit confirm

>using a Sup Forums app


(((hate speech)))

they should sue for anti-trust

fuck off mad nerd

When it does, tag/spray paint the streets,buildings,cities - let them know who did
9 11 let them know who owns Freemasons.

Please for the love of God can we get Google to remove Sup Forums from its search results?

99% of normies will just try Sup and assume its been taken down

Google can't delete Sup Forums, it's not theirs to delete. The worst thing they could do is delist it from their search engine, and that would only be a boon to this site

>jewgle destroys one of the most popular containment sites in the world
>weaponised autism unleashed on the world

beat me to it

I'm pretty sure most Sup Forums apps aren't in the Google play store for similar reasons.

An hour after this containment site is taken down google and pretty much everyone everywhere who uses the internet in any capacity would be begging gookmoot to restart it.
Just fucking imagine some chill forums getting invaded by the s4s autists.

If there is a Sup Forums app I hope Google and/or Apple take it down because phone posters are cancer.

Google won't. But I will bet you by the end of the week the antiDDOS for this site will drop us just like they are doing to thousands of sites. If you're not scared you should be. It isn't just the Daily Stormer that got shoahed.



google relies too much on Sup Forums not going to happen.

>1 post by this ID
No point in response. I hope the rest of you recognize.

I imagine they fear releasing us into the world more than they fear this site itself. We would flood reddit, twitter, tumblr and all their shit

Lol clover and it's on f droid. Not gonna happen

No but he told them how best to track us

They could disallow recaptcha and cause temporary inconvenience. No posting during that time.

Because phone posters are a bunch of normalfags? And I say this as someone that usually phoneposts at work.

This place won't last forever. I know it's inevitable that one day I'll try and come on, only to see that it has completely vanished.

Enjoy this place while it lasts. It's really the only outlet I have to vent about this shit. Seriously, I love you guys (no homo). I'd like to think that Sup Forums is the embodiment of what everyone thinks and feels, but is too afraid to express out there in the real world.

Can we petition Google to delist it?

Oi cunts they cant delete Sup Forums they can only make it not viewable on their search engine. google does not own the internet. they only provide you a handy list of links. and they are not the one and only search engine

Fucking this. We're all obese micro penis losers. Sup Forums is our containment unit that lets us fling shit at eachother. If they destroy Sup Forums it's possible some of the best of the best weaponized autismos would go full radical to spite everyone and cause the end of the world no matter how many tendies are offered.

Japs are racist, they'll never let it go down

Are you so fucking technologically illiterate that you think that Google is able to delete Sup Forums?

They don't even host this shitposting webshite.

>these are the retards that support nat-soc

This. Shut it down Goolag. Show your true colors and do us a favor.

Oh well. I guess everyone will be forced to talk to each other. Bwahahaha!
Just kidding that'll never happen.
Disqus will go too.

>I imagine they fear releasing us into the world more than they fear this site itself. We would flood reddit, twitter, tumblr and all their shit


This place is a containment board for trouble makers. If they shut it down, you migrate to reddit and social media and just completely subvert it from the establishment.

They are getting desperate. Think we are at a point they are going to have to murder a lot of people to keep their charade of a system going.

>implying Sup Forums getting shut down won't be the worst thing to ever happen to the internet
The sheer amount of shit that will flood through every conceivable outlet will be apocalyptic.

Of course we can, but they won't listen.

This, this place is a massive containment field

Remember the scene in Ghostbusters where they were forced to shut off the containment field's power source? Now imagine that, but with shitposting all around the internet.

Google doesn't want to piss off an army of autists. The same way moot didn't. You think moot is just sitting around at google HQ? Well yeah, but he's still got a hand in this in some fashion.

>a private company won't host my material


Do you think moot saw all this coming so he left to work for google so he could protect us forever?


Is that why that garbage has been hosted for years?

Google doesn't want to be associated with domestic terrorism.

Gab is fucking garbage. Torba acts like he invented free speech. Fuck that guy.

I don't get how Google is allowed to have 'terms', and bakers in Ohio are not. Aren't they both 'public accommodations'?

if you know where then you know, google can only remove from there search platform, good fuck normies


We should only start panicking when we lose sponsors. Worse case scenario Sup Forums goes Pass only for a while.


> Sup Forums becomes delisted.
> Normies can no longer invade.
> Think it's only a porn forum.
> Meanwhile, our activity continues unhindered by shills.

w8, android has a Sup Forums app??

Sir Mootles has eaten every pussy at google to keep this site up.




this would be quite nice

You are asking the wrong question. You should be planning where you go from here? Invade their precious Reddit?

>An ad-free social network for creators who believe in free speech, individual liberty, and the free flow of information online. All are welcome.
>individual liberty, and the free flow of information online
>isn't foss or even open source


Oh shit i havn't seen this in years

This, trying to crush an idea always spreads it because it forces people to proselytize away from the echo chambers

>They are getting desperate. Think we are at a point they are going to have to murder a lot of people to keep their charade of a system going.

Yep, this is the part where the One shows up and reboots the system, right?

The thing is, they are looking for an individual to stop the messiah. But this time, He doesn't come as an individual, He comes as all of us, the great host, 144,000 of us, we are all the Messiah. And they can't stop us all.

There shall always be 144,000. Strike one of us down and the spirit just moves to another Host.

We all need to move to zeronet. There are instructions how to do it in this thread:

They deleted clover a long time ago and the Creator just made a GitHub and posts updates on there.

It's sure improved my arguing and bantzing skills in various comment sections, including YouTube.


I want to see these faggots try.

what does that even mean?

>not knowing what Gab is

Nope. Only a few ways into those super comfy happenings bunkers. Protecting us isn't one

Never. We're a federally protected intelligence asset. Gookmoot is a NSA/CIA operative.

>People are organizing a boycott of a company because they don't like its behavior


Fuck off cuck.

>Do you think moot saw all this coming so he left to work for google so he could protect us forever?

the m00t protects

Fuck off no one here advocates racism or any form of hate.
Read the rules:

it says right there, rule #3

Sup Forums loves niggers.

>We register Sup
>Shills accidentally go there instead
>Nothing but shills shilling shills

i know those feels, but on the bright side the death of this place, the last bastion of free speech itself will be the queue for millions of autists to burn down everything in sight

Honestly, it's pretty much overdue. Basically ever white terrorist lone shooter in recent years has come from Sup Forums. All the pepe memes and hatred gets inside the head of people with autism and related mental malfunctions, leading to wild rage and massive sperg outs. This board basically poses a threat to the well being and security of everyone else in society. Moot did his very best by creating a containment board that worked well for many years, but now the sheer volume of autism is overwhelming this single board. It'll be better if we all go outside for a while anyway.

>Google will delete this website

>hes posting under his own IP after the last week


"On our hands
We crawl
They cannot stop us all"

Trent Reznor, "My Violent Heart"

haha you got me,i was scared for a second.

Gets me everytime

The dominos we warned about when hatespeech was set up as an arbitrary term are starting to fall.

First it's the low hanging fruit like Daily Stormer, but they're expanding the list of targets fast. Anti-feminism is hatespeech apparently. Generic far right ideologues are also targeted.

Note that the corporatist right is not targeted. This is because they're completely for the multikult agenda.

If you want to harness chaos magic it is best to go to the source. Although I don't think Eris will permit such a prevision of her children to last indefinitely. Chaos always wins, in the end

We need a way to identify one another as Sup Forumslacks when the war comes.

He works there as a LITERAL janitor.

i cri evertim

Nice headcanon. Too bad it's so far off the walls of reality.

That would be a bigger hit for google than for Sup Forums. They still need Sup Forums to feed their AI.
inb4 colored rectangles show up again

There's no proof people like Elliot Rodger and Dylann Roof came here. They would have left at least one mention in their manifestos.

If he had a clue, kimmo would have been much less of a problem than it was

we go everywhere, spilling our ideas and information into every corner of the internet. just like last time.
this is a containment board, they won't shut us down.

>Ban Sup Forums from Recaptcha
>Give fake 503 for Google Chrome users
>No Sup Forums on Google search pages
Would it really be a bad thing? No more normies, realistically.

cuckmoot will do anything he can to destroy Sup Forums

Google have authority over their own app store
Google do not have authority over the entirety of the internet (yet)

Look for pale niggers, that's 30% of Sup Forums.

>No captcha

If they still want to use their tactics by reminding them of the episode of Ghostbusters when the containment unit broke and all the ghosts got loose. They can only understand if you use a movie, tv video game reference.

>implying there aren't other captcha services
You're a fucking retard.

When did you realize that moot quit Sup Forums in order to save it from the inside at google?

He's the hero Sup Forums deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt him. Because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector. A dark knight.