I sure hope you guys don't use tor.
I sure hope you guys don't use tor
>waah why would someone want to uphold their image whilst still unconditionally supporting free speech
Kill yourself you fucking stupid monkey
Why are encryptards always lefties?
The eternal swedish strikes again!
Shouldn't you be attending your local Pirate Party meeting right now, Sven?
that is fucking insane..
>supports online sex trafficking, drug smuggling, child pornography and illegal weapons trade
>does not support islamophobia
Thank goodness Tor is finally willing to work with the government to dox all objectionable people and oppose offensive belief systems. At last the tech world has realized that hatred can no longer be tolerated.
Did they ban them (if it is possible) or are they only virtue signaling?
this gotta be fake. their service is literally only used for illegal activity
They literally cannot do anything.
>Kim Jong Un has been briefed on possible missile strike
How the fuck does a new york newspaper know what's happening in the nork government?
> Why are encryptards always lefties?
Because like the UK, they like diddling little kids.
Boy, Tor administration must be heavily involved in this child trafficking shit.
Aren't americans using the term "bigot" too much ultimately?
It's going to lose meaning, like it did in brazil.
well duh. That's like saying a central bank is heavily involved with money
the fucking smug cartoon
i hate being surrounded by smug children
im sick of e-celeb cartoon kanagaroo avatars and rainbow dildos
holy fuck where are the grown ups
>How the fuck does a new york newspaper know what's happening in the nork government?
Because Rupert Murdoch owns the newspaper and he is the puppet master of the whole entire world.
they can't ban them, onion routing is a system
>that last tweet
zero self-awareness
Now that the Nazis are on Tor, will the left move to outlaw encryption and anonymity?
Or, perhaps more to the point, will the deep state hijack the occasion to keep Americans from anonymity?
This is why encryption should be banned. Nothing to fear, nothing to hide.
good luck banning mathematics
This. Grown children everywhere now.
Makes sense. Islam does all those things.
Anonymity has always been left-wing business. Just look at how chock full of leftists platforms like tor, autistici, noblogs and network23 are.
We in the right are not cowards, we have never hid our faces. The only reason we are seeking anonymity now is due to organized leftist character assassination.
man Tor must be rolling in shekels with all the (((donations)))
like i said tor is a honeypot to catch pedos,nothing else,inb4 tor fag quotes me.
Use i2p, it's less centralized and overall better. All that's necessary for it to compete with tor are more people hosting out-proxies.
Fuck off, encryptard NAMBLA and/or ISIS shill!
Lol, they put a cartoon sand nigger on that post. What kind of retard likes sand niggers?
The internet is for porn, and Tor is for CP
>n-no I swear to god it's purpose is to help oppressed chinks
What a bunch of fucking faggots. "We're allowed to change". So until now they approved of pedos using their network?
This. You have to be extremely naïve to actually believe the encryptard rhetoric that encryption's unironical purpose is to protect us from ever-elusive "identity thieves".
Encryption only exists to protect terrorists and child pornographers.
oh look, another petulant, emotional bitch trying to garner brownie points. they never gave a shit about the plight of muslims or any non-white folk before, but oh shit there were some mean racists that got media attention a few days ago and all of a sudden, boom, they're totally "progressive" and against "bigotry".
i take no offense by their stance, but this blatantly fake, shallow ass kissing is morally repugnant.
good goy
they all high from weed off of the silkroad... Never change TOR, never change
Why are people in tech so fucking cringey. For a group that purports to be so fucking smart, they are dumb as hell.
WTF....!! I love Tor now.
I could break it down for you if you want but basically just read James Damores memo it's 100% accurate.
They are very exclusive, if you don't agree with what they say, you're out.
We literally hire females for the sole purpose of having women on the teams, not their ability.
Really? I want your passwords you low IQ faggot. You have nothing to hide, right?! And it's called the Constitution you millennial fag... Read it in stead of your anime.
Encryption isn't bad. It's just funny how the pedos can hide on tor for years with the FBI after them. But once a few "hate speech" sites need to take refuge they activate the hidden SHUT IT DOWN subroutine.
That isn't to say there aren't women out there who can do tech, but the majority of women who can, already have good jobs, or are doing their own thing so it is hard to get them unless you are friends.
However, the women who are good, often are pretty fucking culturally incompatible since they are very bro-y
Most of the women you see outside of that are leveraging other peoples work 100% or making things cute and getting the female gibs from social media and orbiter males who are socially inept.
He should also leave his door unlocked, after all, what does he have to hide?
the reply chain is cozy (job done)
Give out your email and password.
Not just your personal email(s) but your work emails as well.
nope not fake at all
>not just using the government's quantum computer to bruteforce all the encryption
makes you think
Fuck this (((marxist))) earth.
Fuck Tor, git gud with da meshnets, build the Ubernet.
if you encrypt using a password then you must also encrypt the password to access the password, and this password must also be encrypted with another password
I am the author of this meme. Thank you for reposting.
An American wants to bring up child rape statistics? Kek No, remember your place you 56% white mutt
>tor still hasn't come out and disowned child porn
>just replies "We feel this way any time Tor is used for vile purposes."
Why do they refuse to denounce child porn? I blame drumpf
sure thing ahmed
TOr has been FBI/CIA honeypot for fucking years, only newfag niggers think it is safe or based in any way shape or form.
"Will you disavow Antifa and other communist groups too?"
>Tweet not available
"Tor Losing Cool points. We own the future."
Encryption is God tier you newfag fuckpony... its about a right to privacy. Millennial fags don't understand the internet is a tool, not a toy for fake internet points you spend on tinder
Well free speech is dead.
One more right to take.
The guns.
>being so assblasted you reply to a post not made for you
I hope you bought that amazing deal, I would love to get $70 of WIIE for $120 on BOSE
Excellent meme
We really are in clownworld where given the huge amounts of truly vile and evil material found on Tor the one thing that gets them to condemn it is a funny news website
how does it feel to be owned by such superior beings?
If you use Tor, and think you are truly anonymous, especially after the way the Silk Road went down, along with all of the pedo filth getting raided, you are an idiot. Once (((they))) figured out that if they owned enough entry and exit nodes, they could unmask IPs, its been a wrap. There were always rumours it was backdoored from the beginning anyway, being that it was originally developed for and by the US Navy. Its a honeypot network, its no safer than the clearnet, and less safer then a good VPN or proxy. Fuck their faggy PR politicaly correct stance, Tor is dead.
Canada is far less cucked than the USA.
I know your feelings are hurt.
Online drug marketplaces
Human trafficking
Child porn
Contract killers
Aborted fetus for sale
>We would like to publicly make aware that we do not agree with the views or actions of these vile people and are disgusted with the fact that they use our network.
You forgot diy vasectomy kits.
>we're allowed to change
Bandwagoning at its absolute best.
is a psychopath telling you how he would skin little children a real problem?
No, it's not a real problem. most white people would not agree with him.
Oh fuck this is a classic. Nice pic mind if I save?
This is how jews argue
What the fuck do you mean no?
Yes thank God, thank God for these fools thinking they can contain it. It will only get worse . You keep pushing the white man till he snaps and decides to split the atom again.
And his debit pin number with his email passwords.nothing to hide right?
Get the fuck out of here with that shit. You can be sent to a "human right tribunal" for walking into a Muslims prayer room with shoes on. I wish I lived in America.
Seriously, saying bad things about niggers, jews, mudslimes and all that shit is probably the most tame shit people do on TOR. This is the same shit people use to hire assassins, do human trafficking, exchange jailbait and all that other shit, and apparently some edgy alt media site saying bad things is where they draw the line?
>we're allowed to change
Yeah, okay, let everyone make their own fork of TOR or just get a VPN. TOR has been shit for a good while anyways
Next the pirate bay will try to pull Mein Kampf because it says bad things about Jews
Empty PR. Tor couldn't do anything about it even if they wanted to.
Thats because (((they)))
The biggest problem for Tor now will be for people to actually believe the SJWs that work there won't out their behavior.
Great fucking business model there, Einstein.
Jesus christ this shows just how deep the corruption is. The only thing tor is known for is drugs and cheese pizza but even they decide to virtue signal against us.
They can't do shit about it.
>that work there won't out their behavior.
Tor doesn't work like that. They have no control over it.
If they did, everyone connected to it would've been jailed a long time ago for the murders for hires.
Man I hate having to take my shoes off in public. I've got a dog that sheds, and it gets on my socks, then if it's hot out it mixes with my sweat and man it smells terrible. Would move out of my country to avoid.
>I wish I lived in America.
You must be one of those "dark" Canadians
Wait, TOR said this shit? Why aren't they doing anything about the MASS amount of CP trash on that?
This is fucking disturbing
Because they can't do anything about anything.
It's like if "The Internet" had a twitter account, pure virtue signal.
Isn't Tor just a protocol? So I fail to see how they could shut something down
A lot of folks have been jailed.
This just in: shitonmyface.com publicly denounces the horrific events of Charlottesville and reaffirms its commitment to racial harmony and deplores all forms of hatred and intolerance, including Nazism and racism.
Wow it's like these people have never read 1984, or Brave New World, or Fahrenheit 451, or THX1138, or Animal Farm, or whatever and are just vapid idiots going along with what the CIA says.
Mostly because stupid shit they did in meatspace or lack of basic browser security skills,
Yes, but I mean everyone connected to it in any administrative capacity.
2nd generation portugese. I just want to own a firearm and not be arrested for hate speech..
The guy was a landlord and walked into his tenants home and entered their prayer room.
So they didn't feel the need to uphold their image while being the McDonald's of child rape?
You Swedes are so cute.
I was right, lol @ u Mr. Barbosa
>White nationalists
>Tor:This is evil and fucking wrong
>Child Porn
>Tor: Eh, I mean we could change but is it reaaally an issue?
Can't let duh evil muzzie haters use tor to spew hate speech, we can let the murders and pedophiles gather to talk and share pictures and let terrorists talk and plan their attacks. When can we start hanging these "people" on lampposts?