Now that the dust has settled

Are we ready to admit there are problems with the alt-right leadership, and discuss constructive solutions moving forward? Or are we going to scream "shill" at every attempted criticism, like the cult faggotry that we've been putting up with around here? Just wondering if loyalty to our race matters more than loyalty to e-celebs yet.

Other urls found in this thread:

Just don't shit on Hitler without also explaining how he was wrong.

Sup Forums isn't alt right, if you consider yourself alt right you fell for the trap

What I think is important to remember is that jews who have wormed their way into white institutions are a threat to western civilisation.
Also sage.

and here's a kike

no you are shill....

The alt-right needs a cool and collected leader. There's spencer but he doesn't rule over nazi larpers. The alt-right needs to grow outside of the Internet.

Richard Spencer is the worst fucking leadership ever. This guy managed to destroy the alt-right movement by associating with neonazis and cuckfederates. We're lucky Trump was able to save the situation by attacking the alt-left. Spencer needs to go. He is a liability not an asset.

t. white American.

Neither one of those goys look white.

I'm just curious if Sup Forums is even capable of voicing rational criticism of "alt-right" leaders, or if its still a massive hugbox cult of celebrity around here.

faggots and sage

It doesn't matter if Spencer and Enoch are genuine or feds.

They're shit and everything they've done has been bad for white people. They need to retire.

Daily reminder that Richard Spencer and the alt-right is controlled opposition.

Honestly someone like Nathan Damigo with no felony robbery or assault convictions. Richard Spencer is a good leader but sometimes feel he says things or does things for the attention. Mike Enoch will not advance the movement, he said Fields should get a medal on TDS, the movement will not grow with talk like that.

I'd imagine that any Spencer affiliated event in the future will include bans on KKK/Nazi imagery. The night rally with the torches was praised by Trump because the LARPers weren't there and everyone was clean cut.

It's okay fag you'll figure out how to use terms correctly eventually

>destroyed the alt-right
Calm down

>it's his fault there were people who don't know what optics were
Okay just stop you sound ten

>I care about what's good for white people goy hehehee

Why do you even make these threads? You ask for criticism and are met with thousand of replies that correctly state that the alt-right has terrible leadership and their open affiliation with Nazi larpers and white supremacists on social media and in public are toxic and counterproductive to their agenda. But every time these criticisms are mentioned they are shouted down as kike shills. The alt-right is dead and now poisoning the well of Trump supporters. Just fuck off.

these guys love their 15 minutes of fame don't they

fuck, Sup Forums is fun sometimes

>I'd imagine that any Spencer affiliated event in the future will include bans on KKK/Nazi imagery.

I doubt it. Have you listened to him speak? He talks IRL like a teenage Sup Forums user. The guy is a baby in a man's body. No hope. Even the MSM was mocking his press conference because of how pathetic he acts.

I've had that thought before, that we need someone like Damigo with his service record and ability to speak off-the-cuff, but without the felony record marring his credibility. Spencer and Enoch say things to get press, or to stir shit, and are too willing to say things potentially problematic with respect to core beliefs. They're both too liberal and libertarian in their attitudes,and too desperate for limelight. They lack discipline and substance, a drunk and a trustfund kiddo, respectively.

Keep violating Global Rule 7 to protect your hugbox, you newfag fuck. Enjoy your b&.

>Why do you even make these threads?
Well, its the first one I've made here in a couple months, but the reason is obviously to trigger little faggots like you who want the board to be a hugbox for your opinions. You can't deny they say some pretty problematic shit, and their leadership roles are really the result of their profile, not their competence.

Be less obvious with the shilling, lol.

anyone who takes that fat sack of shit seriously should kys

richard spencer is a disgrace for this very reason and many others as well

go back to your trs shithole


Right, Spencer especially is too cozy with socialist ideals. Nobody in our movement cares about economic policy, constantly defending socialism just turns off otherwise receptive whites.

>constantly defending socialism
I think he just does it to be edgy. He spends as much time contradicting people on his own side as he does coming up with arguments against enemies, and it just comes across as him cucking.

only way forward is civic nationalism

just get people to assimilate to white culture, it worked pretty good in texas and arizona in keeping them republican states

long term man, only thing that is gonna matter is keeping our constitutional rights, we only do that with GOP in office. dems will pass hate speech laws and gun control.

He's "trying to recruit" the Berniebros. :,)

Sup Forums isn't (((alt-right))) though, it's very openly a National Socialist board. (((Spencer))) and the (((alt-right))) are textbook examples of controlled opposition.
If you can't admit that you're either a shill or massively deluded.

We should disregard the term "alt-right." We should disregard its supposed "leadership" because these people are figures the media itself has chosen to represent us. We should be a guerilla movement. We should resume our online activities, and anything done in meatspace should be done quickly with a monimum of publication. Demonstrations should be more like a flash mob than a rally that you advertise for weeks.

>I'll use these maymay brackets and the goyim will never suspect hehe

I honest to god wish people WOULD admit these problems.

Spencer fucks up every time he's on national TV. He rarely prepares talking points, he doesn't EVER relay any of the real ideas of the AltRight any time he gets in front of the press.

Heil Gate, the awful "I have this mantra..." which sounded pretty fucking cultish, and various talks after winning court cases allowing him to speak and he basically just repeats basic-bitch rhetoric.

He's never given a decent presentation when given the chance unless it was at NPI (which he ruined) or Amren or something.

Enoch just generally jews the place up.

Cantwell crying on fucking camera and going on to vice about how the white race will be saved by polygamy.


ahahha welcome now go back to r3ddit


Spencer did a great press conference on Monday where he set the record straight to the media. Undoubtedly the right person for the job.

>Sup Forums isn't (((alt-right))) though
It is now, there are a sizable number of them here now. Sup Forums isn't any one thing, but alt-right is a big minority here, just like civic nationalists and far-right like Natsocs are. Everyone tries to play wordgames about it, but these are all the largest groups here, sharing space.

>Just don't shit on Hitler without also explaining how he was wrong.
He made his soldiers use those shitty mp30's when they could have been using mp43's. He had no long range bombers because he thought the troops would feel better if they saw more planes in the sky, so 4 engines on 1 plane was a waste.

I can go on with his incompetent blunders, but why bother?

To deny that Sup Forums isn't front and center to all this is retarded. Yet to call yourself alt-right is as well. Sup Forums needs to imbrace the heat. We. Yes we look like pussys.

The Alt right was propagated by Hilary in order to ostracize the right as racists in order to gain more lefty votes. If your a part of the Alt-right movements your a Soros pawn

they are controlled opposition

At least when people like Alex Jones get in front of the camera they have something to say that's reasonable and they manage to stick a knife into the heart of the media every time.

Even Milo or Cerbitch sell their fucking books every day. Selling their books is front and center.

Meanwhile the AltRight looks fucking stupid, nobody even knows what it's all about because nobody seems to be able to just sit down and SAY what it is.

Talk some stats, have some talking points, practice them. Fuck sake is it that hard?

These threads are always shit. Who are you going to back? Sinéad?

Lol go back to mullato March and listening to common filth the counter shilling operation against Spencer had been ridiculous the last six months.

>The Alt right was propagated by Hilary
But you realize it existed as a distinct thing way before that, right?

Bro the "alt right" is not going to work out. People are being force fed primary historical sources getting the full US history lessons that most haven't had unless they studied after high school- or blue pill as you might call it. You guys can only lie about the confederate ideology and the ultimate end game of what you're ideology involves.

>Be less obvious with the shilling, lol.

I'm not shilling.

This guy is a total loser.

this is true, we need to win over young minorities, you do this through libertarian civic nationalism

constitution over all else, take the blood and soil shit and shove it up your ass because america is not built on race, it's built on values

That's how jobs get lost

Cantwell simply must be physically removed from the movement, period. He says the stupidest shit that does not help us and he is also emotionally/mentally unstable while being armed to the teeth. Get him out before he ruins every thing!

Tell us more about that disgusting antiwhite kike George Soros, you commie faggot.

Anyone else feel like the polarisation of western people going on turbo speed lately?

I've lived in a pretty politically neutral area all my life but nowadays people are just going apeshit with left and right. Pretty sure most of them don't even understand what's left and right.

B-But muh polygamy man. How else can we possibly compete in the free market of bodily fluids ?

Why so many /r/the Donald retards fall for Laura loomer's narrative hook line and sinker?

Laura loomer is LITERAL zog controlled opposition

>Cantwell simply must be physically removed from the movement, period
Why was he even included to begin with? Why did TRS promote him at all, just to cross-promote their subscriber bases? The guy has been a lolbergtarian forever, why is he suddenly an "identitarian"? He obviously doesn't know anything about these issues.

America was created as an explicitly white country. The founders were white nationalists.
Jewish infiltration was responsible for the 1965 change in immigration policy.

Remember to sage shill threads.

>we need to win over young minorities, you do this through libertarian civic nationalism
*breaths in*

how does anyone take this guy seriously?

>support these circus clowns because there's no one else to support
This terrible argument needs to die.

The alt-right isn't a cult or a club or a political party. It's an ideology, or maybe a movement, and these things do not have leaders. Instead there are thinkers, contributors, commentators, etc.

Imagine someone trying to find a leader of Liberals.

>common filth
Common filth is a demoralization shill and a spic

>Cries like a bitch on Youtube
>Next day talks about what a tough guy he was on The Daily Shoah

We should ask why Mike Enoch, the man with a Jewish wife, thought it a perfectly respectable thing to invent the triple paranthesis around the names of Jewish people so 'alt righters' can identify them...

>these things do not have leaders
This is obviously a bullshit game these figures play, where they act like leaders when it benefits them, then they hide behind
>we wuz just entertainers
when they fuck something up. Mike Enoch pulled that exact same bullhit when people found out who his kike wife was. Suddenly he was like "I'm not a leader, I'm just a podcaster" -- well, a couple months and a bunch of "rehabilitation" shilling on his behalf later, and he's "front and center, leadin' the movement" again. It's a con game to these guys, who are just trying to promote their brand names.

It's great you're listening in. If you're white and of sound mind then you'll be one of us before long.
If you're a kike / degenerate then you're getting ovened regardless.

You can't stop people from trying to take advantage of a movement. They can pretend to be the leader of a cult, but being a leader of an ideology is dumb.

Sup Forumss a containment board user, don't bother...

he's also a fucking meth addict

Is there any concrete evidence that Spencer and his wife are intelligence assets/cointelpro? I just see the same images spammed over and over. Laura Bush, Cromwell statue, Russian hacker blah blah blah. It sounds like CNN desu.

>REEEEE behead those who criticise muh podcasts
really going out of your way to prove the whole "cult" charges were accurate, huh m8

potato nigger gets involved in US afairs


The Alt-Right leadership is cucked and are fucking pathetic. The only one with ANY respect is Heimbach, but even he is slippery

Who is this "we" you speak of...

Sup Forums is only efficient when there is a laugh to had at someone's expense.

You stormcucks need to do something better with your time than organize nazi-tier garbage. You WILL be defeated if you try to start a race war. Black, white or whatever. It's 5% of you dumb faggots starting shit while 95% of people just want a paycheck and a peaceful neighborhood to come home to...



He's a Joke, an inexperienced politician who even a Seattle judge can cuck

He is a sellout
>Saudi Arabia
>The Pope
This guy is the perfect representation of America.....A COCKSUCKER

>Is there any concrete evidence that Spencer and his wife are intelligence assets/cointelpro?
Not that I've ever seen. If he is an "asset" of any intelligence network or "COINTELPRO", its probably without his knowledge. He's just a hipster pseudo-intellectual as far as I can see. His closeness to people like Dugin seems to something going on in his larger circle: David Duke is connected to Dugin, as are others at NPI. Seems to just be to shill Dugin's books, although I can't tell why they like him, since he's fairly anti-white.

> while 95% of people just want a paycheck and a peaceful neighborhood to come home to...

How do you think the nazis came into power in the first place? You need to learn some history. The NSDAP was a tiny party until suddenly, it wasn't.

Richard's sweater is fucking dank, salsa?

I said this a long time ago, fuck off with the fake subvertible leaders. We didn't need them then, we don't need them now. They exist only to capitalize off of current trends.

>95% of America want to live in Detroit with maga hats.

Nobody will ever you, you sad depraved lunatic.

Exactly, the leaders Spencer and Enoch are nerdy edgelords desperate to please their vocal neo nazi critics by being more "edgy". Pathetic!

Fuck the 88.

Spencer is not a leader.
He's CIA.

this right here


Time to start slamming these people before they totally hijack white identity.

>Fuck the 88.
The 88 = 14 you mong, lurk moar.

lol and I thought Irish were smart...

my bad!

no it doesn't you dumb faggot, that makes no sense

Normies think Jim Crow is just as bad as the Holocaustâ„¢ and it's not gonna matter if white nationalists show up at rallies looking like the cast of Mayberry. It's hip to be anti white.

>that makes no sense
Did you think the 14 and 88 always went together for no reason you fucking retard?

everyone loves hitler, just leave him out of it until you take back control of everything. then you can rehabilitate his image.

Spencer let TRS and DS run all over him. He may be bright but he's just not leadership material.

it went together because of leftwing antiwhite propaganda + stupid morons like Rockwll who combined them.

You're cancer and always have been.

fucking this

please contribute to my new thread

>George Soros
>commie faggot
there you go

Ah so it's been propagated by the Jews, my mistake

Dickie looks like he has AIDS and Enoch looks like he gave him it.

You're president is dressed up like a Nazi, justlike your dead soldiers and police officers. Boo Hoo

>Are we ready to admit there are problems with the alt-right

Yeah it's a National Bolshivik movement made popular by Hillary. You knew that though didn't you FED?

fuck off you dirty kike cock sucker

Holy shit kike enoch looks like a fat jew aspie sperg with downs

No wonder he always wears sun glasses fukking lmao

Disgusting tbqh



oh look a fucking nigger

Toxic imagery (KKK, Nazis) attracts toxic people. When will these baffoons get it?

>I want to the 14 that the 88 said, but fuck the 88...
you're a moron or a kike, i'm leaning towards kike with the vile you spit about 88 and Rockwell