
>no refugees or migrants want to come to your country because its a shithole
its called strategic poverty you cucks
shitty enough poor people don't want to come here
but rich enough I get to buy fancy shit and live comfortably despite not being wealthy

>tfw when your politicians are the greatest strategists to ever walk this earth

Other urls found in this thread:

Today nobody tried to shame me for being (((white))).
There were no mass shootings.
I got cashed my latest check from a scholarship I got despite being mediocre.

white nigga life is good in this fuckin hood.

Im gonna bump this from my samsung phone i shouldn't be able to afford through my 4g connection

White nigga baller life

Ah shit nigga i even get flags from other countries and shit

no terror attacks either
>brown cuties giving you thirsty looks

colombia is better. i could work for 2 years trucking here in the US and then buy a finca in medellin, and live out the rest of my days

until you get beheaded by FARC

>not repairing our streets so mudasir doesnt shit on them
We are light years ahead

that shit doesn't happen. farc is dead. the trouble times are over. colombias right wing gov has shielded it from the bullshit that the rest of latin america has suffered. colombia can only get better from here

preventive sabotage for car bombs
we learned from the 90s

"strategic poverty" lol


Wow, it's almost as if muslims have standards

muh... Falkland Islands

>No migrants

Are you fucking high? We have been getting swarmed by niggers since the 80s, in 2030 we'll be bolivia.

Check out any first grade public school, literally 85% peruvian.

na, OPs forgetting that in S. America people still believe in god. Catholics wouldn't tolerate muzies fucking around

yea, and you meet them

Fuck, I can't even insult your Rugby team...

pobreza estrategica, el peronismo solo queria salvarnos

Do any of you know a movie from the 80s about a real estate developer in Buenos Aires, there's sexy broads in it. Saw it in the 90s


No man, Argentina is like the white mans country in south America or something

I hate you so much

your hate sustains me


tell me a bit about the plot and I might be able to help.



It's about like a Trump style alpha that slays pussy and develops real estate condos, lives in a penthouse, etc. Don't recall much else I just like the scenery, 80s B.A. is such paradise.

>tfw when youre an unwanted poc yourself

>shitposting on Sup Forums
>while listening to the sexy yet dignified voice of classical beauty Cristina Perez
brehs why would I want to live anywhere else

>meanwhile IRL

Amen my white brother


Does she have a wonky eye? Can't get hard when i can't tell if she is looking at me or something behind me.

Argentina literally hands out passports left and right: mestizos, pardos and niggers take over in swarms

province of Cordoba


>YFW being racist it's okay in your country
i feels good to be free.

user her eyes look fine to me

Something isn't right she looks stepford wives'y, are her eyes too far apart?

I think anime just fucked up your brain user.

It's the amerindian blood

this is what a woman that makes it to her 50s without getting raped by a roving gang of muslims looks like user
I know its a novelty for you but try to keep up

There are no muslims in Croatia, my brown friend.

no people either


I hate animu, and weeaboos. I swear like Drew Barrymore got hit in the face with a shovel something isnt right with this girl.

OP es un brasilero culo roto, negro de mierda volve a la selva.

This, famalam


Yeah, only demigods.

Meanwhile your country is 99% niggers with 1% of error marginb

Holy fuck i didn't know she's that old, gilf got game.

Also no acid attacks like un the UK

bro, you can't talk shit. Argentina has already done whiter things than you hope to do in the future

>his country didn't make it to full godhood
kek no wonder you have to hide your flag
I'd be ashamed too

He had more balls than you.
And your empanadas suck.

first worlders decisively BTFO
who's laughing now, europeons and merifats?


Also Mauri is reduced inflation in half in two years and is assraping peronism and the left.
Life is good i might not need the eu passport after all.

Actually I am seeing a lot of recent migrants who, surprisingly, have higher education or are specialized workers.
M..m..maybe, this time we will finally not fucking it up, right?

>no refugees or migrants want to come to your country because its a shithole

Buts that a lie, since the 00's we've been getting real black people from ghana and senegal. During Kristina's mandate the number of illegal immigrants folded x10, specially the aforementioned niggers, and now we are getting all the trash from the venezuela too



*sips piscola*

Too lazy to archive now, sorry my dear archive user.

>cepo removed in first week
>inflation reduced in half in two years
>recesion prevented even tough brasil our bigest buyer has a collapsing economy
>Established the political party in every province now
>Venezuelans arriving hate socialist faggots

>Cristina and peronist loose the elections in every place but the conurbano and they still not won buenos aires

Mauri is our saviour.

>le 52% face btfo by an arian argie

>he doesn't want assyrian qts in his country
these girls put the ASS in assyrians and they are christians too
you can keep your Haitians that you are so proud off for some reason

Now I'm coming to Argentina I don't care if you're full or not.

do what you want, but this is not anglosphere, nobody is gonna give a fuck if you get discriminated

I'm not white but I'm a Brahmin with pale-ish skin and I do not care about anything as long as there's good functioning society.

We are, when comparing land mass and population, a relatively empty country.


that's an upgrade

i meant for street-shitting and the like, youre gonna end up becoming an Argie or just going back to your home, we are monocultural as fuck

as an example see our horrible relation with chile just cause they speak funny

She's of italian blood, so she's an actual Latin though

As long as you remember where the poo goes you can stay

That's perfect. Are there any significant agitating minority? Ethnic, racial or religious that causes troubles?

Monocultural is good, better actually. I have no intention to make it multicultural, but I'll keep my religion even if it's just to myself.

>but I'll keep my religion even if it's just to myself
no thats ok
remember doe : chile bad, uruguay good
this can save your life

if anyone ask why you hate chileans you say they speak like retards

>Mauri is reduced inflation in half in two years

You my friend are delusional

Better to go to Chile or Panama. Those places have better economies and are more developed.

Otherwise go to Australia or New Zealand both are developed countries.

Big tetonas.

disregard this OP is a jew.
livign in arg*ntina is absolute shit. I see arg*ntine subhuman everyday. I wana die. fucking mestizos everywhere and anti-white sentiment all around.

if op feels theres no antiwhite attitude in arg*ntina then hes a kike or literally oblivious to everything ever

Fuck arg*ntine subhuman i wish uk would bomb us or some superior Aryan race would rampage our lands and take over

we are not empty at all, dont liste nto this arg*ntine subhuman, the bus is cramped with mestizos and subhuman bolivians with their 235902385923 subhuman niggger shitskin children. this country needs ethnic cleansing and eugenics FAST
people from the inner provinces (PROVINCIANOMIERDAS, as i call them) have invaded the capital (and all of buenos aires) and thus turned it into a shithole, yet they hate people who live in the capital because they are white

You don't even have any borders.

not the daily stormer proxyfag again
show your true flag faggot, or are you ashamed of it?

argentina is not "the future of the US" retard, we completely lack blacks, you laid your bed now sleep in it

hes a jew posing as arg*ntine, machir has hired them starting early 2016 to shill on Sup Forums, not even kidding. ive come across a couple of them on this site. they are very stupid still and havent got the hang of it but it fools some retards. you need to stand up and expose them

Idk why but I really really hate those hats


Can I borrow some borders?

we dont lack blacks, machir has been importing them along with kurisutina. go around conurbano/capital. we have a lot of them, machir just brought at least 30k, most of them are in once
i dont know what you are on about, thats his real surname

Give it time.... Montoneros are back with RAM and FIT are with them aswell.

Thank God we have Macri to save us!

It's quite an achievement to be uglier than niggers

>urban centers are crowed
gee wonder why

Thats been progressively in the last decade due illegal immigration of black people from africa, give it 10 years more and youll have the first generation of born argentinean voting blacks

10 years??

>born argentinean


Chupenme la pija..

10 years??????????????
>we dont have blacks
confirmed jewish shill


>i dont know what you are on about
stormfront proxyfaggot Argentina shitter

>give it 10 years more and youll have the first generation of born argentinean voting blacks
and not a single claim to victimhood


>shilling this hard
Its like youre note even trying

Again, those immigrants.
In 10 years we'll have the first generation of argentinian born blacks and they will have the power to vote and hold political positions


Yeah but thoses niggers only live in poor places of Bs. As. like Ciudadela.

I live in the Coast and there is no niggers here my nigga

>In 10 years we'll have the first generation of argentinian born blacks
We already had them when slavery was outlawed, libertad de vientre, they all bleached down or went away

Argentina is not Europe, if you want to go back you always can

reminder that we have over 10million illegal sudacas and whit are at 30% and going down
how am i shilling? stop calling me shill, shill its not gonna work. i am exposing the truth

>op doesnt name the (((problem)))) in our land
>says country is good with machir (its the same as it ever was -no change whatsover-)
>blatant lies about no nonwhites

you expect me to believe this Hassan? do some research on arg*ntina before you shill!!

they vote already. dont belive me? they vote for cambi*mos , thats why they had so many votes compared to last time. obviously (((j*rge l*nata))) wont show you this. arg*ntine subhuman

this picture was taken in the capital of c*rdoba :)

another jewish shill arg*ntine subhuman, dont worry i plan to leave this as soon as i can to never return