was he a Fraud? did he made the Theory of Evolution or did he stole it from someone else?
Redpill me on Charles Darwin
Lern too grammar OP
He made it all up as a joke to see how many idiot atheists would eat it up.
what about Social "Darwinism"?
Very important dude. Evolution is perfectly contingent with folkish polytheism, which is worth more than Christianity as an actual white people religion anyway.
Societies and groups also function according to Darwinian logic.
More like Charles DarLOSE. Am I right, faggots? - Rosa Parks, 1989
Pivotal figure in human history. The father of evolutionary theory, a unifying scientific theory that answers many fundamental questions humans have about our life here on earth.
Good guy overall,
Random evolution has been mathematically disproven. Its guided by some sort of spiritual force, a God maybe or just an intelligent core of the universe.
If humans evolved from monkeys, why are there still niggers?
>Really makes you think
maybe niggers are actually the Missing Link between Human and Ape? niggers looks somewhat similar to Humans, (White People) but act like Apes! maybe niggers really are the missing link. it really makes you think.
Darwin was a Hack that stole Wallace discovery.
>Random evolution has been mathematically disproven
Are you dumb?
Hell, look no further than the algorithms used to generate AI for completing simple tasks. Random variation is an efficient way to generate general-intelligence programs capable of super human ability.
Fuck you (((boyo))) go shill that shit somewhere else
this is a more Accurate and realistic portrayal of niggers then what jews are spoon-feeding us with 24/7. (WE WUZ KANGZ)
it's called entropy idiot. it's inevitable for humans to evolve with this scenario. if dinosaurs were never wiped out there is a possibility there would be scaled humanoids walking around.
>Hell, look no further than the algorithms used to generate AI for completing simple tasks. Random variation is an efficient way to generate general-intelligence programs capable of super human ability.
Lmfao, you are legit retarded. Nature has no way of testing out millions of algorithms in the limited amount of time and ressources there are. There is a guiding force, deal with it. Just watch the fucking video where an actual scientist explains it to you, best goy.
Dat be kike lie and shiet. I aint a no fuckin monkey. God made me.
>Nature has no way of testing out millions of algorithms in the limited amount of time and resources there are
It's called evolution, my dude.
>Nature has no way of testing out millions of 'algorithms'
Dude, that's literally what evolution is. You do it over a couple million/billion years and you've got plenty of time and resources.
>kike lie
are you saying Darwin was jewish?
>it's inevitable for humans to evolve with this scenario.
You have no understanding of what evolution is and what is required for it. The product of even the simplest steps of evolution are extremely unlikely. The right option for adaption doesn´t just pop out of nowhere, and its also the product of trial and error, since that would take too long for what we observe today. There is a spiritual aspect to it, faggot. Deal with it.
In the video, an actual scientists explains to you why this is impossible, the time is too short and the ressources are too limited. If you don´t believe me, and you don´t have a reason to, since i am a stranger on the internet, go watch it.
>also NOT the product of trial and error
Something like this?
Nice, been a while since I saw a clip from Ferguson.
Evolution is real. So is God.
Read Genesis, faggot. Literally first page explains evolution. First theres nothing, then dark and light, then the formation of the Universe, then the life upon the planets, the fish, the ape, the man.
yeah that Clip was meant to be the Missing Link (according to Darwin) a.k.a niggers.
so you think Evolution really exists and God too?
what do you think of Darwin then?
The video doesn't talk about evolution at all, it talks about the origins of life.
Evolution remains true regardless of how life started.
If the beginning of life didn´t happen by chance, why would evolution rely on chance? Did the spiritual force that guided the first steps of the creation of life suddenly shut off? There is a guiding force.
Btw, the protocols of the elders of Zion talked about Darwinism as a way to control the goy mind and to lead them away from religion as a bastion of values. Pure coincidence of course.
>Btw, the protocols of the elders of Zion talked about Darwinism as a way to control the goy mind and to lead them away from religion as a bastion of values. Pure coincidence of course.
so Darwin had ties with jews?
so who was the Wallace that the Spanish user talked to me about?
Quote from Darwin about steatopygia, which is found among women of some bushmen tribes:
"the posterior part of the body projects in a most wonderful manner"
quote found here:
about steatopygia:
We can't assume that there's a spiritual force to begin with. So whether or not is stopped isn't an issue.
Evolution takes something that already exists and makes small tweaks. If the tweaks are successful they get passed on. If the tweaks are not successful the thing dies the tweaks die with it. You do this for a long enough time and the large amount of 'correct' tweaks can have drastic changes.
that in the Pic is a Hottentot. and if your Darwin Quote is authentic, this means he liked Big Butts?
>We can't assume that there's a spiritual force to begin with.
I gave you the mathematical proof that anything else is basically impossible.
>Evolution takes something that already exists and makes small tweaks.
I know what evolution is, i went to school too, thanks. Doesn´t mean that its true. Its a theory. I for one don´t believe that we, complex advanced beings, evolved by mere mutation and therefore chance. Its just as improbable as the creation of life by mere chance. Here is a paper that backs my point. Evolution is a mathematically impossible fairytale. The only way it can be made into a decent theory is by adding the component of a guiding intelligence behind it. icr.org
He merely stood on the shoulders of others and was the first to publish a synthesised thesis
t. Anthropology grad
so he said what People before already said? like how Columbus said he discovered America but its BS since Leif Erikson arrived in Modern Newfoundland Centuries before Columbus was born?
so Darwin is like another Columbus? in that he said what some said before?
He was the first to publish a complete 'theory' of evolution. All of the groundwork was done at this point by others including his father, not to mention he had people pushing his writings in academia.
and how did he convinced others push his Idea(s) for him?
Thomas Huxley aka Darwin's bulldog was his name. You'll have to do the reading man but at least I can point you in the right direction.
Some basic theories of relativity existed before Einstein, he applied it to electrodynamics and made history. No man or idea is an island unto itself.
okay then.
The video doesn't give proof for anything. It makes the case that the creation of life is highly improbable, which is something that I actually agree with, but it still happened.
You're assuming, without proof or evidence other than a poor odds (and only poor odds when we think in human timespans) in an intelligent designer. Assuming a designer to refute evolution is the same as assuming evolution to refute a designer.
I'm not one to tell you not to believe in God or Vishnu or whatever, but doubting fundamental science isn't likely to be helpful for you or any society in general. Lots of people have reconciled their beliefs with modern scientific knowledge and even current cultural standards. I'd suggest doing the same so that it won't feel necessary to reject a fundamental building block of our existence.
tldr; Darwin was the first to propose the theory of evolution by means of natural selection. Evolution was not an unheard of term or unthought of concept prior to Charles' publication.
i think Alvert was a Fraud who stole the e=mc2 from Olinto dePretto when he (Einstein) worked at the Patent Office. we could all spend Time on how Einstein was a POS Glorified by ZOG, but lets keep this Thread Darwin related instead.
so Darwin really came up Natural Selection and did not stole it from someone else right?
>(and only poor odds when we think in human timespans)
No, the odds are extremely poor in the timespan of the whole earths existence, which you would know, if you had watched the whole video. It makes the whole theory of evolution look like a ridiculous fairytale. Its as close to proof as you can get. What does the other side have to offer regarding proof? Nothing convincing.
> but doubting fundamental science isn't likely to be helpful for you or any society in general
Sounds like a convinient way to say "Don´t question everything, goy". This theory in itself is just as flimsy as global warming, which is also being sold to us by the (((media))) as hard science and (((they))) are greatly profiting of that. As i mentioned, the protocols of the elders of Zion actually talk about Darwinism as a useful tool to attack religious values.
>I'd suggest doing the same so that it won't feel necessary to reject a fundamental building block of our existence.
I will always do that, if something can be fully proven, but here we have good, mathematically backed reason to believe that there is more to the way mankind came to be than the materialistic approach of evolution theory wants us to believe.
>But let us give the evolutionist the benefit of every consideration. Assume that, at each mutational step, there is equally as much chance for it to be good as bad. Thus, the probability for the success of each mutation is assumed to be one out of two, or one-half.
Looks like nigger baby trying to talk about rocket science. Evolution algorythms is not binary "yes or no" with 1/2 probability, your so called scientist can't even read how it's works. Here try to read something about evolution mathematical models pcp.vub.ac.be
>If the beginning of life didn´t happen by chance, why would evolution rely on chance?
We don't know how life was appeared. Maybe there is chance maybe not. There is enough data to answer today.
We know how evolution works because from Darwin times to modern days we have a lot of evidences that includes not only bones and genes, but experimental data about observable evolutionary processes. And your mistake of thinking about evolutionary mechanisms as full random. Random is only mutations but choise of good attributes, neutral attributes and bad attributes is not random but selection. Selection provided not by god but by environment that includes climat, terrain, owner species physiology, owner species society, others nearest species and many other factors.
>Its as close to proof as you can get. What does the other side have to offer regarding proof? Nothing convincing.
Again, the video still doesn't say or prove anything about evolution. Evolution is a mechanism that acts on life. The video may plausibly have something to say about how life came to be but that's a different subject.
You sound a little like how I felt early on about mankind and it's origins, as well as what else might exist outside of our ability to perceive it. Can I ask how the doubt you feel about evolution brings you to the belief in a creator or designer? I ask because when I consider the same 'odds' issue that was brought up in the video my brain comes to a very different (the opposite maybe?) conclusion.
>As i mentioned, the protocols of the elders of Zion actually talk about Darwinism as a useful tool to attack religious values.
Oh wow how strong evidence methods we have here. Religious values and their fairytales was attacked by science from ancient times because of methods of experience analyses. There is many religions it the world and they have many verisons about observable facts and most of them was a mistakes.
As example sun can be according to religions not only fireball but gods chariot or god itself. Then science came and said sun is the star and dozens of religions are upset because sun is no longer a god but cosmic object. Oh god why?! My religios values is under attack i can't even more to pray Huitzilopochtli The God of Sun because he is not real!