Sup Forumsarado thread. itt discuss colorado and the 4-corners states too
Sup Forumsarado thread. itt discuss colorado and the 4-corners states too
are you mexican?
My rent went up from 500/month in 2012 to 1100/month currently. Fyck califaggots
i'm white. fuck you nigger
I meant 700/month in 2012
Is there a worse fate than to be a nigga traveling up 285 towards Denver when the aspens on Kenosha pass are changing color in the fall?
I've never, and I mean never, spent longer absolutely fucking STUCK in traffic like that. And it's happened TWICE
fuck that gay southern shit just move to the big sky state user
or better yet don't
have fun trying to go hiking/camping in the mountains on the weekends. you'll be stuck on 70W for 4-5 hours trying to go one mile and yes i'm fucking serious
best snow resort in Colorado? want to make a trip this winter.
Can Nevada join? If not can you at least help us clear out Californian transplants, then we could act as a buffer state for you.
One can only dream user
colorado sucks dick and there is no good skiing to be found here FUCK OFF FAGGOT
Might be a tiny bit biased but, negro go to Wolf Creek
I say this precisely because it isn't a full resort. Stay in Pagosa Springs if you like. Only been to the springs themselves once, but they're pretty cool
Sup Forumsorado Discord invite:
no thanks. i never, ever peek behind the curtain
The FUCKING day we tell California to fuck off and keep our rivers for ourselves, I'll be able to die happy
Nevadan here
>tfw californians are taking over and voting for californian policies.
ITs really fucking sad and angering
Wolf creek
>tfw californians are taking over and voting for californian policies.
they're doing the same in colorado
>be calicuck
>oh wow i can't afford to live here anymore because of all the taxes i pay that go to niggers and illegals
>better move to utah/nm/az/colorado it's nice there
>vote for the same libtard policies that attracted niggers to cali and raised taxes there
>oh no my rent is increasing
if i ever get a terminal illness i will go driving around the denver area and literally MURDER every cali licence plated driver i see
Do you like 50+ minute lift lines?
My thoughts exactly, wish we could turn it back but I don't see that happening.
May eventually get pushed out to Utah
>May eventually get pushed out to Utah
i am eyeing alaska if i can convince the wife
What's up man? I'm a Coloradan currently staying in Vegas.
Your state is hot as hell, how can you stand it?
I thought nevada was one of the last uncucked states, what with the desert 'n shiet.
Too bad califaggots are ruining that too.
It's getting to the point where I want to go out and shoot every commiefornian shithead I see.
Tucson AZ reporting in. Don't come here, it sucks almost as much as Phoenix. I'm praying for the day CO river water supply is cut off and all these golf courses and country club retirement home resorts for rich white midwestern fucks go belly up. people shouldn't live in the southwestern desert, it's retarded
No worries, best of luck to you
Our day will come. Hopefully, we can bring it around sooner.
Are you joking? Harry Reid comes from Nevada, lots of democrats in Nevada. All of their cities are blue.
>tfw Aurora homeowner and pretty spooked that recent happenings will lead to The Rise of The Planet of The Apes
Wyoming is Colorado without Californians. White paradise and lots of easy girls.
Least y'all down south don't have the heat island shit we have in Phx
Haven't been to Tucson in a while, last time I went down there was to buy a prom dress.
We have a lot of stuff going for Nevada, but we are on the decline. last elections they managed to pass some new gun regulations that would have really cucked us up. thank good that they are so stupid that the way they wrote it made it unenforceable, so we get a pass for now.
I don't think all of our cities are blue, but the Vegas and Henderson are solid blue and that fucks the whole state.
Aurora was lost to the taco horde over a decade ago.
You only have yourself to blame.
Cali transplant here. Got a sweet house in castle rock. Paid 450k all cash. Shits cheap as fuk
thanks i'll look into it
no but if if its worth the wait i won't mind.
Post feet.
Anyone else fall for the high desert meme? Moved to the 505 a couple years ago from NoVA and jelly I'm missing out on happenings.
If you subtracted all the beandips, New Mexico would be the greatest of the four.
All the native coloradans I know just drive to Utah at this point.
Summit county is overcrowded.
Wtf you want
NM has the best food out of the 4 corners.
t. Jackson Hole Richfag
Fuck it man, the price was right.
Landlords can eat shit, I will have my patch of ground.
You should focus your hatred on the federal government for allowing unchecked immigration for 50 years from the 3rd world, most of which went to cali.
If not for that, most Californians would have stayed there instead of moving.
Just barely out of the 4-corners but as an el pasoan I consider myself an honorary member.
I'm open to negotiations, but I think we might just be better off continuing to push them into the sea instead of just clearing the transplants out. Rural commifornians are OK.
Albuquerque is a fucking hellhole.
Permanent blue state, utterly dependent on the federal government between the military base, national labs, and welfare.
Racism is a given, any political race Chavez vs Johnson, always the Mexican name wins. Women hyphenate their names 100% of the time if there's a Martinez or anything with a z in it. Men and white women have to pick a beamer name for treasurer to go on their signs.
Albuquerque is not a sanctuary city, but the fucking County decided they are, and the metro jail is run by the county.
The weather is nice.
If Nevada didn't flood the ballot box with SEIU illegal votes in Vegas and Reno it would not be blue
Utah fag here. Send help, we're being invaded by calicunt refugees. Mexicans are here too, Utah is fucked.. Just leave me, it's too late.
Utah is being invaded by gay Mormons and Californians. I know because i live here,
Ifeel you, but the overwhelming Californian ideal as expressed by the state goes well beyond any outside influence. There's a genuine rot deeply infesting them
>we're being invaded by calicunt refugees.
We're all being invaded by calicunt refugees.
Utah is gone bud. We're being invaded by beaners and califaggot liberals.
How bout we kill the feds and the commiefornians.
My home and place of birth Colorado is fucked. Too many out-of-staters and mexicans have come here. People born here are a tiny minority and despite numerous efforts (resisting domination by I25 corridor population, literally trying to form a new state) to resist are completely dominated by outsiders. Fuck all you libertarians that believe in the right of freely moving wherever you want and participating in the political process. Our home was robbed from us by retarded outsiders and filthy beaners.
i like this thread
Not ready to die (yet)
I enjoy it just fine. I live in a pretty white neighborhood. Most of the places I frequent have majority white employees and patrons. I've been here a couple years and haven't learned a lick of Spanish. The city seems pretty well self-segregated to me.
But yeah, this place would be outstanding without the spics and natives. Never saw a native in my life till I came here, not sure why the government stopped short of total annihilation.
>being invaded by gay mormons
We built this place fucking idiot, get the fuck out. Mormons have traditional values, hate the government, hate trannies, believe in same race relations, love the 1st amendment and usually breed to make very hot women.
Albuquerque is a really odd place judging from experience.
I thought Las Vegas was on our side. I mean, the rest of Nevada might as well be uninhabited.
yeeeeeeeeee get CALIFORNIAED
I'm convinced Wyoming doesn't exist.
You guys may be blue, but you still fucking suck.
i said GAY mormons you fuckwit
too bad. just driving through that city had a nice vibe to it.
Two people I went to high school with died there.
Attacked by raging methheads? That's the first thing that comes to mind.
time to fuck off back to your rat holes Cali fags
Gay people can't be Mormon. Just tell them they're not Mormon and you'll see them in the telestial heaven... I'll see everyone else in hell.
First one did, the other shot himself.
Albuquerque and NM are blue, yet I still get told to go fuck myself for being a Californian. What a confusing place.
Im texasfag and i suffer from califags too, can i join?
its gets even better. GAY BLACK MORMONS.
No literally. I actually know a gay black Mormon
too many beans
Everyone hates Californians, and for good reasons too.
How does it feel to be soooooo close to making America a conservative nation for a century only to be stopped by California?
We are better than you. We will bury you all and retake this nation through expansion. Manifest destiny baby.
Eat shit and die, nigger.
What? Jealousy? The fact we have money, the most prosperous corporations, and live in the most beautiful places in America while you assholes rot in a desert or a literal theocracy?
Which state is the best to move to? My wife wants desert, I want trees, and Coloradans want me to fuck off because they're sick of people moving to their state.
It's not just us here in TX, it's anytime a west-coaster or yankee migrates to middle america they turn it to shit with their liberal degeneracy and pompous attitudes.
It just so happens to be more noticeable here because of our relative proximity and high wealth. I'd imagine states like Kansas are pretty safe from this scourge.
You have no money, if not for the government shilling for you, you guy would literally have a barren desert with a couple ports
AZ here. Fuck off we're full. Go shit up California.
have fun with your niggers and beans. all i ask is that you STAY in california
CALIFORNIA, if you have the money of course. We have every biome worth a damn.
Idiot outsiders don't know that the Mormon church is cucked as hell. They just accept and follow whatever the mainstream morality is. They started accepting blacks in the clergy after the civil rights movement, they started accepting divorcees after cultural revolution took hold and they are even starting to accept gays. They don't have values, they just roll-over and accept whatever the popular conception of morality is.
Go walk all around downtown after about 10pm. Hell, driving down 3rd between I40 and Central after 8pm is a real eye opener. There is one guy that I need to get a pic of that I've seen. You know that skin disorder that blacks get where there is no pigment on splotches? Yeah, this guy has it, right around his lips. He's a black guy who looks like he's in blackface because it looks like his lips are exaggerated. Best/worst birth defect EVER.
agreed. there is NO reason for calicucks to move out of cali
B-B-But they're white though!
it's gonna get worse in Texas as California implodes and all the businesses move to a state that doesn't tax it's businesses. Hopefully governor "fuck your gibs" can be with us long enough, because t seems like he is the only thing keeping the flood gates shut
Oh no, I'm talking individually. Our 4 bedrooms book for $1 mil in the right place, and $600k if you put it together with nails. I can buy a literal mansion in a shithole like AZ.
That should tell you how cancerous y'all are.
So I'm a Califag with a lot of equity in my house. I'm thinking of cashing out and buying a house cash in one of these mountain states.
What are some recommendations?
I was thinking maybe St. George, Salt Lake City, Flagstaff, or maybe Boulder.
Abbott is our last hope.
Stay the fuck out.
Nah we'll just drop our undesirables on you. Your communities get shit up, ours improve. Cant wait to unload the entirety of fucking Mexico on AZ - that's what they get for acting like stupid gun-toting entitled pieces of shit.
>grew up Mormon
>in Utah
Did you?