Is he /ourguy/?
so when do that lights go out and the pumps go dry?
Wow, this senile Jew faggot really believes we'll fail due to his efforts.
I've actually come to respect soros over the years. I don't agree with this politics, but I do agree with his aims:
Maximal Chaos.
So if we let the libtards chimp out, and don't sperg out, and the country does well, this guy loses?
How much does he stand to lose? Is it substantial compared to his total wealth?
According to RT he lost a billion or two, net worth at 10-20 billion. The thing though, he has already made half that back and the market looks like it's going to crash anytime now.
What if Soros knows exactly what he's doing and is intentionally rebuilding the type of society the Weimar Republic had on a the scale of the entire west for the purpose of making the entire west into Nazis so they can genocide Africa/India/the Middle East? Is Soros /ourguy/?
He was a Nazi collaborator, working for Adolf himself, taking property from Jews and got away with it. Said it was the best time of his life. Many here would envy that.
user with NO understanding of finance here
can someone explain to me, as if I were a child, what is meant by "betting against a currency"
I know he did that and it fucked over thailand and malaysia, but what did he do exactly?
id apprecate an explanation, you can call me a faggot if you want
you are retarded
The local banks were betting against their own currency, they print the currency out of thin air at the current price, sells it for dollar, causing the currency to crash, then they buy it back making a profit.
He shorting the stocks. He's betting the market will crash and it will. Probably very soon
One of the key leaders of the Alt Left.
It's possible he is playing the devil to make us see true evil and fight it off. But also you do have to remember he is being found it and is trying to silence the coverage as much as possible. Why else have Netflix, Google, and YouTube go after these people or spin a new narrative.
source on that pls mate
holy fuck stock market really is crashing then. how soon?
Oh, yes! the force is strong in this (((mother fucker)))...
I don't see how it's a bet when you have enough influence to cause a crash.
A crash is going to happen sometime in the future but not within this year or the next.
no because I love America and that kike hates America just like those kremlin kikes do as well
When did this board become so retarded
You don't know how economics work obviously. If you want to watch a market crash watch Russia and China, you'll get a nice show out of those two crumbling. US economy will dominate for at least this entire century.
So, when's the crash? I know next to nothing about this sort of thing.
Maybe he's finally gone senile.
Unironically yes, he's Jesus Christ.
It all matches up, you thought Jesus would be popular? Hell no. You have to have faith and do the right thing despite the Jew run media telling you "Oh Soros is evil he wants to ruin everything"
Betting against a currency = making monry when other currencies rise in value comparison. Currencies only have value when compared to other currencies
If the U.S. got nuked, wed have delayed exports n shieet, the usd would go down.
I never said Soros was a R*ssian scum. I just said he's scum just like R*ssians. Learn to read lady.
He did an interview in the 90s. Search on youtube "Soros 60 minutes" or something like that.
here goes
I buy 100 currency from you
I promise to pay you back in full on the next full moon, going rate
I invest my 100 currency in whatever
Full moon arrives, currency has dropped 20% in value due to niggers
Buy 100 currency for 80% of cost of what I bought originally
Pocket 20% profit + return on investment.
I might get btfo with that terrible explanation but thats the basic gist
Full moon arrives, currency is up 50% breaking all records
I get absolutely rekt & my portfolio is ruined
Go watch a movie called The Big Short. Basically, they put all their money, take the losses and win big after some time.
Soros did the same thing here. He was putting everything in Petrobras stocks before Dilma's impeachment and got everything back after she left.
Obama actually stopped Greater Israel by pulling US troops out of Iraq. The CIA and Saudi Arabia formed ISIS, but Iran is now much more powerful than they were during Saddam's day or the US occupation.
I genuinely hope he gets killed in the knockout game.
He's attempting to crash it right now.
And original question asker is a faggot
Don't be a lazy fuck
>youtoob the video George Soros doesn't want you to see. I think it was on 60 mins
>the knockout game.
what did you mean by this? Also, he has children.
>only picking one side
Ask me how I know you're a stupid goy.
Throw me to the lions if you must but I know the truth.
He has lost some, but the big thing is that he hasnt gained anything while everyone going in is. He actually isnt wrong historically. There should be a crash coming
He may be an enemy, but a worthy one.
>betting against a currency
Country's float their currency on the foreign exchange. In forex you can hedge bets against currency pairs. The main pair is EUR/USD. So if I buy or am long EUR/USD it means I've bought euros in the expectation that they will rise versus the U.S. dollar. There are many currency pairs from majors to minors, cross pairs and exotics.
oh shut the fuck up. he's a nazi just like you. he fucking funded antifa and blm and... YOU
he creates civil wars in every country he touches. now he's touching america. and you are either a useful idiot or a paid shill
fuck the fuck off fucking nazis
i bet Soros does not die of natural causes; how does Sup Forums think he dies?
Soros will die on Aug 21st. Kek wills it.
I wish him and all 5 of his children would just disappear
Interesting, so the darkness will bring his end? Love by the sword die by the sword?
Interesting, so the darkness will bring his end? Live by the sword die by the sword?
if you were smart you would be shorting the market too
many things are flying way too high right now
We need to meme Putin into taking care of him for us.
I believe so, if civil war starts we solve our problems faster.
My theory is he never stopped being Nazi.
Soros spending big money on starting a race war. Everybody is manipulated. media is the Alt Left's brainwashing tool.
that's way too merciful of a death for this purely evil creature.
wow so thats where mooning came from. thanks user
he knows what he's doing and the crash has been coming for a long time. we're due for an adjustment soon.
what the hell is up with his eyes?
Jewish vampire. Be advised.
can't wait until he croaks.
hope he's buried in Hungary so I can go piss on his grave
>25 dollars an hour for your soul, goyim
Baby blood can help internal but it can't really help on the outside.
He's small beans to the Rothschilds and Rockefellers.
>rewards the market when its dipping
haha, this guy really loves to crash nations, doesn't he?
>short a stock or market enough and it'll go down
fucking jews man
t. cuckold retard
His grandfather was. He was just a young boy and accompanied him on his rounds
lol i hope trump can clean him out
George Soroach is trying to start a destabilization Color Purple Revolution for traitors. Ukraine was a Soroach Orange Color revolution.
Clinton pre coordinated her outfit at her concession speech to match Soroach's traitor Color revolution
they will try to install Clinton as President under the false idea that she won the popular vote (voter fraud in California and illegal alien votes do not count, the mainstream media is covering this up to give the impression she won)
Soroach will false flag shoot Purple Color revolution protesters with sniper teams to destabilize America and bring about an attempted Purple color revolution throwing out Trump and the constitution
Checked. Please smite them Kek. Please please please.