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oh my bad none of you can debate this?
The more you try to convince people you're intelligent without actually showing intelligence, the more people will think you're full of shit.
We've all read capital, motherfucker. Why do you think we're so good at shutting your shit down?
But you fags don't even read.
sup user
>If I copy-paste enough big words and paragraphs that jews wrote, i'll be smart too!
the absolute state of self-hating white boys leftists lol
Ugh, that is terrible. The left really can't meme
>If I copy-paste enough big words and paragraphs that jews wrote, i'll be smart too!
I think it's the main reason they can't meme.
That and they have to avoid offending any snowflakes
There's many forms of humor, but I think to make a good meme, you have to understand the target you're making fun of.
Since they don't actually understand our POV, they can't effectively ridicule it.
I think to Memes
i think the word you are trying to use is WORK dude, these faggots don even work
well take a bite out of this
Give me one reason to join your side
You're smart, you can do this right?
I present to you the entire continent of Africa.
I lurk D' forums a lot to understand their goals and motives. Sometimes I can just copy a quote from the forum into a meme (see attached)
Wow, what a lame ripoff meme.
how about like 40?
But what are you arguing here?
That Communism is less genocidal than capitalism?
I'm not starving, only niggers in Africa are starving. Food is so cheap here we throw it away.
How's that north Korea coming?
communism causes the least deaths and consistantly highest standard of living of any society (dependent of course on international matters they have no control over)
north korea is not communist they are juche i.e. nationalists i.e. you.
>muh literature
Pretending to understand 1,000 pages of impenetrable Hegelian dialectic doesn't mark Marxism any less retarded
Can't tell if shitty b8 or shitty b8 made to look like a shitty meme that is so bad it scores -4 of 13
Leftists and commies cannot meme at all, teh joke is that they think it is clever...
respond to this you intellectual midget. you are nothing more than a parrot like every other goy
North Korea is communist.
Or maybe they should just try again eh?
I'm not convinced, you are a shitty salesman. I thought you said you were smart.
> communism causes the least deaths
Arsenic is less toxic than Cyanide.
Why should we support any model of government with a reputation for genocide?
Are there any mass-casualty free government models I can subscribe to?
Communism literally caused zero deaths
the hitlar dyke is pretty funny
>North Korea is communist.
you're welcome
>Or maybe they should just try again eh?
communism has never been able to be tried because capitalists repeatedly subvert their governments
nice original meme you got there
>Communism literally caused zero deaths
Is this the 'true communism has never been tried' argument?
just like the Holocaust.
Thoughts tend to be unable to kill directly.
*Communists* killed many.
They say they are communist, i am inclined to believe them.
If communism hasn't been tried, despite all the claims and evidence to the contrary then i can only deduce that communism is impossible.
Maybe you should explain to me how we are going to convert the entire world to communism.
Please make a bulleted list of steps we should take to achieve true communism.
> conflating monarch, theocratic, imperial, and fascist governments, also civil wars (usually caused by communists) with capitalism. Doing the same with racist actions.
This is why nobody fucking likes you.
I bet the Gulag Archipelago isn't on those bookshelves anywhere.
>says a faggot who's never even read orwell
All of those graphs STILL show that black people are stupid though.
Fake book
>consistantly highest standard of living of any society
The Hohols beg to differ.
wtf is this stupid shit? fucking nufaggot larping glue-sniffing cat-fucker
What is Venezuela?
>inb4 that's Socialism not Communism!
Okay then Nazis aren't white supremacists, so we can't say that white supremacy has been tried either, why don't we give that a shot?
Orwell was a communist
That would be funny if commies were better read or more intelligent, but they're not.
Know how I can tell you haven't read it? Because you fail to realize that 1984 was quite literally a hyper soviet society. And you fail to realize that Orwell was a democratic-socialist at worst.
/leftypol/ is as much of a bullshit circle-jerk as this place.
standard 8pol, on the other hand, is legitimately scary at times.
Stralin killed way more then hitler. ww 2 did't start stalin was racking up kills he wanted that moab so bad
Venezuela is capitalist
>instantly lost all points and arguments with fake statistics from made-up-bullshit.jpg
disillusioned socialist apparently based on his books explicitly warning against communism.
it's time to go back lads
>blaming imperialism on capitalism
Yeah mate, imperialism was totally about free markets like seriously dude it had nothing to do with centralised power nope nope totally the fault of the market yep
Communists are astonishingly retarded.
>Those studied have been debunked so many times!
>Those studies show that whites and blacks aren't statistically different!
So... are you acknowledging that the studies ARE accurate now?
Thinking bait thread poster.
You figure ambitious high school or early college student?
imperialism the good old days
holy shit dude good point i was swayed by that for a sec
Haha, pretty library with perfect spines.
be lefty buy books but doesn't read them or god forbid debate or think.
Reading a bunch of books doesn't mean shit if the things printed in those books are just lies and faulty logic. You can't argue against history, communism is a failed ideology. This is like a feminist SJW pointing to a shelf full of radical feminist literature when you tell xer that there are only two genders.
I am fully convinced that 8ch/pol/ is just a controlled opposition run board at this point. They are too fucking purist. They are unreasonable.
>he only has the not real communism meme
>he has to deny the communist bodycounts
Still waiting Mr Lefty. Why should I invest a system that will either starve me or put a bullet in my head?
That picture isn't even from communism
We're not so bad
high school, almost certainly.
They removed the communist / Marxist elements a few years ago. Still heavily influenced by Marxism.
But let's not forget the elephant in the room:
And I'm sure you're a big fan of Mao. Just to remind you that his policies were asinine. He forced people to kill the common sparrow during the Great Famine because he thought they were eating farmers' crops. They weren't. Instead, they kept the locust population at bay. When millions were killed off, the locusts swarmed and further destroyed crops during the worst fucking manmade famine of all time.
Now, the Chinese Communist Party just kills dissidents for their organs. That's either late-stage socialism or late-stage an/cap -- not sure which.
If there was a Bolshevik Revoultion in the U.S., there's no guarantee you wouldn't get sent to the laogai.
peace out, comrade user
Exactly. Implying that there are only two forms of government in the history of earth.
Suggests a bipolar ideology, which suggests we got a younger poster here that hasn't absorbed the nuance of different forms of governments.
So, Imperialism and 3rd world idiocy is all of a sudden capitalism?
No, you need to go back
>Venezuela is capitalis
this is how i know you're a retard
That's a lot of books, surely one of them details all the successful communist countries which stuck to its communist principles and didn't kill many of its own people like insects.
I want to read that one first.
we're more fun, certainly. i'll give you that.
Sorry but you can't be capitalist when you nationalize industries.
You didn't even attempt to prove me wrong.
Because you cant
>caused the most deaths in the 20th century
>can only be successful by stripping humanity out of the equation
>constantly at war with their own people to increase "equality"
boy why wont anybody consider my shitty form of government
cant wait til you get the bullet OP
>pre 1900s
>famine in nigger-land brought on by a drought
All of these new commie fags are such fans of Mao now.
As if modern China is anything like Mao's reign.
>since there have been literally zero examples of communism, communism hasn't failed
imagine being this naive
>not real communism argument
Do you use anything but fallacy?
>the books
I haven't laughed this hard in a while.
>muh books
ah, you thought I was talking about this place. no sir.
Great, great argument.
Pic unrelated.
Show us proof that Venezuela is capitalis
lmao, yeah guys, let's all be anarcholibertariantankiequeerotherkins.
>Tfw most of these are natural disasters
So I guess that super volcano that lead to the year without a summer exploded due to economic pressure?
>millions die in china durring 1942-43
Gee i wonder why, fucking saged you retard gtfo garbage info void.
Do you know what communism is? Its not that
Do you know what capitalism is? Its that
You can't bitch
>central planning
pick one and only one
Omg you so fucking dumb hahah go and suck on muumy tit or daddy dick
by your own logic the soviet union was never communist to begin with and you should remove your flag
>seizing the means of production isn't communist
Great proof.
Remember: "To eat your own children is a barbarian act."
>by your own logic the soviet union was never communist to begin with
> you should remove your flag
Not true
They didn't
>unreadable tiny text
the left can't meme OR make infographics
There nothing at leftypol no users nothing basically you come here to shit up this place in an effort to make new friends to join your looses club,you don't understand how fucking Sad it is.
Are you racist?I've read engels and he was a bit racist with the irish...i dont want to be a racist so I'll stay here.
Probably you've never read you books you just make pics of them like a nigger.