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>he still trusts big media and big money
Neck yourself.
Wow the guy who spent years race baiting about Obama's birth and education is actually a racist IRL.
I never saw this coming.
WTF is this no tolerance bullshit we see everywhere? It's all divide and conquer.
There's a bit of value in every ideology and we should be able to be nuanced and fair by allowing open discussion.
Didn't we know this since 2015? Why are they acting surprised. Btw, according to reputable Democrats, Romney and McCain are Nazis too.
he denounced the kk and nazis and white supremacists several times during a presser. the very next day newspaper headline around the world, and for days afterwards, said trump won't denounce the nazis. a flat out lie easily disproven.
i saw that headline in various forms from various publications small and large all across the city in newspaper boxes.
people believe it. even though its easily disproven by listenig to what trump actually said.
trump isn't a nazi, 99% of his supporters are not nazis. very few nazis even exist, many of the nazi shills on pol are clearly shills.
it's a set up
Fake news.
>for the first time ever
Potus has been occupied by nazi sympathizers since the JFK days
I wish he was.
proven fake by police investigators by the way. i'm not saying he was born in kenya or anything, just that for whatever reason that birth certificate was fake as fuck. i know you don't believe that, but its undeniable once you see the evidence that you would refuse to look at if i dug it up for you so i wont bother
>using a mainstream media talking point on Sup Forums
you are a brainwashed drone
wtf i hate trump now
>Donald Trump Is a Nazi Sympathizer
when did DJT turn Alt-Left?
Try saying this in a cool, calm collected manner and you will get shut down. Its scary how people indulge in the echochamber without much examination. Lately I feel at a loss trying to discuss anything political or involving the president. I'm independent but people on both sides have put up walls.
always accuse your enemy of what you are doing
the real nazis can be found in the establishment, george soros for example who funds blm and antifa and has toppled several national governments with his protestors. that man was a nazi, an actual nazi from ww2
the head of the alt left is a nazi.
>shadow government
wtf I love nazis now
well any time you accuse the president of anything people are going to assume you got your info from fake news. russian collusion for example is a complete nothing burger with no evidence, like most anti-trump claims.
so right off the bat it's hard to accuse him of anything and get people here to accept it. especially if your sources are msm
he is extremely pro israel for a nazi sympathizer
When the whole nazi thing fails to convince anyone to become a dem, what can they attack next? I mean this is their last option. Its over if this fails.
>daughter got dreideled and she's not dead
pick one and only one.
Are the alt left even trying?
>8 straight months of Antifa barging into events, where people on the right speak to one another, in order to club them with bike locks, bats and skateboards
>absolute silence
>one guy off his meds retaliates
>President points out that there is two sides, even though it's still FAR, FAR, FAR, FAAAAAAR to the left on who is being violent
that's a good point. probably they accuse us of being pedos next. i mean where else do you go from nazis? prepare for shills advocating pedophilia to descend on Sup Forums. some pedo happening will come after that. they'll get some alt right talking head they own to lead his useful idiot and lefty-assistant followers to lead some protest in favour of pedoshit. and then the media will jump on it putting out their talking points and in a week anyone advocating a return to traditional marriage will be lumped in with people that want a return to child marriage.
fuck, it's too easy
i honestly think as dumb as it would be that if Trump exposes Antifa and arrests their leaders for being terrorists it would start actual armed conflicts in the streets
They gave up on Russia, completely, on Aug. 12th as that was a rotting carcass. They really better hope they can ride this for years to come.
Why is it so wrong to say that Barack was a Kenyan, wasn't his grandpa one.
the prophecy has come true.
Youre right, thats the only thing they have left after this.
>has Jewish daughter
>Jewish in-laws
>Jewish grandkids
Looks legit
Yeah we'll see how long that lasts when the fat shemales with bike locks and clubs give the heavily armed opposition a reason to shoot them.
Do even Liberals believe this shit?
You must wake up one day and say "ok, you're just saying things now, newspaper"
Lawsuit incoming.
I'm sure these neonazis would likely prefer to kill muslims than jews.
Back in the late 1990s, Donald Trump was lauded by the Rev. Jesse Jackson as a friend to minorities and underserved communities....ackson expressed appreciation for Trump’s support of the Rainbow Push Coalition’s initiative called the Wall Street Project, which among other things aims to help minority-owned companies access business opportunities on Wall Street and, at the time, help minorities gain a foothold in the construction industry....At a Wall Street Project conference in 1998, Jackson had this to say about Donald Trump:
“I do want to express thanks to you Donald Trump for being with us tonight. We need your building skills, your gusto…for people on Wall Street to represent diversity.”
Jesse Jackson was absolutely gushing with praise for Trump, whose work crews comprised a disproportionately high percentage of black and Hispanic builders...
I would rather kill communists and liberals then muslims and finally the jews.
Alt right kosher...
Why doesn't he just snap and give them what they want?, he's already a Nazi for them.
They don't know what sympathy means.
Been literally saying this to evert Facebook post I come across in the last week. Being indifferent or rational of the situation at large is not "sympathy".
Literally and by definition, libel.
Eh they really didn't prove it was fake. I wish they'd release all their information on a platform that isn't a video of a powerpoint presentation.
Until we can look more closely at the two documents, as convincing as the evidence seems, I don't see how anyone can really get on board with saying it's "proven" fake.
I was converted from liberalism during Obama's first term solely on the basis of the media and associated morons lying so often that I couldn't stand it anymore. I'm not quite 1488 but I don't associate with people who break mamas first rule every fucking 10 minutes. So here I stay
>quoting nigger angeljew
Russian Spay Narrative Blown the fuck out.
Billy Maze here for Opposition Destroyer!!!!
because he's not a nazi to his supporters. not even 1% of his supporters are nazis despite what the media will tell you. and if he was a real nazi he'd lose Sup Forumss support real fast. most of the nazis here are leftyshills
nobody likes nazis
if you want smaller government and dont want to kill the jews i have no idea why you would think you are a nazi
Oy vey
>"Trump" is how Friedrich Trump allegedly Anglicized German "Drumpf" - false."
>"Drumpf" and "Trump" are Germanicizations of French "Triomphe."
>French "Triomphe" descends from Latin "triumphus."
>The Latin word "triumphus" refers to a Roman Triumph, a military parade celebrating a Commander's victory.
>English "triumph" is synonymous with "victory."
In conclusion, saying "Hail Trump!" is hailing our Leader and the final Victory simultaneously.
How can Hitler compete?
>abundantly clear
so all the other times everyone was so sure he was a Nazi were bullshit then?
The great thing - once it all calms down and they shut up about it he will have normalised marching with torches and throwing the Roman salute.
And for me this has nothing to do with Nazism, it is white culture as it has existed since the Roman Empire. We will reclaim that.
Most of these "Nazis" on the board just want something to believe in, and Nazi Germany directly before the war looks pretty sweet. They want to belong and feel powerful in a movement that's larger than themselves. It makes total sense. It's just misguided.
Surprise! America hates Nazis.
I can say only this as a German, his surname sounds more like it comes from the German word Trumpf, which has it's roots in triumph.
It's hard to find a direct translation to English but to describe it: When you play a move in say, a game, and this move is a game winning move, we call it a "Trumpf"
Drumpf is probably only used by media to make him sound dumb, there is no German name "Drumpf"
>for the first time
and this is ignoring that condemning communists and nazis instead of just nazis isn't the same fucking thing as praising nazis
>"Donald Trump is a racist nazi"
He's not a Golum!!!!!!
whoops never mind he's a fucking nigger
>From August 2003 and April 2009, Mr. Brigety served as an assistant professor of government and politics at George Mason University and at the American University School of International Service. In addition, he was a researcher with the Arms Division of Human Rights Watch from August 2001 through May 2003, conducting research missions in Afghanistan and Iraq.
>Dr. Brigety is a member of the International Institute for Strategic Studies, a Life Member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and a recipient of the Council’s International Affairs Fellowship.
Suprise! America hates commies
Fuck you, you lying sack of shit. Fuck you and your antifa thugs.
Because defending Nazi's right to free speech makes you a Nazi sympathizer.
They really should teach philosophy and critical thinking in schools. QUICKLY! QUICKLY!
Never really thought about this but Trump's got some damn nice teeth.
Read Culture of Critique when you get a chance, and The Doctrine of Fascism. very helpful for dejewing your perception of reality
Im not sure what any of that had to do about race. he never questioned his race.
>you criticize a black person u a racist!!!!!
No, they want their countries back but foolishly attach themselves to a regime which sought to destroy the USA and allied with Asians to do it.
According to poll data which I have somewhere the great majority of white Americans and about half of minorities in the USA would accept reducing immigration for "ethno-cultural reasons". This means a MAJORITY of Americans overall would accept reductions to immigration to keep whites, Christians and English-speakers as the overall majority of the USA.
These nazi chucklefucks instead attach themselves to enemies of the USA and turn off minorities by joining groups that historically advocated genocide.
They are morons who deserve to be thrown in prison at best and paid leftist subversives at worst.
>a regime which sought to destroy the USA
>turn off minorities
that's kind of the point desu. I want the fucking wogs to leave my people alone.
>regime which literally went to war with the USA
Fuck off shill faggot
>I don't support these people
>I don't support violence.
>I don't like white supremacists or the alt-left
I'm actually confused what the "right" response would have been, because he's responded multiple times now. Every time he's revised it to meet the ever-shifting goalposts of these retards, and it never seems to hit the mark.
THIS. God damn. Why do entirely normal views have to be spoiled by fringe assholes. The Nazi/Confederate symbols give the exact opposite reaction to what we want. So much so that I wouldn't be surprised if the left started false flagging with these symbols at right-wing rallies.
It is about disavowing white nationalism or ethno nationalism.
That's what they are really after for this is the next big identity politics unifier of white people.
Trump did disavow Nazism and white supremacy because both are viewed as so immoral that they can't ever be accepted by mainstream, but white nationalism WILL.
When Democrats push black, latino and asian pride they can't turn around and disapprove white pride.
>TIL I'm a shill
(((OY VEY)))
Nazi with Jewish grandchildren?
Obviously, they had to declare war on America once our government was at war with their ally. You'll note Germany did not consider America's pre-Pearl Harbor sinking of German ships sufficient provocation to declare war. Blame the kike-infested FDR administration for throwing neutrality to the wind and forcing the nips to attack us.
it's easy to spot shills these days