Jesus was also the sinless Son of God
He's not quite the same as the usual dark-skinned Middle Eastern men
Why does atheist progressive homosexuals always dictate my religion to guilt or shame me. Fuck them.
>It's another Jesus was a nigger episode
And my savior is a trans frog from the middle east.. whats his point?
And he was so mad at the Jews, he told everyone to stop following their bullshit.
And he's the bastard son of a cucked father and would rather take on the chin rather than stand up for himself.
The moment Jesus was crucified, GOD decried that you either accept Jesus as your lord and savior, OR BURN IN HELL.
So, asshats, all Jews are going to burn. Simple as that.
Bait that smells of poo? I can't give it a (You)
>Jews cease to be jews when they become Christians
>Jesus was the Son of God
>His mother became a Christian
Jews today still do not believe that Jesus is the Son of God and will get once last chance in the after life to accept him.
>pray for the Jews
>"I've never read the bible and know literally nothing about your religion, but I'll use it to shame you anyway."
Straight into the gas chamber
> Nothing to be ashamed of; unless you consider jews and brown people to be lesser
this right here.
glad i abandoned ""modern"" christianity
Dear Democrat. The statues you are tearing down were Democrats. Your Senate leader was a member of the KKK. You supported Jim Crow laws and segregation.
OMG are we BTFO forever?
If a priest has to wear a hair shirt there's a 90% chance he's a faggot who wears it to suppress his impure thoughts.
Who the flying fuck is James Martin and why should I care what he thinks?
Eat shit (((James Martin))), blue checkmark terrorist.
And that is why leaving the old ways was a mistake.
>tfw I can't figure out whether Catholics or Anglicans BTFO
>tfw I don't know which it is because they're all just idolators going to hell
twitter was a mistake
>your savior
Crucify yourself, senpai.
Sup Forums is a pagan board.
It's true though. Don't get me wrong, Jesus was a good man but at the end of the day all he intended to do was reform Judaism.
I'm with Varg on this one. Paganism is a true representation of a race's culture. In our case, its the Eastern Dharmic faiths like Buddhism, Jainism, Hinduism and Sikhism.
In your case its European Paganism. You wus worshipping Nordic Gods n shiiieeet.
Jesus was the son of God and still got nailed to a cross. Doesn't that mean that the Romans were stronger than God?
This entire tweet...
>Dark skinned
Wrong. The region was heavily colonised by Romans and their auxilaries from Gaul,Hispania and parts of Germania. .At most they were dark olive skinned. Dark skin implies negroid or deep arabian.
>Middle East
Wasn't Arab(they didnt come north till the 7th century AD) or Muslim(didn't exist until 7th century AD). It was dominated by Berbers,Phoenician descendants and Roman settlers aswell as semitic locals.
And? That's the Galilean dialect at that time. The first bibles were written in Greek. What is he trying to convey?
>His mom was Jewish
And? His father was a celestial being. Why not mention that?
Blessed Anne was correct. pic related.
It means god cant melt wood beams
Trudat. I fucking hate "progressive" atheists here in my 3rd world shithole. Those fucking regressives really ruin everything and funfact, all of them are commies or at least left-leaning fuckheads. Some of them really went Satanist because for them, "satan did not kill anyone, unlike Jesus".
Guy's a priest
Why should I listen to some papist boy fucker then?
He also hated Jews. They are Satan's people.
They also said "Jesus wasn't white". He wasn't really white. I haven't seen a white Jesus anywhere, only Korean Jesus.
Jesus was white.
that guy has pedo face. and also the only time jesus acted violently is when he beat the fuck out of the (((moneychangers))).
>will get once last chance in the after life to accept him.
No they won't, cucklick.
Looks like a heretic to me, Jesus was a white Anglo Saxon.
What weird ass modern priest has a blue check mark. Can Texe Mars get one? That's how worthless the whole idea is.
So what you're saying is... that all these atheists attacking Christianity are actually racist, Islamophobic, antisemitic, refugee-haters?!
Time to call the SJWs!
Jesus was from Galilee
Matthew 27:25
>And all the people answered and said, “His blood be on (((us))) and on our children.”
>Wasn't Arab(they didnt come north till the 7th century AD) or Muslim(didn't exist until 7th century AD).
Most Arabs aren't really Arab, especially the ones in the Levant.
Donald Trump isnt dark skinned hes just tan
Theologically, human form isnt in the holy trinity. It was only a messenger apparatus for the son/sun.
Are you the same person who is putting dagashiya on posts?
lol tweet this at him
They're all the same
Racially he's still a fukcing Jew. Can't change your race
Jesus wasn't white. But do people in the new movement even care about religion like hick Nazis did?
What a shame
king is naked
Christ is jew. Christ is Murica God.
Muricans is jew slaves.
Where im wrong?
Closet faggot hiding in a dead jewish cult taunts the faithful.
Strange, I remember something about there being no distinction between Jew and Gentile, and that everyone whosever believes in one under Christ. I don't know why this "priest" is drumming identity and racial politics. He supposed to be uniting people, whoever they are, not dividing them. He must be a Jesuit...
White "supremacists" are mostly atheists or larp paganism.
Middle Eastern religions belong in the __________?
>1. Trash Bin
>2. Removed like statues
>3. Middle East
Half of his DNA including his Y chromosome came directly from God, who is white. God's genes dominate mud genes. Jesus was white.
Bethlehem, he only grew up in Galilee
The Levant was white before Islam
not that it matters
Fuck Jesus.
Really joggins the noggin
Mfw when Jesus wasn't "white"
White? Iffy. Being mediterranean he had olive skin likely but would say terriblely dark. Jesus was an average looking guy with an a common name.
>artists interpretation
This is what actual Levantine people looked like
Oh Yea were supposed to pretend the church has a moral high ground while there having sex parties in the Vatican.
Where does the left get the notion that the alt-right is a Christian organization when most members are atheists and agnostic
Roman accounts disagree but whatever.
>white supremacist
Jesus was probably a levantine or looked like a coptic Christian.
The Jews who claim to be Jews are not Jews. They are mongoloids from the Khazar Empire.
The truth of the Origin of the Jews, from a Jew who became a Catholic.
This is beautiful baby.
He must've been a pretty heretical "Muslim" then...
his dad was the holy spirit though, which is a white dove
I don't believe the Israeli governemnt
On top of that he was sent to rid Jews of their sinful nature so what the fuck
Nobody knows what Jesus looked like
the Bible didn't describe His skin color
I find it hilarious some random people desire to act as if they were from the period of history they claim to be educated on and make shit up to fill in the gaps of their "facts"
>literally depicted themselves as small nosed white ayylmaos
what did they mean by this?
The Catholic Church has to be purged.
Every fucking time...
Sounds like a good reason to be a Pagan then.
The Bible did describe
Maybe! Do you think there is only one? That would make me feel very good but also very conspicuous
A spitting image if I ever saw one
I thought some of them were LaVeyan Satanist?
Christ was faggot
woah man he blew my mind, I can't handle this novel idea of jesus being non-white that I've definitely never heard before.
Jokes on him, the Jew was preaching White values.
Every. Fucking. Time
Haha look at his kid toucher face. Catholics are creepy weirdos.
James Martin SJ. The "SJ" means he is a Jesuit. Keep an eye on those fuckers.
nassim taleb has a few things to say about jesus being :dark skinned:
he just ripped mary beard a new twat over her last :finding:
liberals don't have a fucking chance against redpilled academics.
watching taleb translate latin while interpreting blood groups and analyzing economic trade routes along with wind influences, just for the chance to embarass mary beard and her bbc propaganda gave me new hope
he's right desu
the seat of the pope is empty