Ben Shapiro seems right about everything I watch him talk about...

Ben Shapiro seems right about everything I watch him talk about. It seems that his logic is always infallible no matter what he is talking about. I'm not a very smart guy, can someone tell me what he is wrong about?

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Besides that hes a fucking jew

He's very smart and therefore uses a lot of rhetoric that goes over most people's heads. Try to form your own opinions on political matters


Hang on same ID as OP... Go Dilate yourself cunt.

He's okay, but he's still a fucking Jew

No shit I just added a second comment because I knew people would jump to the obvious fact that hes a jew

Michelle Fields

More wars for Israel.


Never-trumper, he tries to keep it hidden to not scare away all his audience, but strong never-trumper.

Logical but illogical when anything has to do with joos.

Stop posting here Ben

He's an opportunistic demagogue who's trying to get you to shill for israel, meanwhile he puts out empty talking points. He says that donating to politicians is the same as making a business investment. He talks about supply side economics and the laffer curve to justify low tax rates when the actual academic data demonstrates the maximal rate to be ~70%.

Ben Shapiro is lit af

>Marco Rubio supporter
please stop posting these shill threads

For every 2 good things he says he also says 1 stupid thing. Look at him talk when Israel is mentioned. Also he has some major bleeding heart view points that one would expect from the left

His logic is generally pretty good.
The only time his logic seems less then sound is when he has to argue against something against his religion like Gay marriage and Abortion.

Hes been really shitting the bed these past few days. Anything race related and he goes completely into the left field.

>He says that donating to politicians is the same as making a business investment.

it is if you're a billionaire. mmm tax cuts!

he believes jews invented western civilization.

>actual academic data demonstrates the maximal rate to be ~70%

Who gives a shit? It's a philosophical issue, not economic. We don't want the government to get the maximum amount of revenue.

Pro Israel.
Pro Jews.

Therefore he is anti White and anti White nations.

Then why doesn't he just say that? Instead, he's treating the issue like a hack and claiming to come from an intellectual basis to justify his argument. There really is no intellectual justification, it's just social preference.

I think his arguments against abortion are sound.

I'm not sure what his arguments against gay marriage are beside the obvious religious position.

Homosexuality is very highly correlated to hedonism, and homosexual marriage only makes sense to people who mistakingly think marriage is about feelings. Abortion only makes sense if you're a nihilist for whom human life is not inherantly valuable - if killing innocent people achieving a goal is acceptable to you, then anti-abortion arguments won't make sense.

Get your blanky quick. Why U 3yo

Zionist kike with a woman's voice

Ben is our guy. Always has been and always will be.

Fuck you alt faggots. The rest of the country hates you. Constitutional conservatism is the only way forward.

At first he said Trump was wrong to point out that there were two sides to the violence in Charlottesville. Now he himself is arguing that there were two sides to the violence in Charlottesville.

The Ben Shapiro method:
>anticipate topics you will have to discuss
>if anything, you can force one of those topics by making a bold comment related to it which will raise questions / comment
>have a few stats memorized that support your point
>present those
>talk very fast
>just talk as fast as you can

He has profoundly silly things to say about climate change and its impacts. One choice quite is, to paraphrase, "The only impact of rising sea levels is rich people will lose beach houses". I think his views on climate change are just conservative virtue signaling.

Pretty much. he's basically like Ted Cruz/rato.

He's a shit eating little yamika wearing kike

Israel/being a Jew are his blindspots. His arguments for taking away Arab land and giving it to the Jews falls apart unless he supports ethnic nationalism which he claims not to.

One glaringly obvious mistake he makes is not making Israel even more terrificker by taking his ilk to the ethnostate Whites created for them.


You are still both cunts.

Kill yourself

Ben Shapiro knows it's intentional and who is responsible.

He comes from a logical base and the edgy larpers on pol try to hand-wave his message away. He is essentially the type of conservative that would totally decimate the left if given more exposure.
>muh jew
>muh israel
>muh zionist conspiracy
Trailer trash trying to feel more important about their shit lives.

Yeah, I agree with him on most things and I can't wait for our strict constitutionalist foreign hordes/

He is dishonest. He worked with Michelle Fields to run a pysops against Republican voters. Once you lower yourself to bearing false witness there is no coming back. As a person who relies on his words for a living, he should have considered using them wiser.

The basis of his beliefs is theistic, primarily because he cannot see how a society can function without free will.

He's a hucker who pretends to oppose sjw to dupe idiots to support him. He regurgitates empty talking points.

His arguments make a lot of sense.

Yet is is only interested in his own profit margins and therefore is a cunt not to be trusted.

He's a huckster who pretends to oppose sjws to dupe idiots to support him. He regurgitates empty talking points.


Ben Shapiro is a useless fucking shilling retard.

He's nothing more than a cheap political commentator who brings nothing else to the table other than retrospective analysis and criticism of what the president did or should've done. Like Sam Harris and other commentators like him, he's too fucking retarded to understand no matter what Trump does or say, the medias will always spin it against him.

He almost never offers any substantial input about what the president should be doing, and when he does commit to making such a call or prediction, he's almost always wrong.

People who buy into retards like Shapiro are the same kind of people who buy into the retrospective analysis of "why" the stocks are going down or up after the facts.

>supports ted cruz
>logic is always infallible

literally kys.

he spins arguments in order to make it sound like he is right when he is not , and when HE IS NOT , he never SAYS " I WAS WRONG " TYPICAL for a kike to never admit mistakes , their race is like that

Exactly, he's basically a snake oil salesman.

But he can point you in the direction of a good quality watch for under $100.00

What am I supposed to be seeing

Constitutional conservatism still gets cucked, it just takes longer.

Michelle Fields

He said Mitt Romney was the most honorable man to eve run for President. He is pretty good, but besides the (((obvious))) reason, he also pretty much takes leftists stances when it suits him and when he can virtue signal that "Trump is a NAZI!!!!"

Everything I've heard about him outside the Piers Morgan gun debate and the transgenderism is nonsense speeches was crap or meh. I think there was one other famous thing he did.

I like that he employs Andrew Klavan

>marco rubio
B-but he said over and over again that he supported Ted Cruz...

>Ben Shapiro seems right about everything
Does he support white nationalism?

He simply has different goals for civilization.
Too different.

Then can you point me in the direction of someone worth listening to?

So he is like the guy who tells people how Warren Buffett made all his money on stock predictions, after the fact when Buffett has billions of $

I actually agree with this in some ways, nice anaology

who takes a pic like that?

is that a class photo or something haha wtf

guys eternally angry or something

he doesnt like the alt right. gas the kike

Jordan Peterson. He will help you sort yourself out.

Fuck off Ben. Nobody takes you seriously outside of your cuckservative buddies after your stunt during the election.

Go shill for Israel elsewhere faggot.

check 'em

I gathered that he is pro freedom, pro American, pro guns and free speech and anti immigration. He seems pretty based and very america first from I hear.

>Ben Shapiro seems right about everything
>I'm not very smart
Second statement seems redundant...

He hates Trump and calls him a nazi just like every leftist, along with John McCuck and Mitt Romney. They are just leftists by a different name.

A good example would be scott adams. He might not be as aligned ideologically to you as shapiro is, but his shotcalling has been better than most concerning Trump, he also bring novel solutions to the table from time to time and commits to providing actual legit strategies to the table instead of only commentating as to what Trump did wrong or shouldve done.

Forgot to add

>if anyone stumps you, appeal to emotion

Doesn't acknowledge the Israeli attacks on US troops and doesn't acknowledge the babies death from the Orthodox cut em and suck em method

He said Trump wasn't going to win or even come close

He us right about most things.

But get this, from time to time he uses these appeals to emotion and incredibly dirty Jewish tactics ("If you're against Israel you're an Anti-Semite. Jews only have one nation and you're against it? Anti-Semite.") I'm glad that he does all the good work that he does, but he still makes me nervous.

>Do you disagree with my facts, or disagree with me? This is like another shoah.

I just want to see what
was, and I'm too stupid
to figure out another way to do it.

Beliving the inconvenient truth meme.
Gore yourself.

>(((We))) can have an ethno-state, but you can't.

Its not that hes smart its that hes right. Hes just good at remembering statistics and knows psychology. Its kind of hard to explain but I use his exact strategy and find myself always being right as well.

All you have to do is keep it real and not be a try hard contrarian all the time and you will start winning debates and learning as you go.

He's too much of a rational conservative for Sup Forums's racism and reactionary outrage

He does say that, quite literally. He speaks of excessive taxation as theft and believes that government is awful at everything it tries. How about you quit lying and open your fucking eyes.

Oh, sorry, no, I completely agree with you. I was just adding to your list.

The same Jew that denies that America is being browned, and says that even if it is true that it doesn't matter at all. Right. Kek.

Is that a yearbook photo?

>Ben Shapiro seems right about everything

Also, has he said anymore related to this tweet...

"Gonna be lit af when Trump has Hillary indicted next week"

first to the post is best to the post

>OY VEY If you don't support Israel you're a literal anti-semite

>ben shilling himself on Sup Forums, again.

Never forget that Israel's actual influence in the US is basically 10x worse than what the Democrats falsely believe Russia's role is.

>if I say zionism doesn't exist that means it doesn't ree

Pissed off jew ain't gonna take shit from schmucks.
Bigger penis
Thug lifer

...than 99.999% of everyone everywhere.

*height measured intellectually.

Ben said they were chanting "jews will not replace us"

Only vice ever said that they chanted that and Ben called them biased in the same podcast. Furthermore, it was only 1 line in the closed captioning of the Vice video that had "Jews" in it.

Every other media source like Joe, said they were chanting "YOU will not replace us". If they were really chanting "Jews will not replace us" that the MSM would not have published that?

Ben let his bias get the better of him and saw what he wanted to instead of what was

Yeah, I was just giving an example of Lampshadepiro appealing to emotion.
This but unironically

Jewish Cuck, Don't listen to him. All he does is shill for Israel and muh's "white supremecists"


Every time he talks on the issue he takes taxes from an ethical perspective, not maximizing govt revenue

There is an intellectual justification for a low flat tax, and it is that big government socialism is evil and invariably corrupted

mothefucking this. He realizes we're right about him, and yet he can't give up the agitprop.

Fucking Ben Shapiro. When will you learn that we'll never forget kikes are untrustworthy pieces of shit?

Jews is the right word.

regardless (((who))) is behind it.....they werent chanting it. Ben just saw a monster where he wanted to. Peterson has some really great things to say about people who do that.

"If you hate a person, you hate something in him that is part of yourself. What isn't part of ourselves doesn't disturb us." - Hermann Hesse