This is what a centrist looks like

This is what a centrist looks like.

Radical centrists.

Centrism is an ideology of peace!

I don't want Authoritarians. Who should I side with?

If you're a working class man. The right.

If a faggot student. The left.

If a Negro. Get a job and stop being so violent.

If a Mexican. Go back to Mexico.







I think both antifa and nazi larpers are retarded. I just want to be an american and support my president.

>people who dont like people who kill other people for disagreeing with their fuckass political movement are retards
ok retard


Think about it. As long as non-whites are in a society in large numbers, it will never, ever veer towards libertarianism or anything resembling it. It's never happened, it never will happen, and blacks especially are predisposed to a gibsmedat society.

Maybe the post race-war government will be authoritarian as fuck, but at least you have a shot. And besides, governments are temporary, race is forever.

>fuckass political movement
ah a fellow intellectual

dude why is all the propaganda coming out of this shithole so stale as of late? is it because you faggots have lost momentum? I mean that is what is happening, but your memes are dying.

Such is life I guess



your fucking self

>the same 4 smuggies every day into eternity

ITT: Lazy shit memes that display a gross misunderstanding of centrism.

>centrism is now considered a radical point of view

That must be the reason this board hates centrists so much.

>fuck off back to Russia

>it's a "pleb tries to bait centrist into taking a side so he doesn't feel so bad about being a pleb" episode

sorry about that m8 our leftists think all bad things are the same and all good things are the same, and they're currently programmed to think you're bad.

Why do you think they're so "against racism" and yet invented the People of Color term? It literally means "anyone but white people". Sounds like a branding technique the Founding Fathers would get behind.

Centrists are the only group of people that I hate more than Leftists. At least the Leftists has some conviction to pick a side.