Really makes you think...
Really makes you think...
Other urls found in this thread:
>104 day cruise
why not put a CIWS on a cruise ship?
>over 100 days on a fucking boat
>you have to pay for it
Shit like this is a proof that most people are genuinely retarded.
CIWS is shit for surface engagements. Just use guns.
>Upper-middle-class neolibs shocked to discover that the third world they exploited resents them.
somalian plz
>pay $5,000
>herded like cattle onto a floating casino
>$20 drinks
>all the staff are nigger garbage
>entire boat gets norovirus
>puke up your asshole
>forced to vomit in darkness and silence so the niggers don't kill you
Why do people pay for (((cruises)))
Can someone tell me why firearms are forbiden on civilian ships
You had all those resources, why didn't you exploit it yourself?
>inb4 100 days at sea
probably not. I looked into Freighter cruises and it takes a freighter 78 days to circumnavigate the globe while frequently stopping to drop off and pick up containers.
It's probably half at sea and half fucking around at various resorts along the way.
>100 days on a cruise
You're either too old to care or you really really want to fuck for a 100 days.
If you go on a cruise you deserve to have a Somalian steal your shit.
I'm not even Somalian you retard.
>Why didn't they exploit it?
Because like any other third world country that happens upon oil the Jewnited States has found an excuse for military intervention on behalf of a favored party that will allow US oil companies to extract the oil for little to no cost.
>Americans, can't keep track of which countries they are bombing for oil.
>over 100 days fucking on a boat
Fixed it for you
did they not have mercenaries? or at least armaments? I would've volunteered to shoot some somolian brownies.
>wars for oil are bad
Why don't they just take a plane to where they want to go?
You know, like a fucking adult
So stupid for 50k you can almost travel around the world...
KYS neocon.
3rd Barbary war when?
Until you find a better alternative, maintaining quality of life in a develop country uses up oil.
reduce the population by executing degenerates and expelling all nonwhites.
pirates sink migrant ships, they are /ournigs/
because they want to be on the cruise
they don't care about their destination
I smell a sit-com or a very interesting True Crime novel. Call it "A Sea of Thieves"
>50,000 dollars per person
>cruise can't afford security personnel in case of a pirate attack
the passengers probably sleep on cots and get served airplane food too
Why don't they rent guns to passengers and let them take shots at niggers? Everybody wins: the cruise line makes money, the passengers get a dangerous and exciting experience, the niggers don't have to suffer being a nigger anymore. There is literally zero downside.
>All passengers get AR15s
>Music to 11
>Open bar
>Lights on all decks on
>Wait for pirates
Last pirate attack on that ship. Ever.
>did they not have mercenaries? or at least armaments? I would've volunteered to shoot some somolian brownies.
Maritime law.
Why is a cruise ship anywhere near Somalia anyway?
hate crime.
I'd turn everything up louder and shout "COME AND GET ME NIGGERZ"
They need to contract some private security desu:
Or just, you know, stop giving non-whites and stupid people incentive to breed, while throwing the best genes away. Stop basically enslaving poor and stupid people with utility costs and standards of living they can't deal with, without help. With a few investments in critical areas, we could be using a lot less non-renewable/foreign energy.
retirees also you can buy part of a cruise, for example portland to alaska and then fly home from alaska, few people buy the entire cruise.
>Really makes you think...
...that Somalis are a plague upon the earth.
>On a boat for 100 days
I like a good cruise just as much anybody but after like, 2 days, I want to go home. I can't imagine being 100 days away from home, that's insanity.
Exactly. Just start killing them and the problem will go away, whether they stop out of fear or because you wipe them all out. Probably could be possible, in a world without Jewish cunts.
>locking yourself in a flying box thousands of kms over the ground that can get a malfunction or be deliberatedly crashed fown by a suicidal German pilot
No thank senpai, I'll take the boat
Wast those pirets
what the fuck is an elspeth?
what the fuck is a elspeth gf
cheaper than the old folks' home
Why would lights and music attract pirates? You'd think a fucking cruise ship would attract them alone. How would music or lights matter? anything they could detect the music or lights with could detect the whole fucking boat.
Light and music are haram, so they must be prohibited to avoid muslim pirates wrath
redpill me on elspeth
OMG this wouldn't have happened if we just let them through the border #endracism #its2017
Why not just fuck at home for free? Wtf
104 days? You'd think the pirates would be part of the experience.
laughed harder than i should
>Oh boi is that cruise ship
>Get shot
Why can't they just stop being liberal pansies and get hired armed security.
>forced to vomit in darkness and silence so the niggers don't kill you
thanks, I needed the laugh, although it should stop sometime.
Always surprised they could even scale the sides of something like that without just being decimated
they couldnt buy 2 machine guns for 50k per passenger?
oil is assumed to exist in somalia but the news are mostly from the 2010's. american intervention was in 1992. siad barre fucked up the country because he was a communist, and that's the origin of the current mess. well, that, islam, and the fact that there's no such thing as a somali - there are the darod, ishaaq, hawiye etc. who speak almost the same language, but centralizing a country by a darod and putting the capital into ishaaq territory while the darod are the elite, the ishaaq about as respected as spics and the hawiye considered outright niggers must also have shown how clueless the attempt to have one somalian country really was.
>Not being strapped
>Not employing a security team
>Not conscripting the passengers that want to waste some Somalians
Cucking know no bounds...
Its actually pretty fun if you like to adventure in luxury.
Imagine the feeling of interacting woth aftican natives in the stone age, and retreating back to the ship in the evenig for fine wine, french haute cuisine, and classical music as entertainment, and having every whim that you wish catered to by a Jamaican waiter who gets paid at most $25 a day for pampering you like a king.
Fucking sold, thanks
you can't just kill somali pirates coming to kidnap you. that's racist dude.
ayy lmao