Why can't she serve in the military?

why can't she serve in the military?

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mental illness

because "she" is mentally unstable
just like people with other mental disorders cannot serve, neither can this disturbed man

Because he is part of a group that has a 45% chance of committing suicide... and you want to give them machine funs?

Because "she" is incapable of thinking about anyone but "her"self.

>she did porn
Now that makes me happy.


She could serve in my military any time.
And by military I mean bedroom.
And by serve I mean sucking my dick.


natalie mars

fucking kekistanis

Conservatives are just mad they will get with this.

mmmmmm love his nails


You are confused by your track suit. Lose the track suit, shave your unibrow and maybe one day you will learn that traps are the shit

post his back

I wish she would use that choker on me.

>Doesn't have flawless skin
I guess perfection doesn't exist...

Because it need to serve my cock

Next time send us traps instead manlets

she can serve these nuts

Here she is.

post benis

>perfection doesn't exist
That's where you're wrong, kiddo

tattoos kept me out of the corps.

Contextless, contentless one-line questions are not legitimate contribution.


He's got the worst fucking combover. He combs hair from the base of his neck all the way up to his eyebrows and it looks like shit.

5 inch clitoris

Nataly Marz is a fucked up bully who leaks shit out of his ass during every shoot. And he's fuckin ugly.

Tough shit fag. Let your balls drop and maybe one day you'll learn that males are males and that you can admit that you wanna get Hep C and AIDS like the nigger leaf you ought to be.

>men make better women because they try to embody the perfect feminine ideal
>women make better men because they try to be as traditionally manly and butch as possible

>eventually, when the jews win, we will have restored traditional gender roles of manly men and feminine women, but with the genitals swapped

at last i truly see

would not let him pretend to be a woman/10

Seriously, no one should be taking so much dick up their ass. Shit goes from hot to disgusting about 8 inches in

What will she do in the military?

She can serve as a medic or some backline help.

A man

Fuck, it has a dick. Every time.

She can service disabled vets. Me first.


Because "she" should serve on my dick


We're supposed to keep guns out of the hands of mentally ill

That is a woman. XX chromosomes and falling 160 million years of sexual dimorphism

>Kalindra chan

I see you are a man of culture

post feet

No...N-no....That's not a boi, is it?
You must post moar...for research...

That neckline ain't foolin nobody

>meanwhile 80 american soldiers get kys everyday

that perspective is really not flattering... makes the manliness show like crazy

Yeah after they serve and are discharged after being diagnosed with ptsd

From the comments I'm guessing she is a he?

Short answer, she has a congenital neural defect and/or paraphila that causes her intense stress unless she gets regular hormone injections, other people support her delusion, and she may require aesthetic and surgical interventions that will cost the government a lot of money and make her undeployable for months at a time. Even then, she will have dysphoric days and freak out. Per the DOD TG implementation handbook, whatever unit she ends up at will have to remodel their bathroom to provide her privacy (at their own expense) and excuse her from PT standards if her transition makes it PTing too difficult. And anyone who uses the wrong pronoun or outs her as trans will be NJPed or court martialed, even if it's someone without access to her medical or personnel file, and they just noticed the ladydick. And there's a huge probability she will try to kill herself as a civilian, which will only be magnified by the rigors of military life.

So other than being a huge drain on the DOD and VA budgets, being a useless undeployable waste of space who spends more time at community mental health than downrange, being a pariah no one can legally talk to or about, and (worst of all) the very real possibility that she will waste a round of 5.56mm by blowing her brains out, she would make an excellent service member in any of the five branches.

It's almost like.... Only excreted waste from the digestive track was supposed to come out of the rectal orifice and nothing else, let alone anything going in. Hmmmmmmmmmmm.

Because it is a woman. Only a man can be a soldier.

*blocks your path*

Nice/ 10 Desusenpai

She's mentally ill and thus would fail the psych evaluation.

I can see during transitioning to not allow them. It's an involved process and is disruptive. Yet once they've settled, I don't think it's really an issue as long as they can pass the standard military tests.

They probably would do better than I would.

I'll let her serve my cock

trips of truth

because """"""""she"""""""" is in porn

The military is the most stressful career you can have, even when you aren't deployed.
It's not for mentally ill people struggling to not off thenselves

Defeated with pic related

punch that shit in the nuts

I don't want one of my squadmates to suddenly infect us with whatever the fuck he has, because he couldn't get access to a proper, high-quality surgical theatre in a battlezone.

I gotcha leaf

With your chin

burn it

>you seem highly delusional. here, have this select-fire weapon.
Already been stated, but to reiterate, from a medical standpoint he's clearly severely mentally ill. A bevy of other personality disorders and/or psychosis often accompany gender dysphoria. Unit cohesion and moral are negatively affected as well. Also, it's just fucking weird.

>femme chin
>Questionable nose
>Ring finger shorter than index
I'm leaning toward 70% probability of a trap
Still undecided, need more proof

Don't get fake tits like linetrap
Don't get fake tits like linetrap
Don't get fake tits like linetrap

amazing how panzis can look like women these days.


another day on Sup Forums, another trap shilling thread.

What is this feeling i feel!?!?!?! How do you anons deal with this!!?? I NEED YOUR HELP!!!!

Could you imagine what the enemy would do to a tranny captive?
Probably just stove it's head in with rifle butts out of pure disgust


probably rape it first.

good looking lad


>daemons from the warp sent to test your conviction

No they wouldn't, Muslims only rape women.


Because that's a wig.

All trannies wear wigs because they all have male pattern baldness.

I don't know why. Something about the hormones.

What you see is a balding man.

tranny here.
im at work right now.
trump tweet was an empty gesture.

Get to work, you disgusting degenerate. Browse Sup Forums on your own time. When you're on the street corner, you suck dicks like the other whores.

Do you pass?

Mental ill and unfit

Transgender is 'Mental Disorder;' Sex Change 'Biologically Impossible'

Transgender People Face Alarmingly High Risk of Suicide

Transgender Surgery Isn't the Solution

Transgenderism is a Psychiatric Disorder: Its Sufferers Need Therapy, Not Surgery



Kill yourself now and avoid the Christmas rush.

hm, i dont know i am in boymode at work per the dod transition in mil. handbook, which is the standard, not tweets.


the chances of me killing myself are 0 percent. tough stats, huh?

Until deployment

kek which came first the military or the mental illness

Well, it's not like military recruitment tactics target the mentally stable well adjusted people...
I mean...Look in a mirror, friendo. Boymode or girlmode.

Natalie was so top tier in these pictures and those videos that it is just insane. Good lord.

Go back to /k/, Phil.

I hear the afterlife is actually pretty comfy nowadays.

>his dick still falls for bullshots comprised of ideal outfits, angles, lighting makeup and in this case prosthetic tits
What's it like to be this much of a pleb? Look at that fucking bone structure.