I found this whale washed up, its ill as fuck, please diagnose
I found this whale washed up, its ill as fuck, please diagnose
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Fuck her up.
>all whites r wayciss
>gib me monies
Who masturbatin?
saved for later counterintelligence research
look at that fucking whale.
OMFG MAN! Have you no compassion?
>check her blow hole for breathing obstructions
>ensure proper circulation
>contact the National Wildlife Rescue team
>get her back with her natural pod stat
this is common sense, ope'
Obama is racist?
If all whites are racist, it's just the way things are and there's nothing particularly wrong about racism. Sure you want to go down this road?
I heard they are the most dangerous animals in the jungle.
My God she is so sexy. wtf I love black people now.
Brap... smells like fried chicken
At least she is honest. Page one is begging for money.
Anarchists have terribly low standards
less than Half racist
>radical self love
Oh, you mean Satanism?
She's a disgusting traitorous Pig and she's going to jail. That's my standard.
>when da gut so big it hang out under the bottom of the bikini bottoms
>be a low iq sheeboon
>see race hustlers caking off anti-white bigotry
>only be smart enough to say all whites is raycis
>please donate
>we kangz